ForumsGame WalkthroughsAge Of War 2

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Ok so heres my walkthrough for Age of war 2 please tell me if there is something wrong with it.Its only a short walkthrough that wont take much of your time. Oh and medium and easy are the same strategy


Ok as soon as you start age of war 2 on diffuculty easy Upgrade support range twice. Then make 10 slingers your opponent will straight away use meteorite rain if he doesn't then you win. as soon as metiorite rain comes on DONT MAKE ANYTHING. When its finished you should have 1000 money and should be able to make 10 more slingers keep making slingers when 1 of your 10 die and soon you will be at the opponents end attacking them you should have around 1500 spend that on the next upgrade for the support range.then if you get anymore money spend that on the support attacking.If you did something wrong your opponent will upgrade its no worrys all you have to do is upgrade and then use the spear Spartans for the rest of the game (upgrading attack when you have enough money)

Note: dont be scared of powerful things that will smash slingers range is more important then attack


quick and simple just do the same thing as easy most of the time you wont get up to egyptian age but if you do then you have won already since the support there are really awesome

ONLY UPGRADE THESE 3 THINGS during the game and unless these are fully upgraded don't do anything else

support range

support attack

income level (this is Egyptian age if you didn't do all of it the way i said)

Note: for medium i will say that when the egyptians/medieval use their special you should stop making anything at all you have to have enough money make more support even though they are cheap their health is bad and they need to stay in groups of 5+

hard and insane are coming soon

Note: they may be the same strategy

  • 98 Replies
2,765 posts

ok just tested it and IT DOES NOT WORK IN HARD OR INSANE the health is too high for the opponents

oh and if anyone knows how to beat hard or insane and it will work 100% then post it here

20,591 posts

Easy can pretty much be beaten with any strategy.
On hard and insane in the beginning keep the battle within your turret's range (so they get damaged by your turrets as well) until the modern era, then send 10 grenade soldiers, and use your special.

2,765 posts

all you have to remember is the circle and you should be able to win the match its like rock paper scissors

Good Combos:

put these units in this order and you should have a devastating power

back front
â" â"
support,support,support, support,heavy

It works because: heavy beats the infantry and support with its range beats the anti armor

weakness: the same setup on hard will win so you must use a different setup to win

heavy,heavy,anti armor,anti armor

It works because: most heavy units have range and their range is stronger the the supports so it beats the supports and infantry and the anti armor does the rest

Weakness: SUPPORT 10 of them wipe out the anti armor leaving the heavy to triumph luckily you have two heavy so you will be ok


It works because:infantry beats support and can handle a few anti armors too and then heavy uses his range to win against any other heavys,anti armor or support

weakness: full anti armor you might play around with this setup if you want getting support and stuff so you can win


It works because: this is when no sides have any heavy because they didnt get the upgrade this is porbabky the best you can get infantry beats slingers and itself and slingers beat anti armor and itself

Weakness:full infantry will beat this setup which is why you may choose to have anti amror or to get some more support

if you have anymore please tell me

2,765 posts

Easy can pretty much be beaten with any strategy.
On hard and insane in the beginning keep the battle within your turret's range (so they get damaged by your turrets as well) until the modern era, then send 10 grenade soldiers, and use your special.

yeah well i haven't been playing non stop and i don't have much experience in modern age im glad you have it sortered and thanks i'll try that i haven't experimented with turrets yet
2,765 posts

ok i tested our firetails hard tactic now i need to find out what upgrades i should use to make it 100% win

1,614 posts

the easy stratagy worked really well

i beat it like 20 times

2,765 posts

easy is as the name says easy you can beat it with any tactic as long as you know the bonus damage circle

2,765 posts

i finally beat insane (i dont have a walhthrough yet it will be there soon) oh and i finally had enough money to make God's wrath i had everything upgraded to the fullest and i finally had enough money

and then yeah i made it

and then it got utterly destroyed by support

it was really annoying i know it had heaps of health and stuff but you couldn't upgrade it (as in attack and health) and a support did better then it so anyways


1.too expensive

2. if you fully upgrade the anti armor (attack and armor) it will do way better the god's wrath

3. you spend 5000 to just be able to make it

49 posts

I beat hard for the 3rd time.
First I upgrades anti-armor damage by 2, defense by 1, and did the money thing by 1.
Then I just produce anti-armor with some variety of ranged and infantry. I use the specials when I need money or they have a long line of people. Yes they use your xp but they are needed sometimes.

Eventually I get to the 4th stage and produce mages and the armor ones. I build up enough money to finally upgrade anti-armor fully. I also build a turret and put a crossbow there. I nicely placed arrow special and I get money and enough space to have 10 mages into the area. I get a lot of xp and evolve one last time to the 5th stage, I buy the upgrade to build cannons, and then I only build cannons. I have enough money so I can build 10 and as soon as 1 is destroyed by their turret or a person, I build another. Their range is great and the castle will be down in no time. I do have problems with low life at the beginning. Ranged units get the bonus over anti-armor, but in the lower ages I see it as I am just waiting until I can blow them away.

1,562 posts

This game was a big disappointment for me. Its basically just the first Age of War with some flashier graphics, a few new upgrades, and some new, but nothing special ages.

I read Louissi's blog a long while ago (before he changed the layout of his website) and he said he would implement things like barricades, and multiple spawn points so you would have three rows of action going.

Apparently not.

20,591 posts

Steevo, this could just be a beta version.
Anyways, someone post a walkthrough for insane.
They keep owning me in futuristic age! D:

2,765 posts

HARD (insane is coming just wait)

1st evolution

start off by making a egg rifle then just send out 5 Slingers its really weird but guess what the opponent uses its special. It's really annoying at first because you have little money and your exactly at the base and the enemy can hit it but this is good because you have a turret if you have any money just spend them all on club men. club men are the best because you have to unlock any heavy thing to get any bonus damage on them but it i slightly annoying when the speedy Dinos come out but if you just keep making club men you'll be ok. Sadly the price is that the opponent evolves before you.

2nd evolution

this is pretty easy just start off making infantry until he makes heavy (if he doesnt then just keep making infantry and go to the next paragraph) then he will evolve(this will be before you).and you have to make as many anti armor as you can and then use them and sometimes support to beat the armoured guys (massive gold when you beat them) and then as soon as you evolve....

3rd evolution

...start making as many priests as you can priests are probably the best support just keep making them an upgrade income level twice if you have enough (this guves you like heaps from horses) i suggest turning to x2 speed because there is no skill involved in this evolution and if you did it right you will evolve before him but your base will base will be really weak

4th evolution

you should have a MASSIVE amount of money if you did well enough in the 3rd evolution if not then it just gets harder from here in but if you do have money spend it all on damage of anti armor,the armor of anti armor and put your income level up to 3 this evolution you can just make support since they nearly beat infantry and just chip in anything you want its not that hard if you did well enough in the 3rd evolution

5th evolution

this is easy just wait till enough money and buy the upgrade that lets you have the cannon and just make HEAPS of cannons at this point if the enemy is bad then you can get enough money to upgrade the rest of the anti armor damage and armor. If you did everything perfectly and you think you have a chance use the special and let your cannons go forward and win if you dont think you cant then just evolve.

6th evolution

wait till you have enough exp for the special and then just send out 10 grenade guys and use the special and keep making more grenade guys
every time 1 dies

Note: it's bad to evolve to 6th evolution because the opponent gets better turrets

Note:if you do bad in the 3rd evolution its hard to catch up and you may have to go to 6th evolution

Note: if you get to 7th evolution then you did really bad in most of the levels

hope this helped tell me if something is wrong with it

1,562 posts

Steevo, this could just be a beta version.

No, its not, Louissi said on his blog that there would be no beta version.
2,765 posts

No, its not, Louissi said on his blog that there would be no beta version.

there is always colony its basically the same thing except you have air units and upgrades

oh and colony was sort of what i thought would be the futuristic age on age of war 2 i guess we have to wait till age of war 3
20,591 posts

Actually, you can beat insane mode with no turrets, just lots of support units...

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