Since I am a huge fan of music and love to listen, collect and learn about it, I thought it was time for a thread where users can direct their questions to on specific songs that are used in the Flash Games here on Armor Games.
So if you are in search of a song, post it here and I will try to find it for you!
Just state the following data needed for my quest:
- Name of the Flash Game - Part of the Flash Game it was used in (some games have several songs they use) - Any features that might be helpful to me
After I found it, I will post it here for other users to find out about it too and I will contact you personally!
Allright then, first assignment is in the basket! =)
I found out that all of the music used in the game 'Cube Colussus' has been released as an "Original Soundtrack" by the game developer 'Lucidrine Games'. Below is a version of the tracklist on this soundtrack:
This pack includes all of the background music from the game 'Cube Colussus', arranged in their appearing order, from the 'Ingame Version' to a bonus '8-bit Version' (with GXSCC) making it 8 pieces in total!
Here you will find links to download the 'Original Soundtrack' with 'Mediafire', 'Megaupload' and 'Rapidshare'!
IMPORTANT!! Read this Disclaimer and obey it!
You can download, listen, and share the music freely. But please do NOT sell it/take a profit from it. Also, if you want to use one of these musics for your own (non-commercial only) project, please give me credits and (if you donât mind) link back. I spend hours of my time made for each these musics, so please appreciate it. Thank you.
Since there was another question about a certain music/song on one of the games here on Armor Games, I will bump this thread again to make people aware of it.
But only included with the question asked and the answer given to it:
In the thread "Name the music" the following question was stated by "IIXII":
>>> Can someone tell me the name of the music from this. >>> http:/play/5122/asteroid-war >>> Thanks.
The answer was given by "Gantic":
The music used in the game "Asteroids War" is called "Chaoz Airflow" and was made by "ParagonX9".
It can be found on, simply click here.
I need the title music and the actaul game music ( dont do sandbox mode, there is no music on that ). It's really cool music and i'm thinking of using it for my zombie game.
An inbetween update on both requests by DannyDaNinja and Google567:
@ DannyDaNinja: I've made some requests here and there and I'm now waiting for a reply on them. As soon as I get it, I will post it and comment you on it!
@ Google567: I've made some requests, but I'm not sure whether you mean the intro music or music used in the gameplay... I think you mean the intro music, so that's what I requested with the makers of the game. When aswered upon, I will let you know immediately!
The music is available for downloading, but not for free... it's downloadable from the site at a minimum of $ 0.99 USD for the whole package of music used in the game!
Hope this is what you were looking for, it's the best I can do... =D
@ DannyDaNinja and Google567: I'm still looking for your requests, although I have no update on them yet, I can assure you that I'm still working on them! =D
@ DannyDaNinja, update: I've tracked down the developer of a website where the game is hosted. I've asked him to help me find the developer of Killing Grounds to ask for the music. I hope he will help me with it and when I have more news, I will notify you! =D