ForumsGame WalkthroughsChibi Knight help

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2 posts

Hey there,
Can anyone tell me the locations of all the wizards?
Or is this game still in development?

  • 56 Replies
6 posts

on final booss it would be beeter if you had ax so you could chop down tree with bird in it and get helth restore

2,765 posts

WAYYYY too easy and too short i beat it in about half an hour 4 deaths (sadly for the first 20 minutes i just versed random monsters so i ended up with 6 in magic,weapon and armor) well anyways then i just smashed everything easily and won...with 8 level on everything was pretty fun but there were so many ways you could make it longer

1,303 posts

how do i find 100 cords of wood??

Use your axe, that you get from the ship

Guys I can't kill dragon :S i killed canyon boss but dragon is immortal or i can't attack

you need to attack its head
29 posts


Canyon Beast:

Tip/Comment: Leveling up your sword before this fight will make it much easier.

1. Start by climbing the platforms to reach the boss.

2. Notice that he is creating these furry balls that he will use to attack you. Keep slashing him with your sword until he starts creating the third ball.

3. Dodge his tentacles when he tries to hit you, and go to the platform under the platform you stood on when you attacked him. The fireballs he shoots out can't reach you here.

4. Wait until the fireballs stop coming down, and jump up to the platform where you can slash him.

Repeat step 2-4 until he's dead.

Island Beast:

Tip/Comment: Watch out for his head when he comes up from the holes in the ground. Touching his head deals much damage to you.

1. You will start off in the middle of a big platform. Run to one of the edges of it, and wait for the beast to stick his head up. Don't stand too close to the edge.

2. When he comes up, use your magic burst spell, and then jump up and slash his head/throat a few times. When the fireballs he shoots out of his mouth start raining down, run over to the other side of the platform.

That's pretty much it. Repeat step 2 until he's dead.

Red Knight:

Tip/Comment: The key to winning this battle is to manage to get between the knight's axe and the knight himself.

1. This guy is easy. As the battle begins, he will throw his axe at you. Quickly run against him, you should end up being between him and the axe.

2. Start slashing like crazy, until he reaches his axe.

3. Jump over him, and slash his back until he goes down.

Purple Knight:

Tip/Comment: A high-level sword will make this battle easy.

1. Jump up on the platform in the middle of the arena.

2. When he comes spinning towards you, jump over him.

3. When he stops spinning, he will be dizzy for a couple of seconds. Jump down from the platform, watch out for the flames coming out of the ground, and slash him until he regains consciousness.

Repeat step 1-3 until he's dead.

Green Knight:

Tip/Comment: This guy can be tough sometimes. You can't just run up to him and keep slashing until he's dead. You've got to use the rock-spitting statues against him.

1. Jump up on the platform that is close to you.

2. When the statue on this platform spits out a rock, slash it to send it flying towards the boss.

3. When he comes close to you, jump up on the large platform.

4. Jump down to the right to reach another platform with a rock-spitting statue. Slash the rocks with your sword to send them towards the boss.

Repeat step 3-4 until he's dead. (When repeating, replace all 'left' with 'right'

Demon Beast:

Tip/Comment: Time for the last boss. A high-level sword and armor is very helpful. the key to defeating this boss is to stay on the top of the hill after you've destroyed the three orbs.

1. Start by slashing the big yellow orb that is close to you. The boss will spit fireballs all over the arena, so watch out.

2. When the orb is broken, run over to the other side of the arena.

3. Destroy the orb that is here too.

4. It's time to climb the stairs and reach the top of the hill in the middle of this arena. Watch out for those fireballs.

5. Smash the last orb to pieces, and get ready to fight the Demon Beast himself.

6. Stay on top of the hill, and slash the bosses eye whenever he comes close. Save your magic for the healing spell.

7. If you managed to slash his eye enough to make his body dissappear, only leaving his eye behind, you can take a breath of relief. All you have to do now is to jump down to where his eye landed, and smash it until the Demon Beast finally dies.

Congratulations! You have just beaten Chibi Knight!

68 posts

I updated the game so the final boss gives you xp and your xp is stored between plays so you can continue leveling up after beating the game. I also fixed the bugs with not being able to get everything up to lvl 8 if you skip levels. I also added a quality toggle on the pause menu... Oh and final boss is a bit harder now

29 posts

BoMToons, are you planning on making a sequel?

68 posts

I hadn't really thought about it, but the response has been so huge to this one, I might consider it...maybe...ask me in a few weeks when I'm not revulsed by the sight of flash.

3 posts

its a fun game but the last guy sucks

1 posts

how to walk on to the pot

29 posts

The pot on the second floor of the tower with the tree knights? Just walk straight up to it.

3 posts

Yay!! I like your improvement to the final boss :-)

29 posts

The easiest way to level up in this game is to start by going to the bridge before the Canyon Beast. Kill all the enemies at the bridge over and over again, and level up your magic and armor. Do not level up your sword!

Then, easily kill the Canyon Beast and the Island Beast, your magic will kill them in seconds. Use any exp you gain to level up your magic and armor, but do not level up your sword.

Head for the Dungeon of the Three Knights, and find one of those big purple enemies. Now, if you haven't leveled up your sword, these guys should take over 100 slashes to kill. That's a combo of 100 slashes. In this game, you gain bonus exp for each combo slash that touches a enemy. The higher the amount of slashes you can hit the enemy in a row, the more bonus exp you get for each slash. when you stop slashing, the combo counter, and the bonus exp, will go back to 0.

It goes like this: 10 combo slashes: 1 bonus exp per slash
20 combo slashes: 2 bonus exp per slash
30 combo slashes: 3 bonus exp per slash


So, with your level 1 sword, you will be able to get a combo of over 100 slashes. (At 100, the combo counter says you have 10 combo hits, but it keeps giving you bonus exp.)
After about 50 combo slashes, you will start gainig a lot of bonus exp, use this exp to level up your magic and your armor to level 8, then level up your sword.

8 posts

i have finished this up to 2 times easy only weapons i m level uping...

8 posts

i have finished it again

29 posts

If you upgrade your magic to a high level every boss will become easy.

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