ForumsArt, Music, and WritingTerza Rima Contest: Theme - Depression (Page 20) Rules on Page 19

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What is it?

Terza Rima is a type of poetry consisting of 10 or 11 syllable lines arranged in three-line.


Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley

O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,
Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing

So here are the rules:

~Terza Rima's must be completely Original which means no Plagiarizing.
~There can only be 1 submission per user
~The same user is not able to win twice in a row
~Even if the same user who won can't win.. doesn't mean they can't enter
~Must be submitted before the actual deadline for the contest
~It has to fit the theme

This will always last 1 week.

The deadline is February 27th and most Contests will start on the weekend.

This weeks Theme is The Desert and I am still in the process of asking for a merit to the winners.

Have fun making Terza Rima's Lol.

By the way.. I'm looking for Judges. ;D
  • 222 Replies
3,660 posts

Yeah.. xD

It has to be aba.. Like 3 line..

Like let's say each verse is 3 lines?? Makes sense xD?

4,220 posts

Tanks Parsat

Epic typo.

Cutting throats on the field of battle
Murdering the entire opposition
All that is left is their rotting corpses
Masterful generals command all I see
Soon is the hour for which all will die
Our only reasons are of politics

I'm bad at extended syllable counts.
3,660 posts

Epic typo.

And that's why I corrected myself

Orion Your poem has to go with a rhyme scheme.. which is

aba bcb cdc etc//

Try and look at Parsat's for an example or something Lol.
3,660 posts

Thank you guys.. this seems to be getting a bit more popular.. I will try and get a merit again soon.

Also.. Just saying there's 2 days left. :P

1,026 posts

Were and care rhyme toghether...
Or not?

3,660 posts

They don't Lol.

Unless you say where.. Which you didn't xD You said as if like a past tense form of that Lol.. Idk how to explain it.. but it doesn't rhyme it's pretty easy to fix though >.<

552 posts

Is there a prize yet? Like, a merity sort of prize?

1,026 posts

I guess you're right.
It's not easy to assemble poetry in english, you know?
You know, I am Italian...
So redo from start:
Both in the trench, like brothers fought there
Knee deep in the mud, both fighting the war
The rich and the poor, the maggots don't care

4,220 posts

Oh, didn't see the rhyme scheme part. My bad.

Blood is flowing on our forsaken lands
We are soon to suffer a fiery doom
War is driven on by our oil sands
Near is the end for the forgotten man
Barking orders which we follow til death
We all shall die, for the end has began

3,660 posts

Is there a prize yet? Like, a merity sort of prize?

No not yet.. I'm waiting for the acceptance of it.

You know, I am Italian...

No I did not ;o.. Sorry xD Has to be right though, right? Also funny how you added The Rich and The Poor into there.. since that was last theme.. Ironic..

Anyways Guy I have to do the judging ''today'' cause It's a bit late and I was busy ''yesterday'' since it's 12:20 am right now.. xD But anyways I'll do it later ''today'' after school.
3,660 posts

Honorable Mentions!

The Basic War Scheme Award! ~ Teeheegirl123

They always tell me, "Have courage, be brave"
Underneath, they're just as scared as I am.
But I'll fight if it's my country that I'll save.

It was a good poem.. Though a bit too basic, everyone knows that war is usually done to protect their own countries.. and courageousness and braveness is always thought out through war...

I wanted something a bit more spicy and creative you know what I mean. But none the less it was a good poem.

The Satanic (jk) Award ~ marioman327

Emotions become a sporadic affair
The Great Satan's power washes the lands with
Oceans of blood, and we don't give a care

The award is misleading I know.. But I couldn't figure out any other name for the award.. that's all that popped into my head. Anyways, the poem was really good. But for me.. not good enough, I love how you added The Great Satan in there, but that isn't enough to get you into top 4 xD Better luck next time!


The Not Emotional Enough Award ~ Freakenstein

Trenches deep, clouds choked black, and mortars shot cries,
Death will skim the boundaries for his next soul.
History; written by those that do not die.

This one almost got into top 4, but it just didn't quite fit in. For some reason not much thought was put into it I don't know.. It wasn't deep enough.. it was good though. Try again next time.. and put more thought into it! ;D

4th ~ Bronze ~ WexMajor82

Both in the trench, like brothers fought there
Knee deep in the mud, both fighting the war
The rich and the poor, the maggots don't care

Loved your very simple, but if looked into, complicated poem. I also love the last line.. how you added the last theme name into this which is ironic.. cause rich and poor in war.. nobody cares. Nice Job keep up the good work.

3rd ~ Iron ~ EnterOrion

Blood is flowing on our forsaken lands
We are soon to suffer a fiery doom
War is driven on by our oil sands
Near is the end for the forgotten man
Barking orders which we follow til death
We all shall die, for the end has began

It is really detailed.. It explains a lot about war, and how it's run. Love your first line.. How it starts out, just blood. There has to be blood in war if not there then what is war? Anyways, Good Job!

2nd ~ Gold ~ Kyouzou

Hades and Ares cackle in glee, war is near
The screams of the wounded ring through the air
One general shall visit the fabled seer

Loved this one.. It was simple but not only that.. it was different from the rest.. you used Greek gods, I love Greek mythology and I was hoping for more people to put in some of it but I guess you were the only one, Awesome!

1st ~ Platinum ~ Parsat!

Shall I compare thee to a bloody day
When all the rivers run their courses dry:
The time when darkest forces hold their sway
Upon the earth. Men wish that they would die
A quick and painless death when retribution
Passes with a scream by their very eye.
Truly, for the wicked no restitution
Shall be found in that very last of days
Come upon us -- The Age of Revolution.

Absolutely loved it.. it really brought me in just from the first line. It really explains how some of War is. You explain and detail your poems so much that they become outstanding.. Also, I loved your finished.. ''The Age of Revolution'' it's as if you completely knocked it off with that.. This is why you get 1st place :]

Okay! We are done with the War Theme. Anyways I'm still trying to get that Merit.. I think It'll soon be available for winners

Next Theme: Astronomy

Deadline: Monday March 22nd At 6PM Ag time.

The Theme can be anything having to do with astronomy, planets, stars, etc. Be creative! Also, don't forget that you can make the poem longer guys.. it doesn't have to be just 3 lines. As long as it follows format xD

2,180 posts

sourwhatup: Thanks for the judging. Do you think that merits will be able to apply for past winners when it comes (me, Jdogg, and Moat)?

3,660 posts

Maybe.. I'll ask I don't know yet.

Once They give merits out though.. Then I'll ask.

164 posts

I'm not very good at this.
I'll try and enter something more emotional and creative.
Ummm..... I got an idea! But first I gotta make up the poem!

3,660 posts

I'm not very good at this.
I'll try and enter something more emotional and creative.
Ummm..... I got an idea! But first I gotta make up the poem!

Yeah I hope you do.. good thing your taking your time on it ;D
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