ForumsGame WalkthroughsColony Tips

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I got some great Techniques for Colony. I will show you both in step by step.

Infinite Romans:
[Set to Fascists]
1. Build a Bank
2. Build a Forge (Don't build units yet!)
3. Build a Generator (Making energy)
4. Build another Generator (Making energy)
5. Upgrade both Generators
6. Collect At least $90 from Bank
7. Destroy Bank
8. Build another Generator and upgrade it (Making energy)
9. INFINITE ROMANS! (Deploy Romans from Forge)

Infinite Marines:
[Set to Communists]
1. Build a Bank
2. Build a Outpost (Don't build units yet!)
3. Build an Armory (Set to "Plan Financial Support&quot
4. Build another Armory (Set both Armories to "Planning Reinforcements&quot
5. INFINITE MARINES! (Deploy Marines from Outpost)

If you got any question about these techniques, ask away!
I may post some more techniques so yeah... you can post some two!

  • 63 Replies
16 posts

No problem. My pleasure.

16 posts

So basically there is no "right" way to play colony or a "best" way to play colony (unless you are a glitching/hacking noob) because of the many different ways you could win, or lose. But the tips I posted on page 6 were just what I would do, not what you have to do, and it is probably not the "best" way to win in colony.

37 posts

i disagree with all of your infinity soldier tricks because they will never make you win as phantoms cant attack air and i don't think Romans can either. my strategy is to always keep every building occupied like forges set to creating energy when im not spawning units. and never to build armorys and special opps (they take to much space time and resources to build) just stick with your primary units like scouts chronite tanks phantoms ext. try not to to keep your units in groups when they have splash damage weapons. so rally point for 5 or so scouts then release and send them for attack and just keep doing that. DO NOT RUSH if the other team is rushing your buddy or base defence is bound to hold them off so if you do rush your just wasting resources. my personal line up would be:
3)spawn some scouts on rally point for protection(remember to set the forge to generating energy after you've spawned them
5)upgrade generator
6)spawn non rally point scouts (they would probably be attacking now if not rushing)
7) build outpost
8)spawn a mixture of tanks and marines (afterwards make sure to set outpost to make manpower
9)upgrade forge
10) make romans scouts phantoms and tanks till they die
11) if all else fails rally point all and make an army of you and your buddy's soldiers then attack when they attack otherwise they will destroy all of your soldiers with splash damage.

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