ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHere's a story for you.

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This is a left 4 dead fanfic, I've been playing it a lot lately and decided it would be cool to write a story based off my favorite games. I hope everyone likes it, feel free to comment on it good or bad just please try not to bash it. The first parts a bit long. You can't claim this as your own work.

Spring was coming but where spring was a supposed bringing of new life it was replaced by the bringing of disease and death. There had been talk on news and radio stations all over the world of a new infectious disease. One with an unknown origin or cure. It seemed to be contained at the moment but what would come next would leave the world devoid of most life and what life still remained would be caught in a never ending battle of survival.

Chapter One: The Beginning of the End.

Darrell Winshaw looked down the road ahead, his small home town of Finlay was coming into view against the endless line of trees the sun was quite visible above them. He looked down at the digital clock its green letters reading exactly three thirty five. It had been a long trip and though his face and body were young; his mind and body were tired and in his eyes you could see worry. It had been three days since talk of the infection had begun, during that time Darrell, known to his friends as Shaw, had gone on an extended weekend hunting trip. Shaw owning the only gun shop in town was worried that in all the scare this infection was causing and his absence from the shop that the locals might have broken in and stolen his valuable merchandise. He slowed his speed as he passed the city limits sign scanning the buildings on the main strip of town as he drove by them. Everything seemed to be normal the parking spaces outside of the towns only diner was full as usual. He gave a sigh of relief as he pulled his truck into the lot of his shop to see that no windows had been broken and there was no visible sign of forced entry. He got out of his truck and went over to the main door unlocking it, as he stepped inside he switched the sign from closed to open flipping on the lights as he walked back behind the counter taking his jacket off. For though it was spring today had been much colder than usual.

Not ten minutes later the bell rang signaling a customer had entered. "How can I be of service to you Mr. Daily?" Shaw was standing behind the counter arms folded across his chest. Mr. Daily was an older man, Shaw wasn't entirely sure of his age but he figured somewhere in his late fifties. A country boy from birth and a retired Vietnam War veteran Mr. Daily was a kind man who loved to hunt and tell people about his battles in Vietnam. "I need me a weapon Shaw, I know I already got me one but with this zombie apocalypse and everythin I'm gunna need me a bigger one." "Zombie Apocalypse? Shaw raised an eyebrow. What makes you think thats what their talking about on the news?" Daily walked through the small gun shop, examining every last firearm. "Well I seen my grandson playin these things you all call video games. And this sounds exactly like one of them damn games, it's all fallin into place you see. He picked up a rifle and pointed it out the window looking through its scope. First they say its under control, just to keep everyone from panicken . The next thing ya know you got yourself some zombies chasin ya around tryin to eat ya alive." Shaw laughed. " I know you thinkin old Daily is crazy, everybody I done told that to look at me an laugh like I'm some kinda dumby. But we'll see whos laughin when you get your head bit off by one a them there zombies." Daily sat a pistol and the rifle he'd been looking through down on the counter. Shaw rang up the price tags. "If this is a zombie apocalypse or whatever you called it then I guess I'm set. Because I got all the guns I need right here. Daily laughed now, "you is the fool Shaw thinkin you can fight them zombies off here. You don't stand a chance, I don't care how many guns you got there ain't no way to stay alive here they will git you in a coupla days." "Where are you going to go Daily, if your right that is?" Daily picked the pistol up, sliding it into a holster concealed under his camouflage jacket. Picking up the rifle, "Well since I is right, and you is wrong I'm goin towards the east coast, gunna get me a boat. I'm takin a fishin pole and a lot of canned food. When I get that boat I'm gunna sit on the ocean till all the damn zombies is dead or I'm starvin." Shaw smiled, "You are crazy, just don't shoot any people that aren't zombies. I don't want to get blamed for giving you a weapon when I knew you were messed up in the head.." Daily took his guns and headed for the door. Pausing and looking back one last time at Shaw. "If you need my help you'll know where to find me. Hopefully I'll see you again and lets hope your not one a them." The bell rang, as he opened the door and disappeared around the corner of the building. It sounded again as the door shut.

Shaw stood arms folded shaking his head, that man has lost it he thought. But for some reason Shaw found himself reaching for the magnum he had taped to the underside of the counter, hidden from even his view. He went over to the radio sitting on the empty book shelf wiping the dust from the top of it; turning the radio on he spun the dial searching for some sign as to what was going on. The first three stations were nearly silent, only the static sound could be heard. Next had a country song playing that he knew the words to but couldn't remember the name of. But the next was what he was looking for. A man was speaking, he was in the middle of a sentence. "to remain calm. Keep yourself away from anyone you suspect to be infected and anyone who is infected. Remain indoors at all cost, for the cause of this infection is unknown. Please follow these instructions and tune in for further updates on the situation. What if Daily is right? Shaw asked himself as he unlocked and opened the door to the shop basement. He pulled the cord on the overhead light, it was weak but it served its purpose. This is where he kept his real weapons. The wall opposite the stairs had a couple machine guns mounted upon it. He grabbed the M16 slinging it over his shoulder adjusting the strap until it sat about waist high. Then he picked up an uzi slinging it over his should it fell about waist high on his right side. He was praying that Daily was wrong about this apocalypse as he pulled the light off and headed back upstairs in the dark.

  • 29 Replies
120 posts

A large muscle bound creature was running through the street throwing cars, and knocking down street lights.

Nice description of the tank my friend.
4,689 posts

Nice job with this one too. The ending kinda reminds me of the last stand.

120 posts

Are you going to post a new chapter soon? I want to see how Shaw and Jimmy take on the tank.

66 posts

Sorry everyone I've been busy lately, haven't had time to post anything new. The next chapter should be ready tonight sometime.

66 posts

Ok, so I'm out of inspiration on this story so I apologize if it is worse than it already was.

Chapter 7: Oh Lucky Day.

The big muscled man smashed into the door sending Shaw flying off the cabinet top. Jimmy helped him to his feet and the two men stood ready to die as the monster began his relentless attack. It ripped the door off its hinges and Shaw knew it was over. He looked over at Jimmy just in time to see him pull the pin out of a grenade. He tossed it against the opposite wall of where the monster was. Both men jumped down behind a gun cabinet as the grenade went off sending shrapnel in all directions. Shaw got to his feet and saw a hole in the concrete wall, but it didn't look big enough for them to fit through. The monster had broken through the barricade and was now in the gun shop. Shaw didn't waste any more time he grabbed Jimmy, who stood frozen to the spot and pushed him through the hole. Jimmy just fit, seeing that Shaw knew he wouldn't make it. He could here Jimmy on the other side yelling for him to hurry. "Get out of here Jimmy, find a safe place to hide." If jimmy responded Shaw didn't hear it. He turned to face the beast before him, it charged him slamming him against the wall before a shot was fired. It picked him up and began smashing him against the ground. Shaw knowing he was going to die began to fire. The creature screamed in pain and tossed him into a gun case.

Jimmy could hear the big thing beating Shaw to death, but wasn't sure what to do. It seemed all the zombies had vanished for the time being and he didn't have the fire power to take it down. Suddenly the wall he'd just come through blew apart sending concrete pieces and dust flying everywhere. Jimmy could still hear the roars of the monster, he raised his rifle ready to fire at it if it came after him. Instead Shaw came running out, "Run Jimmy, we don't have much time!" From what Jimmy could tell they were in a back alley outside the gun shop but they weren't there for long. Shaw who was limping badly was still out running him. And soon they were running down main street again. The big muscle man came bursting out the front of the gun shop, dead on their tails. They'd made it half way down the street when a rocket came soaring over their heads. It hit the muscle man directly, scattering blood and body parts all over the place. The explosion sent Jimmy and Shaw to the ground. They got up quickly ready to fight the beast again. But nothing was left of it, except for an arm and a piece of its chest. At least thats what it looked like to Jimmy.

Shaw was hurting, and could barely walk now. His legs gave out on him but a pair of graceful arms caught him, holding him up. Jimmy helped him over to the curb where he sat and looked at the person who'd caught him. The girl stood just shy of six foot and her dark brown hair was tied back in a pony tail. She had a nice figure, or at least Shaw thought she did. And she wore jeans, boots, and a black t-shirt. Shaw spoke wincing at the pain, "Well it seems today we've gotten lucky."

3,386 posts

I like it. I just read through all of it, and it is pretty good. Just make sure you space out your paragraphs
This is by far the best Zombie story I have read on this site. Keep it up.

66 posts

Here is chapter 8 I hope you like it.

Chapter 8: Two and a Half Left.

Shaw discovered that the girl who'd saved his and Jimmy's lives went by the name of Maria Salvador. Though Jimmy started calling her Lucky. She was twenty one years old, born and raised in California. The only reason she was in Harrisburg was because her grandma had died of some flu virus. But she quickly discovered her grandma hadn't died when she climbed out of her casket and ripperd out one of her cousins throats. Fortunatly for Maria she'd been part of the Los Angeles Police Department and knew how to use a gun pretty well.

Now the three companions were heading toward the east coast in search of Daily and his boat. After Jimmy hot wired a car for them. One of his many illegal talents, the three sped away from Harrisburg. Fearing that more zombies would be heading their way. It was 2:12 p.m. and they'd been driving for several hours without firing a single shot. But the peace and quiet ended near a farm house along the road, several zombies came screaming down the road after their car as they drove by it. Jimmy sitting in the back seat with his rifle popped off a few rounds killing them all. Thats when it got bad, from every direction the zombies came as if awakened by the sounds of gunfire. Maria who was driving picked up speed while Shaw and Jimmy fired out at the horde.

They travelled like this for nearly five miles, killing anything that moved. The attack seemed to be over, Shaw killed the last of the zombies as far as he could see and began to relax. When suddenly a large scream shattered the newly formed silence. A tongue shot threw the shattered windshield, constricting itself around Maria's neck. Shaw pulled out his knife and began to cut at it. Jimmy tried to get a shot on the monster but Shaw was in the way. The car swerved off the road and smashed into a deep ditch on the left. Jimmy being the only one concious climbed out the back window. He was standing in the road when a very fat blob with legs came at him from across the road. It made groaning noises and when it got close Jimmy swore he saw it try and kill itself. Stabbing its sharp thumbs into its fat belly it exploded sending a vomit like substance everywhere. Jimmy jumped into the ditch trying to avoid the blast but a little of the vomit got on his neck and started burning his skin. He recognized the sound of zombies coming his direction and got ready. Five of them jumped down into the ditch he killed four of them but the other got to him biting him on the arm as he stabbed it in the head with a knife Shaw had given him. He took a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around the wound trying to stop the bleeding. He had been sitting there for quite some time when he started getting the urge to eat flesh. What was wrong with him he asked himself as Shaw finally came to his senses and climbed out of the car.

4,005 posts

I just found this story and it's great. You definitely have a talent for writing. Keep it up and I'm looking forward to more chapters.

66 posts

Here is the next chapter I know it is very short but I feel you are more likely to continue reading if the chapters are short and sweet. I hope you like it.

Chapter 9: So Long Jimmy.[/b]

Shaw climbed out of the demolished car to find Jimmy staring up at him with hungry eyes. "Shaw, somethings wrong I...I.....ahhhhhgggg." Jimmy's head sank back, Shaw knew what had happened when he saw the torn cloth tied around Jimmy's arm. And knowing what was going to happen next Shaw made sure he had a few bullets left in his magazine. Suddenly Jimmy's head jerked up, and his cold dead eyes met Shaw's. He screamed like all the other zombies. Shaw didn't waste any time he pulled the trigger before Jimmy could stand. Sending blood and brains everywhere. Shaw then walked over to Jimmy's body and picked up his rifle and all the ammo he could find. Tears blurred his vision as he walked back to the car. Lucky was still alive, her leg was broken and her head bruised but she was still alive. But Shaw knew as he looked at her broken body she'd slow him down to a point of risking his own life. She began to sigh and moan, she was about to wake up. When she did Shaw helped her out of the car. Being careful not to mover her head to much. "Where's Jimmy?" She asked him without looking up. Shaw sighed heavily and felt the tears returning. "I had to kill him Maria. He was bitten by a zombie and turned on me." Shaw could feel her heart stop beating. For Maria had become very fond of Jimmy in the short time they'd known eachother. She looked down at her leg, and then up at Shaw. She too began to cry but not for the loss of Jimmy. She cried because she knew that she'd have to stay behind. "You'd better get moving Shaw. It is going to be dark in a few hours. You know thats when the real bull shit starts. You have to find shelter." Shaw sat down next to her and looked up at the stars. "I'm not leaving you behind. You are the only friend I have left I can't just let you die here." Her face turned red with anger. "If you take me with you then you wish to die with me. Without me you at least have a chance to survive." Shaw though what she was saying was true got to his feet and picker her up. Throwing her arm over his shoulder so he could support her weight. "I'd rather us die together." She looked at him and smiled. "You are more of a dumb ass then I thought." And the two climbed up out of the ditch, heading east away from the setting sun.

66 posts

The next chapter is here, I hope you like it.

Chapter 10: Salvation.

The large buildings of a huge city could be seen in the distance ahead. The full moon cast a taunting light upon them and Shaw felt very intimidated as he carried Maria toward it. She had passed out from exhaustion a few hours ago and she was starting to get awefully heavy. Shaw couldn't remember the last time he'd slept, all that he could remember was the nonstop carnage. The zombies were relentless coming in wave after wave of endless hunger. Shaw had lost count of how many he'd killed and wasn't in the mood for any more. The road ahead was empty, the moon allowed him to see far ahead though.

He'd walked another hundred yards when his vision started failing him. His legs became heavy and he could barely drag himself any farther. He was so tired that he didn't notice the two lights speeding toward him. Shaw fell to the ground from exhaustion and did not wake for many hours.

Maria woke up lying in a hospital bed. Her head hurt terribly and she could barely move it. She heard someone enter the room, a dark skinned man entered the room looking down at her with thoughtful eyes. "Ah ah ah, don't move your head. You've got a minor concussion and I do not want you making it any worse." Maria started to protest but she got the feeling she was safe here. The doctor, seeing the pain on her face stepped back from the bed. Maria could hear him open a cabinet and the sound of a pill bottle being opened. But she could not see him, her neck was so soar she refrained from turning to look. He came back with a glass of water and two small pills. "Here let me help you sit up." He sat the glass of water and the pills down on a small metal table. And gently put his hand on the back of her head. The other he placed under her arm. Slowly Maria sat up wincing with pain at each movement. When she was up and able to hold herself there the doctor handed her the water and the medicine. "It will help you with the pain and make sleeping easier for you as well." He said smiling. He turned and started to walk out the door. "Doctor", Maria spoke softly. He turned and looked at her again smiling. "Where is Shaw?" The doctor looked at her raising an eyebrow. "Shaw I'm afraid I don't know any Shaw. And then realizing what she meant....... "Oh the young man that was found with you?" Maria nodded as best she could stopping when it started to hurt. "He is still sleeping, from what I could tell he was very exhausted." Maria smiled, Shaw was alive he had saved her. "Well I'll let you rest now, good night push the button on the side of your bed if you need me." And the doctor left Maria to herself. She started to look around the room. Well she tried as best she could. It was small and made of rough dirty metal, the ceiling was made of dirt. Maria looked out into the hall, the walls were metal and metal bracers ran across the dirt ceiling. From what she could tell they were under ground. A few people were walking up and down the hall, checking in on the patients in the other rooms she assumed. She noticed just above the door frame there was a small sign that read Salvation Hosp oom 7. Parts of the sign were scraped off but she knew what it said. She laid back down on the soft pillow of her bed as her eyes began to shut. Hopefully Salvation would still be here when she opened her eyes again.

807 posts

my names jimmy

231 posts

this is really good..i just read it all and its a very good story..your a talented writer. i think you could continue this story? id like to read about how they stop the infection

16,587 posts

Alright, next time, every dialog should have it's own line, and your paragraphs are too long, when you get to a different topic make a new paragraph.


Legend was crawling up the hill, he reached the top sweating and relieved.
"Darn'it Legend!" Said knight angrily. "Your slowing us down, hurry up!"

There, something like that.

207 posts

Awesome zombie story! You're definitely a great writer, congratulations! =)

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