Honestly, what I think would make this site better would be to have a better way of communication. Ideas include a private message type system and some notification system. For the private message system; I think this would be helpful to a lot of people for better communication, that instead of having to check your profile comments, that there be a link or such by a person's username bar. This link would go to the persons private messages, instead of looking back at comments. Notification system might work best for like a forums notification so that people don't have to go searching for their forums and see if someone posted.
that there be a link or such by a person's username bar. This link would go to the persons private messages, instead of looking back at comments.
I don't see how this would benefit anyone. Wouldn't it be nothing more than an extra link?
people don't have to go searching for their forums and see if someone posted.
If someone has posted on your thread, it doesn't take much effort at all to click on a few links just to get to your thread. Again, it would just be another extra feature that we wouldn't really need.
And here I thought it was the lack of update in the help section and the outdated stickies (that would do so much better as a separate side for greater help), and it is just messenger systems. Let's take it like this: AG is not a chat service. The comments is just that, they should not be used to have long conversations in, you could do that just fine with a regular messaging system, and if it is a problem to know when someone has messaged you, you are probably using it for conversations.
I don't see how this would benefit anyone. Wouldn't it be nothing more than an extra link?
If someone has posted on your thread, it doesn't take much effort at all to click on a few links just to get to your thread
Ernie, a link to a PM is no less than the link to your profile comments.
I would personally want to just scrap the profile comments altogether and just make a PM system to replace it. That way, your profile comments STAY being profile comments and not being "ublic comments" where everyone can be a nosy Pinocchio everyday
The problem for the thread-finding-problem is solved quite easily... you only need to put a link to the thread in question in your profile's 'about'! This way you can redirect immediately from your profile page to the thread in question! *waves his wand* ...swoooooosh... Wow! I believe it's magic! =D
And to reply to the 'link-besides-name' issue... that's already in place, or am I the only one that clicks a user's name to go to his/her profile?! *raises eyebrow* Why introduce yet another linky-name-thingy-watchamacallit? No need for that...