Welcome to the new Draw that Pokemon!
The old thread was getting quite long, and burdened by Estel decided to make it MS Paint only. We eventually made it all art programs, however it then made the title verrrryyy lonnngggg.
So, this is the brand new fresh clean wiped clear thread, with some ubertastic new rules (basically same as last time)!
The pictures must be somehow related to the theme, which is a Pokemon, and must conist mainly of that one. Other pokemon can be included, however it will be the theme pokemon that will be judged.
The pictures must be appropriate, so no Pokefurryness or I herd yu liek mudkipz graphic references.
The prize at the end of each round will be to pick the theme of the next round. There will be no merit prize unless otherwise stated.
Any art program may be used.
Lineart is accepted, as long as it is clearly different to the original drawing. It may be helpful to link to the reference image. However, on this note, entries that are more original and different to the common poses may be likely to do better at judging. BE ORIGINAL!
Please do not copy the drawings of anyone else, as this is plaugerism and is ILLEGAL! If you do so you will be immediately disqualified and futher action may be taken by the Mods. However, if you believe that a picture is copied, please do not make a fuss of it in the thread - instead post a comment on either my profile, Cenere's or Zophia's (as they are the two moderators who frequent this contest most).
Please do not bug the judge about when the judging will be, as this is extremely annoying - and it will turn up eventually, but you must remember that judges do have lives...
If the winner of the previous contest does not post a new theme within FOUR days, then a new one will be chosen by the judge.
Already Used Pokemon:
This is a list of all the pokemon which have been used in this contest before.
Don't worry everyone...my Runescape members ran out yesterday...so I'll be procrastinating homework by coming on AG a lot more...so yea, judging will be soon...er than you think!
Hello everybody! I'm Zega. You might remember me from such threads as "Zega's Magial Music", and "Draw that Fakemon!". Ryan wanted me to judge this round since he is busy with stuff and things, and words, and more stuff, and so, I shall judge the entries you people posted on this contest, mmmyes. Due to my lack of being-able-to-judge, this will probably be the most crappy judging of all time. Anywho, without further adoo (c wat i did dere no u didnt u no slowpoke), let's get to it!
Champion's Exhibit - Zega So frikin' chikin' awesome no questions asked. Would've won if I didn't win last time. THANKS RULES!
First Place - miniman Me likey this one. You did a great job on this one, miniman. The fur looks realistic (to me), and the Piloswine looks so cute and innocent! The only improvement you could use is add a background. A subtle one, at that. Great job! I also like the little .gif you gave us of how you made it. You shall have the honor of choosing the next xXpohkermawnzorzXx.
Second Place - King Lemon I'm going to be honest with you, this drawing is frikin' chikin awesome. Something I really like about this picture is the trail that the swine leaves when it's going all leeroy or something, and it just looks so cool! UGH! YEAH! TOTALLY RADICAL! I like the shading of the little lump of snow near the Pillowpig. Adding color doesn't really fit this amazing picture. Awesome job! Almost 1st place! Keep it up!
Third Place - Cenere (click for bigger version) Aaaaalmost got 2nd place. When I first saw this image (the small version), I thought that the Piloswine was taking a dump... I don't really know what to say about this. It's great. I like the rare overview of the Pokemon. That's not exactly generic. Good job once again, Cenere!
The rest... Do you like waffles? Yes, I do like waffles good sir. Mmmmmmmmyes.
The 'Least but not Last' Award - Ryan It's a good entry. The only odd thing I see about it is that it doesn't have a snout. Otherwise, very funny and awesome. =)
The 'Simplicity Swine' Award - Zorvaz You did a good job on this, for a paintjob. You could've polished it a little by putting some color on the left right- I mean bottom left corner of the drawing(, jeez, too tired. <.< Can't type...). Also, maybe some shading. I see a little bit of shading on one of the hog's teeth- I mean tusks. Overall, a nice entry.
Done with judging, now to go see if there's any candy left...
DARN! it's the attempt at tree's in the background...I KNEW IT! Lol well sweetness, there were some good entries, i thought for sure Cenere was going to win!=P (at least over miniman! haha) oh well can't wait for next theme!!