ForumsGame WalkthroughsChaos faction 2 Walkthrough

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17 posts

I was looking around for a Chaos Faction 2 walkthrough on google and I didn't find one so I put this up. Comment with questions etc. Enjoy

1. Kapow(5pts) - Hit someone with a full-powered wind-up punch - Tap, release, then hold Z to charge up. Release Z again to hit the target

2. Zero Gravity(5pts) - Go offscreen and recover - Jump off the screen as far as possible and then use the teleport gun

3. Shopper(5pts) - Collect 20 crates in one match - just runaround like hell to awoid enemies and pick up all crates you can see

4. Recycler(10pts) - Kill someone with a dropped weapon - Drop your weapon with D, pick it up, then shoot your enemy.

5. Anger Managment(10pts) - Make 5 KO's with rage attacks in one match - Start a death match with one player against you on low difficulity and with many lives. Hit him 5 times to get rage.

6. Kill it with fire(10pts) - Burn someone to a crisp - Kill someone with a flamethrower

7. Architect(10pts) - Make an awesome level in the level editor and play a match on it - No need to explain the description says it all

8. Immortal(25pts) - Don't lose any lives in a campaign challenge - Play a easy map like Scaffold Scuffle and take it easy

9. Pacifist(25pts) - Complete a campaignchallenge without harming anybody - Lava Palaver would be with level to acheive this, just run away from all the badies.

10. Up and away(25pts) - Knock someone into the statosphere
(Hint: 2x damage = 2x height) - Let us take advantage of the hint: Go to deathmatch MORE OPTIONS enable 2x damage and rage mode play chaos tower jump abit, attack and they will fly away to the staosphere

11. Lift off!(25pts) - Knock someone into space - See 10

12. Veteran(10pts) - Play 10 deathmatch games - Not much to explain just play ten death matches.

13. Take the plunge(25pts) - Hold the plunger for 15 seconds in a row(not on a custom level, and P2 not keyboard 2) - Set the deatmatch to Plunger match, Enemies to n00b, the map Mansion melee take the plunger and runthrough the gates back and forth untill it has passed 15 seconds

14. Survivor(50pts) - Get a score of 10,000 or higher in survival mode - 10,000 score = about 10 K.O. in survival. Play like a god and that will be achieved.

15. Magic Number(10pts) - Get a 3x multikill - see 17

16. 4 on the floor(25pts) - Get a 4x multikill - see 17

17. Fantastic 5(50pts) - Get a 5x multikill - Enable ragemode in more options play a six player mode make the teams all against you, set the enemy diffuculity to n00b and hit them.

18. Zoned Out(25pts) - Complete all campaign challenges in zone 1

19. In the zone(50pts) - Complete all campaign challenges in zone 2

20. Chaos Kudos(100pts) - Complete all campaign challenges in the game

  • 68 Replies
66 posts

Wait, do you mean the one where you jump and hit Z and X at the same time?

4 posts

I have ALL characters ALL archievments unlocked But ive Played it on Newgrounds i had an account on it but i forgot to log in so now i need to do ove roh and the secret character is : Vortigon he's awsome
it took me 74 houre's 28 minutes and 29 seconds ;D actualy it keeps counting houres minutes and seconds even when you are not playing it xD it took me 6 houres and 46 Minutes in total ( i always chronometer cause i'm a game freak ) XD so it's kinda quick

4 posts

oh sorry ive posted it evrey where i didn't see that someone else posted he knows who the secret character is ;D

4 posts

import this code for : DemonicTigerBear its my own creation and with this player ive kicked ass of the final boss

4 posts

sorry i forgot the code xD : 22,4,21,37,3,13,36

180 posts

Thanks for copying the guide, that was already in the game (view all achievements)

3 posts

escartian all you afto do is at the very start (be quik) you will b facing where the fist two kids aare just do 2 wind-up puches one after the other then you got 55 seconds to kill 3 peps âº

96 posts

Just use 2x damage and then wind-up punch then you will punch him to space.(LiftOff+Up'n'Away)

Go deathmatch and then set to anvil only at infinite ammo(easier)1 on 1, after mashed him, his anvil will drop, drop yours then pick the enemy's, use it to kill. (Recycler)

Go deathmatch then set 4 1337 bots to teammate and 1 noob bot to enemy team. Get the plunger and your teammates will take care of the rest. (Take the Plunger

Make a map where you will get an advantage of others. Use this if you want WINNER,1,null,8,$90;500;200;3,234;496;200;3,379;495;200;3,546;495;200;3,648;495;200;3,730;495;200;3$20;538;150;3,0;74;150;3,4;191;150;3,775;20;150;3,217;499;150;3,235;383;150;3,251;248;150;3,22;377;150;3,2;227;150;3,233;440;150;3,232;553;150;3$97;24,719;273,729;464,696;397,691;439,718;346
Settings : spawn with weapons, noob bots with all againts you, 2x damage.
Right after the game starts, shoot then shield your self. Voila ! you got yourself a 5x multikill. (3x,4x,5x multikill achievement) Reduce bots to get 3x/4x multikill if you're not lucky.

DOUBLE Jump away from a map, then use the sideswipe technique (press z & x simultineously while directing to a platform. Mind that you need high place at the jump off.(Zero Gravity)

4 posts

about number 11, you need 5x damage or else it doesn't work.

4 posts

take the plunge. do it on the last level. right away jump up and grab the plunger before anyone else and keep jumping up as the level moves up while the other people battle it out. make sure you set it as team battle so you have someone to watch your back, make it 3 on 1 if you want.

4 posts

The last one I done in my 2nd or 3rd try, was not too hard, just you need not to lose TOO many lives!
when you say that it is not true. just keep jumping so he kills himself and only stop to get dark magic and hold down or keep hitting x.

4 posts

oh and on my last post i didn't write the first sentence.
it took me less than 2 hours to beat this game, total 5 to get achivements when trying to. easy game but awsome game. i finished on the 12 not 16.

56 posts

Thanks, I just needed Survivor and Lift off, archievements.

1 posts

ist very hard to do it

993 posts

[quote]I was looking around for a Chaos Faction 2 walkthrough on google and I didn't find one so I put this up. Comment with questions etc. Enjoy
1. Kapow(5pts) - Hit someone with a full-powered wind-up punch - Tap, release, then hold Z to charge up. Release Z again to hit the target
2. Zero Gravity(5pts) - Go offscreen and recover - Jump off the screen as far as possible and then use the teleport gun
3. Shopper(5pts) - Collect 20 crates in one match - just runaround like hell to awoid enemies and pick up all crates you can see
4. Recycler(10pts) - Kill someone with a dropped weapon - Drop your weapon with D, pick it up, then shoot your enemy.
5. Anger Managment(10pts) - Make 5 KO's with rage attacks in one match - Start a death match with one player against you on low difficulity and with many lives. Hit him 5 times to get rage.
6. Kill it with fire(10pts) - Burn someone to a crisp - Kill someone with a flamethrower
7. Architect(10pts) - Make an awesome level in the level editor and play a match on it - No need to explain the description says it all
8. Immortal(25pts) - Don't lose any lives in a campaign challenge - Play a easy map like Scaffold Scuffle and take it easy
9. Pacifist(25pts) - Complete a campaignchallenge without harming anybody - Lava Palaver would be with level to acheive this, just run away from all the badies.
10. Up and away(25pts) - Knock someone into the statosphere
(Hint: 2x damage = 2x height) - Let us take advantage of the hint: Go to deathmatch MORE OPTIONS enable 2x damage and rage mode play chaos tower jump abit, attack and they will fly away to the staosphere
11. Lift off!(25pts) - Knock someone into space - See 10
12. Veteran(10pts) - Play 10 deathmatch games - Not much to explain just play ten death matches.
13. Take the plunge(25pts) - Hold the plunger for 15 seconds in a row(not on a custom level, and P2 not keyboard 2) - Set the deatmatch to Plunger match, Enemies to n00b, the map Mansion melee take the plunger and runthrough the gates back and forth untill it has passed 15 seconds
14. Survivor(50pts) - Get a score of 10,000 or higher in survival mode - 10,000 score = about 10 K.O. in survival. Play like a god and that will be achieved.
15. Magic Number(10pts) - Get a 3x multikill - see 17
16. 4 on the floor(25pts) - Get a 4x multikill - see 17
17. Fantastic 5(50pts) - Get a 5x multikill - Enable ragemode in more options play a six player mode make the teams all against you, set the enemy diffuculity to n00b and hit them.
18. Zoned Out(25pts) - Complete all campaign challenges in zone 1
19. In the zone(50pts) - Complete all campaign challenges in zone 2
20. Chaos Kudos(100pts) - Complete all campaign challenges in the game
I have all achiements and some thing that I want to add:
To get multikills its usually easier to use explosive weapons, like mines, bazooka etc.
And to get lift off or up and away achiements I recomend to more options and set rage match and 5 damage or explosive weapons only

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