People always ask me "Tony, there are obviously some things in life that you hate, how do you cope with them?" and I always answer them the same way. With art. You see, you can pretty much do whatever you want, label it as art, and people won't think twice about it. I mean look at Japan, 'nuff said. So, with that out of the way, let us further explore the most many way of dealing with stress (smashing beer cans on your forehead notwithstanding)...
Art: A Manly Stress Management Guide By: Tony Alesalt
Now there are many ways of going about this. One of my favorite ways is you draw what is annoying you, then drawing yourself destroying it. Say you have a baby brother who wont stop crying at night. Why not draw yourself in an infirmary ward eviscerating the young with a rusty circular saw blade. Problem solved! Here is one of my latest stress relief drawings, so you can see what I'm getting at.
Now, I could continue this guide, however I'm really tired. So I'll go with the somewhat anticlimactic ending of "If you don't do it my way you suck".
when I get stressed I like to break stuff by throwing them out the window. Usually I throw the thing that's been stressing me out though, which is kind of a bad idea because they're usually somewhat important things, like science projects, video game controllers, computers, and my little brother. It makes me less stressed for the time being though.
I'm not sure either what you are angry at, Tony - the city in the background perhaps, considering it is burning? ;-) I think you would have looked scarier and cooler in that image with some pants on. However, I get your drift. In the past, I used to imagine I turned into a superhero to inflict serious payback on those who wronged me. Just wondering: aren't you afraid that pictures of a person killing infants will get you locked up if anybody discovers them? Mental images may be safer in that respect.
@ Josh: my choice of anger management exactly. I once stomped a small electrical connector that would not work, then returned to the shop where I bought it and calmly said: "It didn't work and when I tried bending it carefully, it broke. Do you have anything else that is less sensitive and easier to connect?" OK, not exactly the same as throwing stuff out the window, but that would either lead to it landing on people's heads or on our own conservatory, which is more than I care to pay for in case of damage ;-)
lolwut? You actually threw your little brother out the window?
oh, haha. yeah. well funny story. I was in my room, and my 5 year old brother ran into my room wearing a cape, and his tighty whities over his pants, and he kept yelling some shit like he wanted to play superman, so i grabbed him by his shirt, and underwear, took him down stairs, and threw him out the window, and told him that he was flying. He actually thought that was a lot of fun, but then I locked all the doors and windows, and went back up to my room. he didn't really like that.