After some though, and time, I have decided to make a thread for my art. I like to draw, write and dream (Lastly I can't put on here very accurately). My imagination haunts me my whole life, and I do not ignore it.
I'm surprised that there are not many users who draw by hand and upload it here. I admit, due to my inexperience with Photoshop, and my age, I draw pretty cruddy on the computer. Maybe that will change in the future, but for now... I often doodle during my classes, due to the fact that I do some work very fast and have a lot of spare time. I draw mazes, landscapes and imaginary creatures. If you ask me to draw a real animal, you will watch me fail.
Next, my writing skills: Two years ago my teachers would compliment me and tell me I had amazing writing skills. Though I don't get those compliments these days, I feel I still have something in me. Ask nicely, and I might copy the things I write for school here, and write a bit extra as well.
Oh yeah, dreaming... I love to dream. I often make up little stories in my head, although at the moment I imagine big complex stories, that I'd love to write into a book, but can't describe it properly in words.
All my photo art should be found here, my Flickr account.
Oh yeah, here are posts I want on my thread:
Tell me what you like/dislike with facts to back it up Tell me what to improve Tell me ideas I could draw/write next A bit of conversation is alright, just don't go off-topic
Please DON'T:
Tell me you simply like or dislike without saying why Randomly talk Spam Tell me how much you hate my artwork.
So without further a due, I will start my thread with a cheerful note:
One point Perpective
I also find the upside version is also interesting:
You should see a few faces (I've found three), and funny flying objects.
I hope you like my art! I have many others in stock, my supply is pretty big.
Is all of that stuff past the vanishing point floating? It doesn't look like any of those objects that appear floating could possibly be landlocked.
If you look closely, there is a line and to in the middle of the page. Yes, the funny shapes are floating.
Ok, more artwork: Sea shells
While on vacation I found some shells (It was the beach), and because i had no swim suit, I drew on my bed. I like the first two the best, the third is imaginary (I had no shell to look at for a template. 100% from my head). I hope you guys like it!
I don't know why, I smiled when I saw that. Thanks!
One-point perspective is my favorite type of drawing(to look at and draw) and you are very good at it.
Yes, my art teacher showed us how to do it a few months ago. I did guess draws at how two-point perspective looks like, but they were so crumby I trashed the idea.
As for the first one, I don't know where to start. alul.
There are a hundred ways to look at that picture. But thanks anyway.
Ok, seeing as I'm on a roll here, I might as well post some other stuff: Night House
I consider this one of my best drawings ever. It has a of detail in it, and took four Spanish classes to do it (uhmmm). It's loosely based on my best house drawing ever, 'Spooky House', which was sadly destroyed by my teacher (Or as she put it, 'Va a el camino', into the fireplace) before I scanned it.
I think that's enough art for today and tomorrow. If people ask nicely, I'll add my writing pieces here that I did for school.
OK, I'm not like that. I don't draw that good and my motives aren't creepy.
Do you draw all your pictures during math class? alul, they are all on graph paper.
No, but most of my notebooks are graph paper. And I find the guidelines help me a lot for my drawings. I have a picture I will upload at some point that will be a clean paper.
FallenSky is wondering if you always do your pencil drawings on...what would that be called in english?...Square paper? Cubic paper? - FallenSky found a scanner at his college today and will take on your advice of opening a pencil art thread, look out for it!
Wow, you're a pretty good artist I gotta say my favorite was the Watchful Darkness the eye just grabs my attentions! By the way, if the name of the thread was supposed to be you username, you spelled it wrong
FallenSky is wondering if you always do your pencil drawings on...what would that be called in english?...Square paper? Cubic paper?
As you should be able to see from my later drawings, the answer is no. The Watchful Darkness was drawn on a big black piece of paper, about 50*30cm.
Wow, you're a pretty good artist I gotta say my favorite was the Watchful Darkness the eye just grabs my attentions! By the way, if the name of the thread was supposed to be you username, you spelled it wrong
Yeah, that's the idea of the picture. And the thread is titled so because I thought it was cool (And tricks people about my name).
More pictures coming tonight, even a sculpture. Previews can be found on my Flickr account on the link on my Profile if you're really interested.