--------------------------------- Game Rules 1. Players enter drawings to earn Brains 2. New Players are limited to Line art, that is Only Black Lines on a white background. 3. Each Player is allowed to give away 5 Brains a Day to an Entry submitted by another Player. 4. Entries Older then 1 Day, that is 24 hours do not recieve anymore Brains. 5. Players spend Brains to get more Color. 6. Players whose entry violate their Color permissions will not receive Brains for it. 7. The Total amount of Brains earned is the Players Score 8. the Player with the highest score ate the end of a week will receive a Bullet. 9. Bullets can be used to take away a Color permission from a player and given to the Shooter, this includes any Shade permissions with the color. 10. Each week the score resets to Zero.
One Color costs 20 Brains Shades of a Previously owned color costs 30 Brains.
--------------------------------- Well I think thats every thing to play this game, its an art game so I think its in the right section. also For anyone who starts tis game will receive a free Color
Well its a good place to get some practice drawing Zombies, any type of undead creature will work but remember they ate all your Color and you need to get some of those Brains back B).
Brains is the points/currency in the game. The goal is to collect enough Brains to buy more colors and shades for the colors you have bought. Also I said I would reward the person who posted the first drawing by letting them choose a free Color. Pick a Color from the list King Ryan, a single solid color.
I will try to post tomorrow my drawings. I'm experimenting with paint (The virtual software not real paint)and colored pencils so this should be fun =)
I'd love to be a judge! If thaat's a position anyway :P
Well I would more gall it GameMaster or something like that, maybe admin. Basically you would keep score and track of who has how many Brains(points)
I will try to post tomorrow my drawings. I'm experimenting with paint (The virtual software not real paint)and colored pencils so this should be fun =)
Well remember the goal of the game is to earn Color so keep your entry line art until you get some Color
So far KingRyan has a choice of a Color, he hasn't posted which one from the list. Use the names on the list please....as for shading it can be bought to0, For example you ar limited to Black and white at the beginning but if you manage to get 30 Brains(points) you can get the shades in between, it seems like its redundant but it is a game and the idea is to challenge Artists to use their limited resources in a creative way, there are ways to shade things with lines if you know how that is and you don't need a solid shading pattern to do any of it.