No offense but i'm getting boerd reading zombie stories and etc. Now it's my turn to be the author
By the time the year 2020 arrived, mankind had recovered from a massive depression. On March 17, 2012, Stock markets across the globe crashed to a low of about -1500. During this period, Iceland declared bankruptcy, the United States was not able to aid Africa any longer due to the financial stress, China's money was quickly depleting and on the verge of another revolution. It was the largest international depression ever and it left everyone in the dust when it the economies healed 6 years later. The 2020 decade was called the "Tech Twenties". Between 2020 and 2027, there had been so many technological achievements that no other decade could match it. But all that technology will now meet it's test, and possibly final. You see, Japan was one of the countries that didn't recover from that nasty depression while other nations did. Australia, being the obnoxious one at the time, decided to choose a rather horrible decision. Invade the Country of the Rising Sun. Japan wasn't a fan of war right now and fought back the attackers. This was the perfect time for Russia to attack Japan. Due to the tangled web of alliances, the major countries took sides. The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and other small nations formed the Rising Global Guardians or RGG for short. Australia, Russia, China, North Korea, and others formed the Nuclear Alliance or NA for short. US wasn't part of this but had a really bad feeling. Since it's 2027 and most countries probably secretly stockpiled their nuclear weapons, it would maybe turn out to a nuclear war. North Korea was it's main power source for these missiles. Congress decided to stop this by creating it's own side with Canada called the Saviors. Since any country that stockpiles nuclear weapons closely relies on them, they will not like any country defying these "wonderful" missiles and blast them to pieces. Meaning US and Canada had to do this secretly. Their objective? Send in secret squads to sabotage and destroy missiles or assassinate any major official that is part of the making and production of the warheads. _______________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 coming up tomorrow.
i agree with kyouzou and the post i gave. maybe add a bit more dialogue now that you've explained the preliminary background of it. slow down a bit as well don't rush it to us. I do however like the opinions of the first person. It's interesting, this is almost written diary style. with things like repetition. "I'm serious, every time he hears a sound his head will twitch to the direction where it came from a the speed of light."
Chapter 2 continued Sargent Sykes has this knack for describing us. Almost everyday he will go down the line, telling our names, age, height, size, ethnicity. But today, he did something different. He started with this African American. "Nicolas Klan, age 18, 5'6, 167 pounds, African American, your name for now on will be 'Blackie'." Huh, he starting to give out codenames. I wonder what mine will be. Next was this Asian dude. He looked real nervous considering that he's sweating like hell. "Chung Yin, Age 23, 6'3, 142 pounds, Asian, your name will now be 'Wonton'." Mmm, that reminds me. Today's special is Vietnamese Pho, now I gotta run faster. Eventually he came to me after about ten other people. "Micheal Lake, Age 21, 5'7, 191 pounds, White, your name will now be 'Twinkie'." I like twinkies, but it sounds like name you could give to a shrimp. Sykes finished,"By the way, since your too chubby, everytime we do around the base runs, you get to do an extra five laps." That statement just ruined my "twinkie" moment and now I'm pissed. "WHAT?! Five extra laps?! I already do 40 miles everyday for God's sake!" He slowly turned back to me. Oh ****, now I'm really going to get it. "Excuse me? Are you allowed to talk back to me like that soldier?" He seemed calm. Too calm that Sykes started to scare me. "Your supposed to say," then comes the ear splitter,"I DISAGREE SIR!" I tell you, I thought a felt a blast of wind rushing past me when he yelled that loud in my face. I was speechless since he scared the piss out of me from that sudden scream. "Alrighty then now," he continued once again very calm,"I'll give you a deal. If you clean all the bathrooms in this whole base for three months you don't have to run for an extra five laps. Immediately I said,"Never mind sir! I'll run an extra five laps for you sir!" Hell no I'm going to clean the crap-infested bathrooms. I need to lay off some pounds anyway. "That's what I thought." The Sargent chuckled to himself and went on to the next soldier. For now on, he's going to give me nightmares while I'm sleeping _________________________________________________________________ @phantom: This story is based of Micheal's (or Twinkie's) point of view. Meaning that you will be reading like what a regular person would be saying out loud. The grammar will not be perfect for that matter.
Do you guys not get it? Kimichi was just making an idea ( i do that all the time xD) and it was a really great one at that. I think it is a good idea to base a story off of. Continue this! it is really good!
Chapter 3: How to Protect Someone By Sacrificing Your Lunch
After Sargent Sykes got finished with his descriptions, my favorite sound of the day began to play: The Lunch Bugle. I scrambled to the mess hall for a bowl of Vietnamese Pho. To my knowledge, I think Pho is Noodle Soup with Duck. That's what they serve here so I'm not exactly sure. But whatever it is, it's lunch, and if it's lunch, it belongs in my stomach. I sat down at a round, beige table. At the very front is a steel rectangular table where almost everyone sits if your commander-from-hell is Sargent Sykes. Behind me are other tables like the one I'm sitting at. Wait, why am I describing you the mess hall? I mean, it's dull and boring, but serves great food. Anyhow, I started eating till I heard an obnoxious ruckus at the back of the cafeteria. It sounds like crying so I turned around just to see a group of men about as tall as me surrounding a defenseless guy. I noticed one of the men in the group had a razorblade knife in their hand. He looks young, like he took a wrinkle cream bath. His jacket says "Japanese Yellow Hornets" with a picture of the hornet. Yeesh, the picture of the hornet itself already looks threatening enough. Unfortunately, because I'm a complete and utter idiot, I came over there to get a better look. Three yards away from the scene, one of the guys in the group noticed my curiosity and notified the leader--the one with the razorblade. He glanced over his shoulder first before he fully turned around. He mumbled something inaudible to me and then said, "Hey, this ain't yo biz. Now you get the **** out of my sight before I do something that you don't want us to do to you." Luckily, I brought my bowl of soup so I didn't have too. I looked behind the leader to see a guy in the fetal position while sucking his thumb. I see that position is very popular at Luke. The Leader continued, his voice sterner since i didn't move. "Did yo see mah knife in mah hands right here?" He showed me his knife in a friendly way: The razorblade lying on his palm with no fingers touching it. "Because of this here knife, I could slit yo throat right now if I want to and right now, I want to." Other people started to spot his weapon and searched for help. The Leader noticed the people leaving and signaled his men to get them. They obeyed and left the hall, leaving the guy that's still sucking his thumb, the Leader, and I. Awesome, no help coming my way. He caught me by surprise by lunging at me, slicing my cheek. Blood was dripping down my face and I immediately went into overdrive. I pushed a table into him which made him slam into another. I could here a whoosh as the wind got knocked out of him. He recovered unusually fast and was on his feet again. "Your dead meat hâu môm." Once again, he tried his same tactic. I was ready this time and swiftly dodged his attack. He crashed onto the floor and bumped into the thumb sucker. He started bawling his eyes out and made the Leader try to kick him multiple times to get him to shut up. I looked at my soup and had the choice to eat it while he was kicking the guy on the floor or blind him. I chose B since I want to get this over quickly. I grabbed my bowl and chucked it his face and sure enough, the steaming, hot broth made him drop to the ground. He was rubbing his eyes vigorously and was cussing in some other language. While the Leader was stunned, I picked up the thumb sucker who was exceptionally light and ran out of the mess hall. About 30 seconds, Sargent Sykes and two other commanders arrived at the scene. Nobody was there, not even the Leader. All there is was the remaining of a half eaten bowl of Pho. Puzzled, the three commanders walked out of the cafeteria and shrugged it off as a false alarm. Great, instead of making a friend, I made a terrible enemy. A thought struck me that made me regret it. I should of took that knife...
"What did I tell you guys?!" The Leader was pissed since he almost got caught and beaten by a fatty. "I told you idiots to catch all the people that left the cafeteria. I counted FIVE people. FIVE. There are FIVE of you. Meaning that each one of you guys gets one person. You guys FAILED me on an easy task that I can do myself!" One of members replied, trying to make him calm down. "But boss, they were too fast. We had to scatter, or we'll-" "I DON'T CARE IF YOU GET CAUGHT OR NOT!" The Leader cut in like he read his mind. He crouched under his odor-infested bed and got a chest with a lock. The Leader unlocked and opened it, revealing a pistol. "Do you know what this?" he asked. One of the guys answered,"It's a colt pistol, boss." "Not just a Colt Pistol my friend. This is an WWII pistol, passed down from my great grandfather. Right now, you guys made my blood boil and if you fail me again, I will shoot all of you dead. You understand?" The members flinched with the image of their brains on the floor. "Yes boss." The Leader smiled. He put away his Colt and climbed to bed. "Get some sleep. Tomorrow, we form a plan to kill Sargent Sykes. When he's out of the way, we kill 'Twinkie'." The members got into bed too. One of them got out their 3D iPod Fifth Generation and asked, "Who's 'Twinkie' again? Is it that asshole who tried to fight you?" The Leader gave a light chuckle and then a loud, evil laugh. "Yes. His name is Micheal Lake. Now turn off that damn iPod. I told you to get some sleep." "Yes boss." He turned off the device and everything was pitch black.
nobodys commented, thats sad. i relatively like it. only suggestion is make it sounds more grown up. i don't mean with more curseing and action i mean like how it sounds. the whole ok "boss" thing is kinda stereotypical.