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Let's talk about dreams...
what are your dreams like? I usually don't have dreams but when I have, most of times I dream about something strange...
I have dreamed of 2012 MANY times, most of times It looks like 2 huge stars on sky, one of them is Sun and other one is Nibiru (its planet but it looks like small sun) and other times dreams of 2012 are like: all planets are visible on sky with naked eye (including Nibiru)also sky is full of meteors...well, when I thik a bit, in last half year, I haven't dreamed of anything but 2012, thats odd..
ok, let me tell you more about dreams, ever heard of astral projection, it is when your soul separate from your body and it goes to..I like to call it "world of dreams" I have read some topics about poeple who have experienced it, here is what one of them said: "I will never forget one night, I was laying in bed and I felt strange, suddenly I started flying, I felt strange, when I was flaying toward sky, I could see my body laying in bed, I have prayed to god while I was in air to get me back and it did I got back to my body and I was so scared I haven't slept whole night"
That basically happens every time you sleep but it is subconsciously and there are ways to do it consciously and go to "dream world" and do what ever you want there, you will see everyone who is sleeping but they are going to look "drunk" and you are NOT going to be able to talk to them, and only poeple who you can talk to are poeple who are consciously there (who entered that world NOT by sleeping, using some methods something similar to meditation)...well, I guess that is enought, if you want to know more google it. So what do you think about everything I said above??

  • 63 Replies
1,720 posts

Oh, and about your flying thing, you only start flying in your dream when you jump if you want yourself to fly. Everytime you jump you're not gonna fly, but if you're lucid dreaming and you think "FLYYYYY!!!!" Then you will when you jump.

I read about astral proections on and it sais: every time you jump you will start flying
386 posts

That's funny because lucid dreaming does not = Astral projection. And even in astral projection, it still doesn't work like that. Astral Projection makes your mind think it's actually awake, so it implies physics to your projection. Therefore, should you try to jump, you will fall back down like normal until you force your mind out of that habit.

~ Personal experience,

124 posts

I think im very close to controling my dreams. I think in the summer I'll be able to try harder(School is exsausting). Recently I had one with my cat in it(my cat sleeps in my room). In the dream my cat led me through some weird building that was almost like a maze. I then saw my cat go through a door and change colors. I thought about weather I should go in or not. I stepped towards it and was overcome with a feeling of dread and fear. I started to leave, but as i left I started to logically think about going through the door. I decided to head back to it, but I woke up before I opened the door.

Normaly I cant make decisions well (or at all) in my dreams and things just happen. Im thinking that my cat may have made me more aware in my dream by jumping on my bed or something in real life.

2,765 posts

I remember when I was like...I think 8 or something. I used to be able to control my dreams, don't ask how. Just one night, I was I guess half awake and then suddenly I realised I was in a dream, I remember seeing a zombie like thing, and get this. It suddenly had bunny ears and it started holding my hand and skipping. Then, I tried to make myself fly, and guess what? Yes it happened. Coolest dream EVAR. It was real vivid to.

104 posts

I cant usually control my actions in dreams. Kind of along for the ride.

1,720 posts

I remember when I was like...I think 8 or something. I used to be able to control my dreams, don't ask how. Just one night, I was I guess half awake and then suddenly I realised I was in a dream, I remember seeing a zombie like thing, and get this. It suddenly had bunny ears and it started holding my hand and skipping. Then, I tried to make myself fly, and guess what? Yes it happened. Coolest dream EVAR. It was real vivid to.

I was able to control my dreams when I was younger, and even better when ever I was dreaming, I could just wake up whenever I wanted
265 posts

Sometimes, dreams do come true. I don't know how, but it is just ridiculous. Sometimes, I see a question paper inn my dream and the other day in my Exam, I get the same paper. This has happened twice.

38 posts

I have many recurring dreams and most of them freak me out 8(.

40 posts

I can't sleep you guys are lucky ( I sleep with my eyes open). But I do day dream alot in school mostly of combining sports with magic and dragon riding.

1,720 posts

I can't sleep you guys are lucky ( I sleep with my eyes open). But I do day dream alot in school mostly of combining sports with magic and dragon riding.

hmmm...what are you talking about
2,765 posts

and even better when ever I was dreaming, I could just wake up whenever I wanted

I can do that still. It involves making my eyes look upwards until I feel pain, but sometimes I don't wake up, but my dream wakes up. So I'm awake in my dream, but not in real life. Freakyyy.

I used to do it alot. I used to have mass dreams about clowns when I was like 11 or something. They had like knives and stuff. Just before they would kill me, I would wake up.
180 posts

I still can control my dreams, it`s a place where i dont have any problems, another interesting thing about my dreams is that when i have nightmares i can feel the pain. Once i dream that i was in a room with tons of zombies, and i felt my flesh being eated my them.

5,061 posts

Theres been many times where in my a dream a radio starts playing a song and I'll be like "Hey I know that song, it's my alarm" and one of the people will tell me to wake up. It's pretty awesome usually.

1,766 posts

another interesting thing about my dreams is that when i have nightmares i can feel the pain. Once i dream that i was in a room with tons of zombies, and i felt my flesh being eated my them.

That's nice O_o How did that feel?

Anyway, flying dreams are cool, when you fly you can see everything beneath you.
But there was this one dream that I had where I could walk through walls. I was in the elevator with this girl and I said, "Watch" and I walked throught the elevator and almost fell into this deep dark chasm but somehow my feet were glued to the elevator, after that I was at school and a ran straight on to the wall I went through it, the second time I did it I banged my head against the wall and woke up.

You see, dreams where you have superpowers are interesting.
60 posts

I dream about some weird crap. I mean ive gone from a lion in my house to the movie AVATAR (best movie ever by the way), to almost anything you can think of. One time I was a sergent in a ranger batalion and got shot right in the face. I woke up screaming and in cold sweat. Another time I was a Grim Reaper. weird crap right?

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