Show off your age even if your not that old. All I ask you to do is to reminisce some of your first happy gaming experiences. What did you play it one and what was the game? Maybe talk about what you liked about it.
I remember the first game system I ever played was the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System). We only had threee games for it (which were on ginat cartridges that'd you'd stick into the big grey box =p). In order, my favorite games for it were The Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros., and Gradius.
Another old experience was always playing with my new green Game Boy color Pokemon games with everyone else at school.
I was 3-4 years old playing PS1, i was playing tarzan though i dont remember why I NEVER SAVED GAME. The most thing i remember is that I DID NOT save games back when i was 4. But when i can play on my mother's PC i played warcraft that i'm not sure what im doing and counter strike in easy-normal difficulty bot. But, now i'm not too shabby gamer (really ?).
I played Super Mario World and Yoshi's island for the SNES. I love those games and i still play them to this day. I also grew up playing Pokemon Yellow. Then Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon. And some Twisted Metal. And Mortal Kombat. Sheesh even as a little kid i had no life.
i still remember when we used to have the dreamcast...
and playing the N64
and playing the Genesis with games such as power rangers, toy story, pitfall (i could only get about 2 or 3 levels in lol)
and of course, probably the first system i just would not stop playing is the gamecube. I remember when my dad and i would always play that game, taking turns and what not.
Yup, I'm in the days. Even though I'm not a little kid anymore. I still play games like Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and Super Mario World. I love 'em. First game I played... Well, I can't really remember. Probably something like Super Mario Bros.. I do remember, however, the day "I got" N64, Super Mario 64 and Yoshi's Story. I loved those games! I've played Yoshi's Story on virtual boy now, and looking back at the game, it wasn't really that good.. But I love some games as a kid, and now I dislike them. It's if I appreciate games more then than now.