"Witch!" a priest called out across the cathedral, "A vile creature which plagues our very existence! A witch, who hath sold their soul to the devil!" the priest slammed his clenched fist onto the mahogany podium in which he was preaching behind. He quieted himself for a moment and looked at the pews. A quick count of heads said that there were over 40 people in the cathedral at the time. Most of the village had obviously gotten his message of danger. "This vile woman has been doing awful things to my brothers and priests. Making them commit to most, if not all, of the seven deadlky sins," the priest scowled at the pews, looking at most of the people in the eye. "Lock your doors, keep each other in check, and make sure to keep your children safe. This," he paused for a few seconds, "witch will be dealt with within the week! I have sent for a message. A message to a man who knows how to properly take care of these creatures..." the priest seemed like he was regretting calling for him. "Everyone here is to treat them with the respect, his name is Ornel," the priest looked down towards his a book on the podium. beside it was a small piece of torn paper. It was a note. It said to contact "me" should the need arise. Needs include anything that requires the destruction or detainment of "evil" creatures. "God help us."