I noticed that there is a haiku contest, but how about also having a tanka topic?
Japanese Tanka (short poem) is a form much older than Haiku. It consists of five unrhymed lines of of 5-7-5-7-7 syllables.
In English, the 5 units are usually spaced out over 5 lines. It has many similarities to haiku, but I find that sometimes the final two units (7-7) leave you more space for closing or providing perspective.
It would be great if this could be turned into a contest, but it's also good for just a bit of fun, right? For now, post about any theme that comes to you.
Here's a tentative offering:
I feel the warmth of Being together Only when we are apart We can not be one because I must leave for Albion.
Lol I've never heard that before, it took me a second to see what you were getting at lol...here's one my old ones. I'm to lazy to actually write one at the moment.
Singing with the wind Shining emerald in sunlight Casting dappled shadows down Twisted roots snaking through soil Gold leaves shine in autumn light
I seem to have split the syllables a bit wrong, though... S'osed to be em-er-ald according to this dictionary. I'm not saying pronouncing it without that e is - wrong, but I think it might be due to dialect that you skip it.
*writes note to self about stopping with tangential stuff in threads*