FIRST THINGS FIRST Block- White and Black Lines that you can click Red block- The red version of Block switch- To remove red blocks
Level 1 - 3. Its too simple. Moving on.
Level 4. Click the block on the wood, then on the box. Click on the car then click again when it is on the 'arking zone'
Level 5 Click on the firetruck and wait until its on the edge. Then click on the police car and stop it when it rams the black one
Level 6 Just click the car, then the block then stop the car.
Level 7 Click the one on the top left then when it falls Click the one on the top right.
Level 8. Click the fire truck and push the ambulance to the block. Stop the firetruck. Click the block. Click the ambulance and push the wood by a little bit ONLY. Then stop the ambulance. THe tire would have already pushed the black by now. Click the block on the police and start the police's car and stop it on the green zone,
Level 9 click on the fire truck. Then on the block. Click the police car. Stop the firetruck. Click the ambulance until the red switch and then stop it.
Level 10. Click on the ambulance. Click on the firetruck on the right. It will push the other one. Stop on the block. Click the block and then click the firetruck so that the metal will move. Then click on the block on the ambulance . Then ram the black one, staying on the green zone.
Lvl 11: Click on the car on the floor. Ram the woods, then stop it. Click on the car above and hit the black one. Stop on the green zone. Might need a few tries
Lvl 12 Click the firetruck then stop it. Just let it move the wood. Then click on the police car. It will ram the black one. Stop the police car
LVL 13. Just wait and a firetruck will fall out of nowhere. Click the firetruck and stop it on the greenzone.
14: Click on the Fire truck so its below the box. Click the block and stop truck. Move Black one and stop on the car. Move firetruck to the left and stop. Click on car so that it will move again. Click on block on the top that has ambulance. It will fall to the box. click Firetruck and move it to the right. Stop and let Ambulance go to parking zone. Click on the block on the enemy. It will fall to the dumps.
Lvl 15 Click on the Black car on the bottom. Stop it when it hits ambulance. Click on ambulance and stop it on the green zone. Click on police car and stop when black one is hit.
I'm feeling lazy. Just tell me what levels you haven't completed yet and I'll tell you how to do 'em.
the last level was quite hard but here is the walkthrough, first knock the box down off the ledge, dont let the mbulance fall, then roll the wheel into the hole, while the wheel is rolling start the police car so it gets wedged between the wheel and the wall then drive the abulance and there you have it
start the top ambulance till it hits the reverse arrow, then drop the crate down 1 level and use the Top ambulance to push it over so its positioned above the red dot shown in the picture below
move the other ambulance so its turned around but not under the black van (like example above) then drop the crate and top ambulance and drive the bottom ambulance into the van, and your done
Reply to secret mapper - all you need is perfect score on each GREEN level (stars) check the levels again, the stars should be on the left side of the level box, post a screenie if you are not sure but it should look like this
Green levels - Unlocked Mega Levels - Complete all Green levels with a perfect score (star score) Sponsor levels - Complete Green and mega levels with perect score (Stars)
feel free to message me or post here if you have any more questions
Wait a minute.... So the Mega lvls are lvl 21-22...
I thought mega lvls were different, If you click on the mega lvls when you have all stars, the mega lvls text will dissapear and a lvl 36 - 40 lvls will be put on. Thanks for clearing that out. So that means I have completed the game.(and to think I played reskin too because I thought it was needed to unlock MEGA lvls...LOL)
Cherry369- it should pop a small wheelie after hiting the police car and it will hit the buttom, i also tried it by wedging the crate there but it works but is very hard to do
Finally got through the last level. Nice end clip and music.
But I feel like the last level is all about luck. Saw another solution on YouTube in which you drive the police car into the hole, just so that it lands on its nose with its tail leaning against the left side of the hole. Then you have the bad car roll the big wheel on top of it. Start up the police car again, and its wheels start the big wheel spinning. Then bump the crate with the ambulance so that it falls on the spinning wheel. It will bounce into the red button, dropping the bad car. Lastly, stop the police car and drive the ambulance onto the big wheel so that it ends up in the green zone for 1000 points and the star.
Again, it seems pretty much a matter of luck to get the police car to fall right, because if you don't, either it falls right-side-up and can't spin the big wheel, or it falls upside-down, causing the big wheel to be too low to bounce the crate into the right spot.
Not sure either of these solutions were what the creator of the level expected, but if I had to lay odds, I'd say the one I described here was it.
Still, I did it like this.... Note that the ambulance flipped took about a half a minute to decide whether it was going to fall the wrong way, or if its tail end was actually going to hit the button!