ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMike's Journal : 4003

7 2013
3,937 posts

Mike is a fictional character.

April 10, 3093

Now I think of myself kinda old. I remember I was so alive twenty years ago. I counld feel fresh air fill my lungs. Steve, John and George were around. But anyways, as a retired soldier, I always wonder why had I enlisted in the military. I can't run, never, I feel so weak. I never leave my house. Home. Ahhhhh!!!. I just found my old Jounal around. I always keep Journals when I go somewere, to remember what it was like, my experiences... This one talks about the System War.

March 23, 3083

"Hello aliens. So long, aliens!"
Steve took out several magazines for his J90 rifle. It was long, made of iron.This rifles come out quite cheap. However, you can mow down entire platoons with its incredible 800 rounds-per-minute.

"They've lost this war as long as we have this guys and know how to use 'em."
He walked out of the Weapons Area and into the shooting range. Not 500 feet away, an alien dummy stood tall. Steve shot ten rounds at it: Seven pierced its body, one its head and the others were lost in the range.
I noticed Steve was shooting bad. Knowing him, the ten bullets should have pierced the dummy's head. "It's time to win some easy bucks" I thought to myself.
"Hey Steve" I cried out "Bet I can beat you at a contest."
"Keep dreamin'." He laughed "How about twenty bucks?"
"Sounds like a deal!" An evil smile crossed my face. I could easily rip some bucks outta him.
I carefully aimed. I couldn't throw this chance at the trash can. I aimed...BOOM... the bullet flied towards the target... and I totally missed.
Steve laughed for a while. I took out my wallet and handed the money. He carefully counted it. He then took his shot. He hit the dummy in its chest.
As I looked up to the sky, I noticed the sun was allready down. I went to our tent, southeast of the general's tent. I was so tired and angry. I jumped to the bed. I wanted to wipe this day out of history. I slept well.

This is the end of the first chapter. Feedback is appreciated!

  • 7 Replies
1,766 posts

This is pretty good so far. You could put in a little more background and what's happening but besides that, this could be successful.

Mike's Journal : 4003

Okay just asking but what's the 4003 for?
3,937 posts

Okay just asking but what's the 4003 for?

The year Mike's reading his Journal.
3,035 posts

Might have been better if you had started farther back, so people would know more about the character, the aliens, and the war they're in...

3,937 posts

Might have been better if you had started farther back, so people would know more about the character, the aliens, and the war they're in...

Ahem... Mike knows little about the war and the Aliens. He has never seen an alien. The only things he knows about the war is that they're fighting aliens and that he's a soldier fighting the war.
715 posts

he has never seen an alien? does this mean he never made it to battle?

3,937 posts

he has never seen an alien? does this mean he never made it to battle?


His Journal starts here, and he's reading it. He doesn't exactly remember how aliens are since he fought them twenty years from where he's reading his Journal. I hope I made my point.
5,642 posts

His Journal starts here, and he's reading it. He doesn't exactly remember how aliens are since he fought them twenty years from where he's reading his Journal. I hope I made my point.

Fighting aliens isn't exactly something you forget.
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