I like rice with spice Because it is nice I don't like it with ice Because it ruins the spice And all the mice, Come and roll the dice And win some rice They'll be like "nice"
People will listen to anything with a good beat, even if there aren't any lyrics or the lyrics are crap. E.G.: Techno and rap. Me loves techno.
Woooooooooah! Stop this blasphemy riiiiight there, you won't get me with such things. I'm the kind of guy to listen to song with structure that goes something like A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H....I think it's important to have non redundant structure and good lyrics, anyhow, it's what makes my idea of ''good music'' these days...
Lol?! that is spam Fallen :O
Awwww, common Moon, I'm constructive knight en-chef, please let me that one at least...
I will let you off this time Fallen, but don't let me catcha again! ~suspicious eyes~ I'm watching you...(in a non stalker-ish way of course) And I just made a Rap! Watch out for da white guuuurl! Its in my mind Im out of time Its in my brain makin me insane Tryin ta stop this evil from takin me So take yo gun and yo mop Cause where there is blood, That is where I will be. I do not want to kill but it is the beasts will So wherever the monster is, I am there as well. so dont blame me I am not there cant you see. It has left me behind and Taken control of my mind.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EPIC FAILURE. I just totally wrote down a bunch of crap goin to a random beat in my head with Eminems voice singing it XD
It's nice but the rhyme scheme could have been a little more inventive than A
Try telling Eminem that rofl. I quite like Never Enough, which, incidentally, has the same rhyme throughout the entire first verse. OH THE CONTROVERSY.
But if you don't like A A A A rhyme schemes, let's put a few more layers into it...
The thing about cooking rice in a pot, Is that you don't have to supervise the lot, See, it's not that precise an art, in part due to, The fact science makes it fluffy and nice for you, Me, I think back to a time before we could go, From the sack to the pot in a thrice, a time with no, Electric juice running through wires, so no dice, 'stead of "flick the switch", go light a fire, b****!
Wow Strop. That was.... inventive. BTW are you ever gonna look back to my story thread thingie? I updated it a while back. I think we talked about you in there... hmm... Oh wells. But sadly I don't like rice. unless I go to Mississippi, where my cousins live and they put omething in it that makes it taste AWESOME.