ForumsWEPRTime travel

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Time travel is impossible because to do this you would need to rewind the universe, and thats not TT thats literally reversing every atom, particle and space between atoms and GOD knows what else to a previous state. Everything exists at once and it is in a constant forward motion. Time is not a line, it is mearly a measurment of point A to B, you cant go back to A because it is, in fact now point C. So even reversing everything would still only take you forward.

Thats my view anyway. What yall gonna do bout that!

  • 164 Replies
3,826 posts

It basically boils down to this: time travel to the past, impossible; time travel to the future, possible.

Way to fail. If you're not going to be bothered with reading the current conversation, yet still feel the need to insert an admittedly ignorant opinion, then we have no need for you.
1,573 posts

I have to admit to my own limited knowlege in quantum physics and it only goes so far as philosophical interest. One thing I would like to know is, when Stephen Hawking mentions tiny wormholes that are everywhere he says something about them being in two different times. I dont know if this is misinterperated by whatever blog or forums I have looked on, but I want to know more.

I do know we are looking for (wait for it, all you trekkies out there)...


They are meant to travel faster than light.

It basically boils down to this: time travel to the past, impossible; time travel to the future, possible.

You gotta say why.
9,821 posts

Tachyons are a hypothetical inverse of other particles, in that they need more energy to slow down, while other particles need more energy to speed up. It's important to note that they're a hypothetical particle, and there isn't much of any experimental evidence for or against them.

290 posts

that would be awesome but unfortunatly it won't happen any time soon. I think as we are getting for futuristics every year we might have a "time machine" but I am not sure.

1,051 posts

This may seem crazy, but there is a guy in America that invented a time travel machine. He had small particles that had a lifetime of about 20sec into a wormhole of laser lights in a very fast speed, and when the particle came out on the other side, (it had lived for 10sec) and when it did, it "died" not after 10 seconds, but after 20 seconds. That proves that time travel is possible. But there is a down side by his small small machine, you can only travel back in time too the time that the invention was created.

3,826 posts

That proves that time travel is possible.

We need to be careful when using language like &quotroves". I'm not familiar at all with this experiment and am quite dubious. If you can provide a link, that'd be great.
But the only thing this experiment proves is that the particle continued to exist for 20 secs after whatever was done to it. I've never heard of particles that have such a specific "life span" but with all the quantum phenomena in the world, I would be extremely hesitant to say this was an instance of time travel.
1,573 posts

He had small particles that had a lifetime of about 20sec into a wormhole of laser lights in a very fast speed, and when the particle came out on the other side, (it had lived for 10sec) and when it did, it "died" not after 10 seconds, but after 20 seconds.

This is not worded clearly. Made my cloudy brain have does, hard time reading it!?!

Dyou have a link of this experiment or the name of anything or anyone in it. I would need to find out the details before I could say anything vastly unintelligent about it. I can stroke my beard though, which is always good to get the philosophical juices going.
8,256 posts

Time travel isn't possible because time doesn't really exist like we think of it.. things can't be taken back on a timeline, things just 'happen' at various speed; they can be taken to a state similar like they were before, sure, but it won't be the state it was before. Chemistry knows this principle, and in my opinion this also applies for 'time'.
But let's consider somehow it is possible; then I think traveling back would be even more irresponsible than you'd think, because IMO traveling back wouldn't just alter the future, it would make it 'unhappen' (by which I mean, vanish forever in the pool of infinite possibilities); what would mean that even if traveling back would be possible, traveling in the future would never be.

Just some speculations of mine ^^

1,573 posts

Time travel isn't possible because time doesn't really exist like we think of it.. things can't be taken back on a timeline, things just 'happen' at various speed; they can be taken to a state similar like they were before, sure, but it won't be the state it was before. Chemistry knows this principle, and in my opinion this also applies for 'time'.

Ya... I basicly agree with this.
6 posts

This question is unansweable as of our current technological era and so all of theese are only opinions, but i will throw mine in anyway. it is a matter of logic, if time travel backwards where possible we would have already had visitors, if time travel only works forward? well thats a different matter entirely.

780 posts

I disagree strongly. If time could be ripped in such a way then you can guarantee we would have had people coming back already.

humanity may not have survived to that point.
and if someone did happen to travel back through time they would not be able to get back (as physics of today explain time travel) and they would end up in a mental institute.
How many people would believe a strangely dressed person screaming something along the lines of, "I did it! I went back through time!
just saying.
Important: we all time is called sleeping
(aka traveling some hours into the future)
13,701 posts

quick question. wouldn't you feel the effects of time traveling before you time traveled?

1,714 posts

and if someone did happen to travel back through time they would not be able to get back (as physics of today explain time travel)

Last I knew modern physics says its impossible to go backwards in time, and forwards is only possible at near light speed.
13,701 posts

that or with something massive near-by

1,573 posts

as the black hole is a really big thing, we would time travel. Of course we could only do this in the far future.

We dont know what happens when you slow time down that much and we dont know if it starts to reverse. As far as I can see the laws of physics in its current model dont allow time reversal.

I think using arguments like "if we could go back someone from our future would have done it already" is pointless because we are then getting into the realms of probabillity and chance. I agree with this somewhat but you just cant use this as scientific "evidence", it sounds like a religious argument as well i.e. based on your belief of what you think might have happened e.g. time travelers are mistaken for insane people. Time travelers are among us and its is policed/maintained by eutopian society.

I could come up with endless posibilities and this is best thought of in terms of multiple realities or realities that are layered on top of each other.

However... I feel its importent to mention that I like to sleep, and this is my preffered mode of transport when going to the future.
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