ForumsGame WalkthroughsCastaway tips & tricks

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21 posts

Post any Castatway tips and tricks here. For example, one area I've been having a lot of trouble with is finding the sand generator. Either I've found it and it refuses to work, or I haven't found it yet. Does anyone know where the sand generator is and where to stand to get it to work?

  • 164 Replies
11 posts

-save your money, don't spend your money on items that heal you (unless you are going into a place with people above your level)

-remember to save every once in a while, or what I do, every level

-at the start, once you have enough money buy the first sword in the Blacksmith's Shop

1 posts

If when you level up you find your stats are lowered simply save your game and refresh the browser reload and you will find your stats have gone upwhere they should be!

Best pets are the ones with effects, such as the ice elemental which freezes enemies or the Ogres which stun enemies! Dont bother with poison pets the damage barely worths it.

Get an Ogre Lord egg for the fun of it at level 30 he has over 2000 HP!

75 posts

You can do double strikes if you have Slash(or other abilities).

To do so, first select the enermy you want to strike from a far. Then click him(or her) again, this will make your character walk up to them automaticly. When you are about 4 grids away from them, click on slash(or other abilities that you have) like crazy until your character reach the target enermy.

The bad thing about this move is there is a chance that you can miss the first strike and hit them with the second, hit the first and miss the second or misses both! But most of the time you can kill the enermy that need more than one hit to kill in one go.

75 posts

I know I should not post that... sorry! Everybody probably knows how to do that already.

2 posts

Ok! I'm not good at explaining things especially how this game is set up but here I go!

The sand generator is on Castaway Beach(the only stage beside the village that you can play in the beginning of the game).

When you start the map, you will be at the north-west end of the beach(look at the map to see which way is north). From there, go south-east to the entrance to the second map. The entrance to the next map is on the east end. Next, go north-east of the second map, the entrance to the next map is on the north. Go north-east again, the next map entrance is on the north. Go north of the the map, this time the next map entrance is on the east.

Ok! Now this map is where the sand generator is locate. Follow the stone path from where you are starting, go east for a couple of steps(I mean grind!)and turn south until you reach the three pillors and a palm tree(or is it a coconut tree? I don't know!)then turn east past the two palm trees. Now turn north and follow the stone path again through the bushes. The sand generator is on the otherside. Becareful of the scorpion! He will attack you as soon as he see you coming through the bushes.

To activate the generator, go to the closest tile step next to it and stand on the tile.

I hope you understand what I just wrote down here and I hope it help.
I tried every ways but I get stuck anyways. Could you explain clearlier where it is ?
26 posts

i have a captured sand beetle, sand snake, scorpion, and grass beetle. my little green eye guy had died T_T. anyway does anyone know why the wild scorpion (note WILD scorpion not just scorpion) guarding the grass generator turns into some weird skeleton warrior thingy when it moves?

2 posts

Hey Lokked. I noticed the same thing with the WILD scorpion, I just assumed that it was some kind of boss or something. Does anyone know if the aggressive monsters ever stop being aggressive at higher levels?

75 posts

To saulus,
You have to explain what do you mean "stuck".

If you mean that you have reach the generator and step on the tile and nothing happen, then maybe you did not took on the quest that can be found in the village at the mercenary tower.

If you are talking about my walkthrough then...

The Sand generator is in the Castaway beach. The beach is on the bottom of the main map. The main map can be access by clicking on the map icon located on the top right hand of the screen when you are in the village.

If you are talking about how I explain the location to the generator then...

When I said[/quote] I mean when you start at the beginning of the Castaway Beach andto find out which way is north, look at the mini map on the top right hand of your scrren.[quote] This mean from where you started, go as far south and east as possible. You will see three grids extending out from the corner to the east-side of the floor made of stone tiles unlike most sand tile on the beach. That is the entrance to the second zone. Most of the way that lead to the next zone will be similar to this.

Anyway, I'm guessing here. Answer me and I'll see if I can help you.

75 posts

Crap! My quote does not work. Sorry.

75 posts

I was wrong about the three stone tiles. It was three sand tiles like the beach. Sorry again!

12 posts

what pet shud i get my green guy died in the beach and i have not had a pet sence then and im at the marsh but it would propally be batter if i had one

5,642 posts

work up from a beetle to a sand snake and so forth

354 posts

is there a really good way to train?
i hate dying from the snakes that block the exits in the second map

3 posts

Despite not really caring for the game, I played through it anyways (a masochist perhaps?) And I can give the following information.

Creatures are split into two groups, passive and aggressive. Aggressive creatures will always remain aggressive, regardless of level, while passive creatures will not attack unless attacked first.

Passive creatures include:
- all types of beetle
- swamp mutant
- Skeleton

Aggressive creatures are:
- all types of snake
- all types of scorpion
- all types of elemental
- all ogres
- the skeleton warrior
- the female swamp mutant

Aggressive creatures will attack you once you get into a certain range of them, your pet also triggers this.

Levelling up:

A good way to level up is to get to an area with only passive creatures, and constantly attack the passive creatures, stopping when you need to to regenerate health.

If your pet is heavily damaged and you have no healing goods, then commanding it to stay and fighting monsters yourself until it levels up or you get healing items will save it.

Telling your pet to stay in an area with passive monsters poses no risk to you or your pet. In areas with aggressive monsters, you can use the items that monsters drop as a barrier - nothing can pass through the item - so you can completely block yourself and your monster off and fight one at a time.

Always buy the best armor and weapon for your level, it's an immense help. Your pet also needs to be 8 to 14 levels above the monsters in the area in order not to take huge amounts of damage from battling them.

Egg hatching times are kept track off, even if you log off the game, this isn't mentioned anywhere, but it means that you can leave your game overnight to let things hatch, rather than having to spend all the time at the computer idling.

Scorpions have a glitch that's been mentioned, where their sprite won't show up, and it will be a green or red patch with a skeleton by it, this is a graphical fault, and nothing more.

Special abilities of monsters include:
- poison: all snakes and two of the scorpions have this, but it's a fairly worthless ability because it only ever does one damage.
- stun: the ogres have this ability, stuns the enemy for a turn or two.
- freeze: only the ice elemental and the ice scorpion have this ability. Against you, it acts like a longer stun, but when your pet has it it seems to act rather as an instant kill that happens extremely rarely. The ice sword probably also has this ability, put I haven't gotten it yet, and don't think I'll bother.

One final tip: if you can afford it, always try to have a castaway feather, especially when doing the generator quests, so that way you only have to touch the generator and then use the feather to warp back home.

2 posts

I recommend that before going for a generator, put a very low level egg in the pet incubator. Then level up so that monsters barely hit you (buy armor!) and when you think you are ready buy 1 castaway feather and equipt your terribly low leveled pet rather than your good one. Now go for the generator, and immediately your pet will die. But you will be going for speed so now you dont have to worry about a pet dying that you care about. Once you finally get to the generator, just use the castaway feather and you've done it!

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