Title sure is a mouthful, aint it? Well before you say: "woody?" I'll say that he is in here as a few brief references/cameos. I'll give you a little background as to The EvilCandyland. The Evil Candyland was initially a project I had where a small child would be put into a coma. He finds himself trapped inside his own mind, full of candy and happy faces. However, since I wanted to be somewhat philosophical, I also realized that every child may have a happy adventure filled brain, but in this brain I realize that a child will be happy to be a little evil motherf-(strop comes in to kick me in the face). I changed the Evil Candyland into a completely different universe, instead of having it in only a single story that probably wouldn't even get on it's feet.
Mr. Rogers and the Dyslexic Elephant are two characters I thought of on the spot. Mr. Rogers is a spotty Englishman with a monocle, handlebar mustache and a top-hat. Why? He's motherf-(stropkick)ing classy.
Mr. Rogers and the Dyslexic Elephant Run Through The EvilCandyland is actually a school project for SCIENCE class, so expect this to be an ongoing project after the main story is actually completed. Why? Because I actually like Mr. Rogers.
So then, I'll start in the next post since I'm still writing the first few pages (expect the project to be completed by today, and also expect it to be... short. Like, really short. Less than 20 pages)