My elemental ninjas are coming soon people, don't fret. But The new game, Exit path, is so aweomse, ima going to base a little story or book from it. Fo shizzle.
"T46 9015! It is your chance for Freedom! Come, Show us that you deserve it! Pass through our tests and you will be free!" The Voice said from the Speaker. I looked around as they called my name. All of us, just pawns in a cruel game of cat and mouse. We all knew it, but we didn't want to face it. A few of the new Runners gave me looks of envy. If only they new that they would die if their name got called. I rose from my seat, and with an emotionless face, walked through the door.
I was greeted by a machine. Another emotionless thing, but not alive as we runners were. How I envied it. "T46 9015, please continue into the stadium. I am sure that you will be the one to win and be set free! Good Luck and do your best!" The cold silver machine said. All of us in waiting had heard the excact same thing as the others left. We could hear it through the door way, and we knew it was Death, bekoning for us.
I walked through the next door, where a bright light was shined on my pale blue face, and I heard thousands laughing, screaming, clapping, whistling. It was not cheerful. It was cold and cruel. I stood before them, on a platform, and I refused to show any emotion. The platform started moving towards another platform, and I knew I was to see hundreds more. I looked behind me, at the door, and I saw the grim faces of my fellow people looking at me as I left.
The platform quit moving as it reached the other one, and not too far, I saw the spikes and axes. But I showed no fear. I don't think I ever will again. Don't give them a reason to suspect you. F49 1506 told me. It is possible to leave, just never let them see that you have feelings, and they will let you pass, then you must run faster than you ever have before
How much hope is there? He was the One that left. He got out somehow. Who knows what he had to face. When the Humans carried him back through the door, he yelled it to everyone. The Humans procceded to dump him on the floor and withouht mercy, one of the Humans beat him till he quit trying to stand. "This is a bad runner. Do not listen to him, he speaks lies to you all. You can be freed as long as you finish through the stadium! Then you must complete a last test and you are free to go wherever you want!" The Human said. He had cold blue eyes and shaggy black hair.
But the other Human I was more interested in. He had soft green eyes with brown streaks. Like the eyes of my People. He had golden hair, with darker streaks. As my child self looked at him, and he looked at me, I saw a struggle in his heart. His eyes faltered and he looked away. "Zhe shekai sei?" I questioned the man. The blue eyed Human looked at me, and took out his knife. I ran to the corner of the room and curled in a ball. "Nei! Nei! Shoni baiya!" I screamed. The Human grabbed my arm and sliced downward. "Zhe Uaimaiga!" I yelled at the man.
"Rhe shika bai nei sie." The Human spat at me. I stared at the other Human and gave him a pleading look. "Was that neccesary Sean?" The Human asked. "Oh, so now you have pity for them John? God Damn!" The Human named Sean told the other Human. "Lets just go. Get rid of F49 1506, and we are done." The Human named John said.
John looked at me and handed me a bandage as Sean took out a gun. "Zhe shekai di John?" I asked. "Hai. Zhe shekai di..?" John asked. I smiled and said "Daiyama." John smiled back at me and helped wrapped my bandage. "Daiyama, Yaloe." John said when he finished. "Yaloe." I responded. He looked over his shoulder then covered my ears. I heard a muffled gunshot and looked at my old friend. His name wasnt F49 1506, it was Sheimagya. But the Humans didn't care about that. I ran to him and yelled "Sheimagya! Nei!" But John pulled me away. "Sh sh. Go back now Daiyama." He whispered.
I looked at the nicest Human I had ever met as the other Human sean walked away. John waved at me, and I looked at him through tears. I tried to wave back, but I couldn't. I ran back to Sheimagya and his eyes fluttered for a moment. In our language he told me "They always forget our hearts are on the other side." He told me with a weak grin.
SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?! I hope this isn't stealing... I will ask the Real John on his profile if it is alright that I use his idea. Yeah so I just typed this up out of nowhere. No editing, no nothing. This is PURE Storyline. What do ya think? I will update whe I type my elemental ninja story later next week. Please be honest. (but not mean)
cmon peeps, keep this story on the first page! I might add in the levels at a later date. I might make a colony of the Runners that escaped during manufacturing. WHO KNOWS?!
I was turned off by the elemental ninjas words, but I only just realized that that was an entirely DIFFERENT story altogether. I read it and it sounds incredibly similar to the game, but since the game had no plot I don't think anyone would really care. Well, it DID have a plot but it wasn't one that ran through the whole story...
but anyway it was ok, but I dislike the whole ideal that emotionless will be your savior. It just sounds like a crappy Naruto-esque "OMG WEEP WEEP MOOOOOOW FLASHBACK TIEM" kind of backstory to the original character.
I think he's saying that he dislikes the whole.... freedom thing or how the person is wanting freedom. Thoad thinks it's like one of those Naruto Flashbacks, "OMG *CRY* *CRY*." for the character. I think that's what he meant.
Well the game's metaphoric in lots of ways, it's an elaborated critic on society for example. Yeah Moon, I finally read it after totally blowing myself off in the multiplayer...It starts up hard but when you get the hang of it, that's when you truly start to enjoy the multi. - Well your updates are well written, clear of almost all grammar faults and are quite addicting...I would've gladly tried my hand at writting about that but I'm nowhere near as good of a writter I actually am in french so...Let's leave it at text appreciation^^. I think it's okay that you've skipped a few levels since picturing twenty of them would have gotten pretty repetitive...Keep the story balnced like this, it's a great mix of action/emotionnal and story background.
I HAVE FINALLY WRITTEN SOMETHING THAT MOST~gives deathglare at thoad~ PEOPLE LIKE! SAWEET! I am really happy that I could make something that people enjoy reading. I might update later today, if we don't go out again today.
Thanks people for reading my stories! I really appreciate it! DDDD
MoonFairy officially kicked my butt on the comment side...Well, at least I'm a feared Grandmaster on exitpath now ^^. Keep that story going moon, it's good.
WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT. > > Don't rush me, or else I will panick and get a block like on the last one... T T poor little book in the making... Anyways, We will be leaving the cabin in a bit to go to a rollercoaster park DDDDDD Lets hope I don't die!