What made you make a AG account?
I wanted to play forum games.
I forgot why...
The Games, the layout and the community
I had no idea about the points or forums. I was just a fan of the games :P
I wanted to view comments on games and be able to rate them.
Yeah, the ad at the bottom of the game also made me lag And the forums for a reason, too.
my last one was permanently banned lol but before that it was cuz the games and site itself is phenomenal
Definitely not a good sign. I wonder what the rules are about that...
I used to come to this site all the time to play games and never made an account, so I decided to make one so that I could rate games and comment. And when I found the forums, that just added to the awesomeness of the site.
I wanted to rate and review 'The Last Stand 1' and decided to join and make it so! Glad I did... =D
As I said I wanted to post in the forums, but when I saw the rank up thingy I WAS AN ADDICT!!!
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