ForumsArt, Music, and Writing[OCT] A.G.S. Explore

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5,642 posts

Thoad the toad, the green-clad zombie slayer, the epidimy (sp?) of stupidity, was sitting in his room one day. His condo was still getting worse and worse by the day. "I wish my rank was better, maybe there wouldn't be a mold problem now... oh well, not as bad as the slums though." Thoad sat on a small wooden stool, and looked at the walls, the wallpaper peeling off.
Suddenly, he had an idea. A marvelous idea. He got up with a wide smile, happy, energetic symphonic music in his mind. He ran to his window and shoved it open. He yelled out at the populace: "ARMORGAMES. I AM GOING TO EXPLORE THE LAND WITH A CREW. JUST YOU SEE, WE'LL HAVE OUTPOSTS EVERYWHERE!," after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at the moon, still in the sky. "MY SHIP WILL BE.... THE A.G.S. EXPLORE!"
He brought up a sheet of parchment and wrote a shotty flier.
<image pending>
(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)
He copied it and pasted it onto several other pieces of paper and threw them out the window, since there was a breeze. On a single piece of parchment there was another footnote. "You have been chosen to be my 2nd in command! Bring this flier to me and you'll be able to do everythign I could do, if I'm not there!"
"FOR ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE" Thoad yelled once more out the window. Someone finally looked up at him, put his hands out, and simply said: "Dude, wtf?"

Welcome to the A.G.S. Explore! This is similar to the WoM in the first round. You are to tell me how you found the flier and your reaction towards it.
[bAs for the co-host flier[/b], that one is reserved for either ThePossum or KingRyan. I'll rate it and choose my co host from that.

Considering that there's a little bit of time before you guys will hear of this, I'll make the deadline for this round on Friday, June 11.

Spread the word!~

  • 18 Replies
60 posts

(OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)

I lol'd

this will be epic. Can't wait!
3,035 posts

Possum was sitting in the middle of his one of his favorite places in the sity, The Tavern. He might have been imagining it, but he thought he heard faint yelling. All of a sudden, there was a breeze, and an exciting new feeling in the air. Feeling this excitement, Possum simply could not just sit there. So he left, walking to his favorite place in the sity, the Museum of Art, Music, and Writing. When inside, he saw there were papers all over the floor. The message was unclear, as it was shotty, but it was clear nonetheless. Thoad, one of the more social members in the sity, was feeling like exploring the land, and he needed a crew! Possum jumped for joy at this marvelous chance. While jumping, he noticed that one of the messages was special. Its writing was different. He picked it up, and it was said it was either meant for him or for King Ryan. He read it....and immediately ran outside of the building, searching for Thoad. He was nowhere to be found. Then Possum saw somebody staring at him quite oddly, so he went to engage the stranger in conversation. The stranger said, "I believe you are looking for the one named Thoad, correct?" "Yes," Possum said. "Do you know where I might find him?" The stranger said, "Of course, Thoad is exactly where he should be, his condo." So Possum set off. On the way there, he was confronted by the Moderators of the sity, the people that kept any fun from happening. They demanded to know why he was so happy. He replied, "Because, dear sirs and madam, today is a Wednesday!" This was understood immediately, as Wednesdays were the happiest days of them all. So Possum continued on his journey. He finally got to the block where Thoad was known to live. Outside his condo, in the middle of the street, was a ship. A wondrous ship. On the side, painted in glossy black paint, were the words 'A.G.S. Explorer'. And in the captain's cabin was Thoad. Possum gladly went up to him and explained all that had transpired.

Sorry if this seems a little rough and incomplete. I didn't really know what was expected, and there aren't any other characters, so I just sort of winged it. Fun fact: I wrote this as I went along. There was no planning whatsoever. If this seems inadequate, I will gladly write another entry, one that I will actually put a lot of thought and time into. Thanks for reading. =P

3,035 posts

The message was unclear, as it was shotty, but it was clear nonetheless.

LOL fail. It should say, 'The message was shotty, but it was clear nonetheless.'
5,642 posts

I forgot to mention (for formatting purposes) you should write to

Go ahead and make a better entry, as it does seem a little bad. Remember, this is for the co-host spot against KR, so make it good!

10,816 posts

(psst thoad, you might want to consider setting up some kind of... you know. Organisation. External organisation. Like an email. Unless you want to make it clear that this is a pilot for expression-of-interest purposes only, otherwise the thread may get insurmountably messy very quickly!)

13,657 posts

:< I will conclude there is only one way I can be involved in OCTs, and that is by (co)hosting... Oh well.

922 posts

This seems good! Seeing as I don't know what the WoM acctualy is I'll enter this!

4,196 posts

:< I will conclude there is only one way I can be involved in OCTs, and that is by (co)hosting... Oh well.

Cen is just tooo good to be among the ranks of us simpletons...
13,657 posts

Cen is just tooo good to be among the ranks of us simpletons...

Actually genuinely sad he started it now. I would rather want to be in, considering I have heard about his plans, and it sounds like fun...
3,035 posts

This is difficult...I'm not completely clear about how long or complex this should be....or what I should be writing about in general... Oh well. I'll try, but it's going to be really difficult without anything to build on. Whatever. I'm sure I'll make some foundations for others to build on. Expect my real entry sometime tomorrow! =P

3,386 posts

SO, your supposed to write a little story about yourself finding a flyer? Hmm... I'll just scribble a lil somethin somethin cause the co host spots are already taken...

One day, when MoonFairy was trying to write an update for her story while walking to The Forge's Arts and Writing Museum, She stumbled across one of her fellow writers, ThePossum. She was about to greet him, but he started getting a crazy expression on his face, and thought better not to. All of a sudden, she felt a cool breeze filled with such energy it sent chills down her spine. She looked around as the breeze was passing, and saw papers floating through the air. STUPID SPAM BUGS! MoonFairy thought. I am going to have to report this to the moderators!

But she saw a word that caught her eye scribbled on the paper, EXPLORE. MoonFairy's curiousity got the best of her, and she picked up one of the papers.

Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See (?)on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your Sity!

See who?! She thought. Suddenly, she realized that this is what thepossum was so exited about. She ran after him, but stopped short when she saw the feared moderator Cenere, and his very strange ninja horse friend, Strop walking towards the Forge. MoonFairy quickly ducked into the Newbie Area, afraid that they might of found out about her multiple off topic conversations in almost every forum and come to confront her. As soon as they passed by, she ran after Thepossum, and saw him running towards Thoads condo.

5,642 posts

:< I will conclude there is only one way I can be involved in OCTs, and that is by (co)hosting... Oh well.

You realize you can just enter, right?

As for orginazation, I completely forgot to mention that in the OP. I might have to re-dit the thread in that case. I liked the WoM form of the entry .... enterings, and I was going to follow that system. Being I would respond etc. through e-mail and after I approve (in case there's something terribly wrong with it)
after seeing the other entries, I think I'll have to say yes.

13,657 posts

You realize you can just enter, right?

Well, that's the case. I can't. I don't have time to participate until September. I am only &quotarticipating" in the WoM, because it is my responsibility to take care of, and because I promised I would. Which is kinda hard when the other half of the team is as busy as I am...
O well, there is no team in I.

@the rest: Go remake this thread, state the rules, make a quick email for it (it is evidently easier to have an email both hosts can check), and post it. I will lock this when you have posted a link to the new one?
3,035 posts

Go remake this thread, state the rules, make a quick email for it

Indeed. Knowing the rules and such would help...Expect my entry later on today.
1,766 posts

Wait, wait, wait. So your supposed to send your storyline thingy to the email. What's the email??? D: I like this idea.

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