ForumsArt, Music, and WritingA.G.S. Explore [p.24]

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Thoad the toad, the green-clad zombie slayer, the epidimy (sp?) of stupidity, was sitting in his room one day. His condo was still getting worse and worse by the day. "I wish my rank was better, maybe there wouldn't be a mold problem now... oh well, not as bad as the slums though." Thoad sat on a small wooden stool, and looked at the walls, the wallpaper peeling off.
Suddenly, he had an idea. A marvelous idea. He got up with a wide smile, happy, energetic symphonic music in his mind. He ran to his window and shoved it open. He yelled out at the populace: "ARMORGAMES. I AM GOING TO EXPLORE THE LAND WITH A CREW. JUST YOU SEE, WE'LL HAVE OUTPOSTS EVERYWHERE!," after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at the moon, still in the sky. "MY SHIP WILL BE.... THE A.G.S. EXPLORE!"
He brought up a sheet of parchment and wrote a shotty flier.
<image pending>
(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)
He copied it and pasted it onto several other pieces of paper and threw them out the window, since there was a breeze. On a single piece of parchment there was another footnote. "You have been chosen to be my 2nd in command! Bring this flier to me and you'll be able to do everythign I could do, if I'm not there!"
"FOR ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE" Thoad yelled once more out the window. Someone finally looked up at him, put his hands out, and simply said: "Dude, wtf?"

First off, I'd like to let you all know to e-mail instead of my own e-mail. My co-host (when announced) will be given the password to the e-mail.

The entry organization-things will be similar to the WoM. You'll e-mail the e-mail and upon response, you'll be told if you can post it on the main thread or not.

  • 432 Replies
1,903 posts

pHacon is currently out of the tourney. I will have to figure a way to conveniently get him out soon. For now he'll be a character for me, and won't do much, until further notice.

Sorry about that, I came unto a foregone conclusion without first weighing the positive aspects of my situation... Short story short, I convinced my mom that she was wrong and got my power cord back.

Sturhee tiemz
"Did you just lie?" I asked KingRyan, but cutting in before he could speak "Never mind that... Now that I know we should be relatively safe here, barring the volcano that must be on this island doesn't erupt, I think I'm going to stay and try and make life here a little easier for the rest of us that side with Thoad... I would have only been good for making a boat and perhaps piloting if for you, though, so no great loss there. If you do need anything, though, you have but to ask and I'll help you as best I can until it interferes with what plans I have for staying."

"Now Captain," I start, looking at Thoad now, "you're acting a little crazy, but I like that in a leader as long as he can use it, and it looks like you can, so I'd prefer to help you."

With that, I walk away without so much of an answer towards the pile of supplies I could scavenge from the wreck and move them out of the tide's reach.
Reaching inside my coat to get my spade, I only now realize how wet I am. "Sonofa... My journal better not be-" I reach for it "Glad I decided to spend a little extra on that case." I say, realizing that it's safe from any water damage.

Deciding not to take off my coat, and to just let it dry off on me, I begin digging a few shallow holes in a radial pattern and place a few rocks inside them, then pouring water I gathered from the sea into the holes, forcing the rocks further down, then widening the holes.
Once each rectangular hole was about 4' deep, 10' long by 5' wide with a suitable ramp for entry, I began to reinforce their outward sloping sides with rocks gathered from the beach to prevent them from caving in.

"What are you doing?" asked our captain.
"Everyone gets their own room, Sir." I answer.
"I can see that, but the hole in the middle?"
"Supply dump."
Thoad, apparently satisfied with my work went off, but seeing him do so, I call out "How far away do you think those trees are from here?"
"Not so far, why?"
"I'll see if I can have a few of them here by tomorrow morning, don't wait up, these pits should be comfortable enough to spend the night in, even though they're unfinished."
"It's getting late, but you might have them here before nightfall, if you would like some help."
"Wouldn't be able to work on them, or even have reason to until morning, besides, I work best alone on jobs like these."

Done with the job at hand, I move towards the foliage as the sun sets, going at a light jog, and removing the patch I had placed over my left eye, so as to aid in my night vision. "I probably should have asked Orion for a bit of help, he has perfect night vision... Then again, with this moon I can see most everything well enough."

Arriving at the palms, invigorated by the beautiful night, I got to work on digging up their roots, then hacking them off with the sharpened edge of my spade. I had four down and stripped of leaves within the first hour, but kept going until I had ten, then took a break to weave some cordage out of creeper growing around the trees.

"Easy part is over... Let's see if I can get these down to the Outpost."

One by one, they arrived, battered and broken, all there with leaves and creeper-rope by sunrise.

"I think I can trust you guys to use these properly, I have some blueprints drawn up for a situation like this in my journal, pick your favorite, although I'm partial to a tree-house, myself..." I tell everyone after they woke up hearing the commotion. "I think I'm going to get some sleep first, though."
5,642 posts

Short story short, I convinced my mom that she was wrong and got my power cord back.

4,220 posts


But not anymore, thanks to your evil treachery. *gives evil eye*

"Let them go I say. If they want to sail to their well thought out and planned deaths, then let them!" Orion yelled out, to no one in particular.

"Just let it go," pHacon said to him, "We'll just stay here and have an adventure. As for me, I'll just go be like a normal person and get to building something."

"I guess so," Orion replied.

He then set to work looking over the ship, trying to see what went hooribly ary. He was questioning why the ship, such a magnificent one such as this, would fall to a storm. He'd been in storms worse, on ships less well built than this. It was strange, even amongst these sharp rocks, the ship was for the most part, intact. "So much for that journey," he whispered to himself.

Heading back to shore, he couldn't help but wonder. Had he made the right choice, staying with the partially insane and overzealous Thoad? Maybe KR was right, and we should have left. "But, he thought to himself, it was still his captain, and his loyalty was unquestionable. Even though we are probably toast, we should still stay. It'll be fun! Or lethal, but maybe fun. Or lethal. But fun!"

All of this wondering left him realizing a basic fact: He was hungry. REALLY EFFING HUNGRY. Like hungry hungry, hungrier than a bear after hybernation. He hadn't eaten since he walked the harbor before setting sail, and now he was feeling very lathargic. Maybe he could get Samdawg to do something, get off his lazy butt. He was hungry. That was all that was on his mind.

So, being the nice guy he is, he searched further into the island, looking for some Ethernet Birds to cut up and eat. Maybe get a fire going, where we could all gather around and eat whatever we scavenged. He wanted fresh meat, not that drastically salted crap that was on the ship. He wanted REAL meat.

So he searched, but to no avail. He couldn't find any birds, if there were any. Good news for the birds, bad news for his stomach. Just thinking about his favorite poultry was making him hungrier and hungrier. Quite disappointed, he went back to the wreck and grabbed some food, went to his cabin, and ate on it's 45 degree tiltedness. As he was eating, he was getting very tired. He decided to pull his bedding out and pu it in a corner, where he would sleep. He wasn't going to build a shelter, for his shelter was right there!

He fell asleep in his lonely cabin, dreaming of Ethernet Birds and impaling super spammers.

(the next morning)

Thoad walked over to Orion and shook his shoulder, shortly after he napped. "Orion, orion!" he said, Orion just barely coming back to consciousness. "Orion, I need you to go with KR, for two reasons. First off," Thoad got up from his knee, "I need you to keep KR safe. He's old, y'know? Those bones might go out. Also, you know me and multiple people in a group with survival. You're another mouth to feed. Another mouth I can't afford to feed. Please, I need you to go with KR."

"WHAT?! You're messed up. Fine, I'll go. After all I've done for you." Orion replied, very mad. "I'll leave. You're messed up."

3,386 posts

wow. alrighty. i think...that you think.... that thoad is messed up.

1,903 posts

Woo! I am a voice of reason!

@ Orion: How can you consider Thoad's actions as treachery? I'd say we're still all in this together, regardless of who's decision ends up being for the best; and keeping KR safe is probably one of the best ways of ensuring our success in entirety.

@ Moon: I was thinking the same thing... -_-
But if Thoad is messed up, what then?

5,642 posts

But if Thoad is messed up, what then?


Seriously, this is beggining to get very, very, VERY annoying.
3,386 posts

If KR died, then there wouldn't be any other opposing side, thus ruining the entire thing. Unless possum swam to the island and became the next voice of reason.

KR, for some reason I imagine you as a small person. Not a midget, just a scrawny, adorable, little kid. With a crown. XD So I must protect the little people. I got yo back.

4,220 posts

How can you consider Thoad's actions as treachery? I'd say we're still all in this together, regardless of who's decision ends up being for the best; and keeping KR safe is probably one of the best ways of ensuring our success in entirety.

But KR takes the fun out of lack of planning.



Automate them, they can be controlled by you for this round.

So I must protect the little people. I got yo back.

Now I'm stuck with a fairy from the moon.

*laughs and cries at the same time*

xD Kidding.
922 posts

Yea, I wo't be able for this round, I know I'm late, but I have no entry really busy.

4,196 posts

KR, for some reason I imagine you as a small person. Not a midget, just a scrawny, adorable, little kid. With a crown. XD So I must protect the little people. I got yo back.

Check OLD!

Gosh it's cold!
5,642 posts

Automate them

Good idea, now then, I'm going to give a character for me to control to KR. I'll explain later.

I'll post the new round either later today or tomorrow.
1,766 posts

Yeah sorry about that Thoad... I've been really busy the few days I've been gone. I'll send in my entry for the next round if that's okay.

3,386 posts

Now I'm stuck with a fairy from the moon.

STUCK?! You should be honored fewl. XP

And It is just your personality KR. XD Even though you are older than me... o.o But still. It is just how you come across.

Alrighty....... updates. Yeah. That would give me some reason to come back to AG more often. All of these stupid stories and crap are just spam. It is pissing me off.
4,220 posts

Oh no, Thoadsy, this is getting too interesting. I'm not letting it slip away. GET TO WORK!

1,766 posts

Whoa. A heavy downpour of rain just started. I mean SO MUCH RAIN just happened. So loud. Well. I'm going to read what I missed in this thread. Wait, Thoad, are you still going to automate my character?

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