ForumsArt, Music, and WritingA.G.S. Explore [p.24]

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5,642 posts

Thoad the toad, the green-clad zombie slayer, the epidimy (sp?) of stupidity, was sitting in his room one day. His condo was still getting worse and worse by the day. "I wish my rank was better, maybe there wouldn't be a mold problem now... oh well, not as bad as the slums though." Thoad sat on a small wooden stool, and looked at the walls, the wallpaper peeling off.
Suddenly, he had an idea. A marvelous idea. He got up with a wide smile, happy, energetic symphonic music in his mind. He ran to his window and shoved it open. He yelled out at the populace: "ARMORGAMES. I AM GOING TO EXPLORE THE LAND WITH A CREW. JUST YOU SEE, WE'LL HAVE OUTPOSTS EVERYWHERE!," after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at the moon, still in the sky. "MY SHIP WILL BE.... THE A.G.S. EXPLORE!"
He brought up a sheet of parchment and wrote a shotty flier.
<image pending>
(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)
He copied it and pasted it onto several other pieces of paper and threw them out the window, since there was a breeze. On a single piece of parchment there was another footnote. "You have been chosen to be my 2nd in command! Bring this flier to me and you'll be able to do everythign I could do, if I'm not there!"
"FOR ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE" Thoad yelled once more out the window. Someone finally looked up at him, put his hands out, and simply said: "Dude, wtf?"

First off, I'd like to let you all know to e-mail instead of my own e-mail. My co-host (when announced) will be given the password to the e-mail.

The entry organization-things will be similar to the WoM. You'll e-mail the e-mail and upon response, you'll be told if you can post it on the main thread or not.

  • 432 Replies
5,642 posts

Cant ya just get my little entry from the other thread and count it? PLeaaaaaase?

I can this once but I expect you to e-mail it from now on :|
3,550 posts

lol, whats wrong with email moon?

I like the Idea of having them emailed, faster and more secretive, and less spam on the thread.

4,196 posts

Did someone say SEXplore?

Errr yes, I will work on this when I get the chance too...

3,035 posts

I would enjoy it if some other people's entries were posted here, as I could then gauge how long, complex, and well-written I will have to make mine to be better then them all. =P

261 posts

Not at all, I'd like my privacy and nobody copying me. Or, having the temptation to copy some else's.

eMail is the best solution in my opinion.

(sent mine btw Thoad.)

3,035 posts

I don't want to copy anybody, but all of our stories do have to be sort of in common when it comes to the setting. Anyway, I just want to see what I'm up against before I post. And if your post is good enough, Thoad will let you post it here anyway. SO yea...

261 posts

And if your post is good enough, Thoad will let you post it here anyway.

But I don't want to post it here...

I did fine picturing the setting. Just use your imagination, at least, just ask Thoad for the setting and details. No need to copy some else's.
5,642 posts

I would enjoy it if some other people's entries were posted here, as I could then gauge how long, complex, and well-written I will have to make mine to be better then them all. =P

at the moment, anyone can join and there will be no elimination, just make it as best you can, and keep it under 3 pages (about 10 paragraphs) long.
3,386 posts

I just don't like email. It takes too long... I don't know really, but I don't like using email much. Bleh. And thank you thoad!

4,220 posts

The email said I could post, so here is my entry:

Enough of listening to Black Sabbath covers and skulking around the AMW! The time for adventure is here! Now you crumpled up flier, what shall be your secrets?

"Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!"

Wow . . . that's awesome. Maybe my dreams shall become reality! Gold, riches, fifty caliber machine guns and an awesome target range! This is pure win. Now to just use this application I'm writing to apply at <insert address here>, and I'll be set! This breeze sure is warm. Nevertheless, I will go on adventures! Even if my dreams do not come true as would be preferred, this shall be quite fun. Maybe a trip across the land, the sea, or whatever else is in store. Sir Orion Stellus, Knight and willing participant in whatever mayhem shall come my way!

*several hours later*

Now, it said to take a left here. Ah, there is said location! I'm still not even done with my application and I feel good! My, what a magnificent ship she is. AGS Explore, are you called? What a fine name as well. No machine guns or target ranges, but nevertheless (did I mention that is my favorite word? Really, it is!) I shall find a gunnery job at Captain Thoad's wishes. Or maybe I'll clean dishes, whatever helps! Even though gunnery positions do sound fun . . . .

AGS Explore, here I come! Or maybe not. But hopefully!

922 posts

Said I could post it, sooo.. Here it is..! It also said to change lttle to little and peice to piece, just so you know both were typos not spelling!

It was a lovely, sunny and cloudless day, early in the month of June and manny6574 was sitting in the Forge of the sity, in the Programming section, appalled at Apple's childish, cruel and evil work. He was coming up with a plan to construct a website to collect all the different cases showing Apple's selfishness and over-protection. It had not only banned Flash apps for the iPhone(unless you had approval), but it also was overly strict on its workers and limiting them unbearably! Manny was shocked at their pathetic behaviour of Apple, blocking the work of one little guy who said Apple was evil. Every man in this world has a right to share his opinion without anyone being harmed by it.
As manny was sketching out some plans for the site, he felt some strange urge to leave the programmers' little corner and enter the colorful, bright and always happy gallery of Art, Music and Writing. He had wanted to make an official character of him,as he lately drew a fantastic, sketchy image of him with his precise sniper rife, his trusty Glock 17 that he always had with him and the stealthy knife, but this time that area did not draw his attention, and what he saw was a huge shock.
On his little area he saw a little piece of paper, no larger than the palm of his hand, with the words:

Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See thoadthetoad
on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity

Manny already made his mind up. He would go and explore and see all new things, that were just waiting he discovered. He couldn't help running out and doing a double backflip, a thing he only did when the energy inside him was about to rip him to bits. He always had a lot of energy but he controlledit very well, making him seem like a serious stickman, which he was. He always stayed calm and knew what he should do.
About 10 minutes later, manny6574 was ready. He had taken his rifle, Glock and knife and packed hundreds of rounds of ammunition. He was a nice sniper and one with very steady hands! His stealth was also to be envied, as he could sneak up on anybody in daylight and pure silence ariund him, making not a single sound. As he left he was thinking what job he might get and hoped it's a good one!

922 posts

I shall find a gunnery job at Captain Thoad's wishes

Hey I want to be the one with the gun, as long as it is a sniper rifle!
3,035 posts

So it has to be under 10 paragraphs? Well, I guess that makes things easier...

4,871 posts

Samy warily eyed the match as he flew by his head and not feeling like putting out another fire tonight he shoot a glance at Wolf.
"I've got it", Wolf sighed as we stood up and slowly made his way over to burning embers on the floor that were seriously threating to roar into life at any moment.
Watching Wolf walk over to the group the match had been aimed at something fluttering in the wind caught his eye.He looked around to see if anyone else milling about the plaza had caught a glimpse of the brief disturbance and while some sitizens (sity citizens?) were looking in the general direction it didn't appear that any were actually looking at it. After a few second of debating with himself how much he didn't want to get up curiosity got the best of him and he walked over to where he had seen the glare of the, well whatever it was. As he was walking closer samy realized that it was a piece of paper, but not just a piece of a paper a flier promising adventure, exlorationg, and above all fame. Fame; he played the word over and over in his head loving the feeling of it tickling his brain and giving new hope to an old dream.
Samy looked quickly back at Wolf in time to see the growing flames lick the tip of his shorts effectivley catching them on fire. It has to be better than this, samy thought to himself, maybe even a chance to prove myself to the rest of the sity; "I'm going to this meeting and I'm going to be famous!" He didn't realize that he had yelled the last part but the disgrunteled looks of those who had been interrupted mid-conversation told him that it might be a good time to escape to the Tavern for a drink.
"Time for a drink?", a disgrunteled and smoky smelling Wolf asked.
"You read my mind", samy smiled as his mind wondered over what excitement was to come.

1,766 posts

Okay... I got it.

1337 was in The Imaginarium writing his noobish book when a breeze came through the tree house window and a piece of paper flew in that said, (Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on Wednesday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity!).
Hmmm an Exploration Team... What an interesting prospect. They need me definitely, 1337 smiled.
A Moderator named Cenere in The Imaginarium saw 1337 smile and came over to him and said, "Why are you smiling?"
He had to come up with a reasonable answer, "My brother, 311, is getting married today. I must leave now to get to the wedding," he lied.
"Alright, go."
1337 stood up and walked calmly out the door. Just outside the Museum of Art, Music, and Writing he saw Possum talking to a man. Possum looked in a hurry. When Possum went to some unknown direction the man was staring at 1337. 1337 wondered why he was staring at him so he went to talk to him.
"You are looking for Thoad?" the man asked.
"Yes. Where is he?"
"As I said to Possum, he is at his condo."
So Possum was in this, 1337 thought.
"Thank you," said 1337 and he dashed off.
1337 already saw Possum there talking to Thoad in the Captain's Cabin on this big giant ship. On the side of that ship, painted in jet black paint, were the words 'A.G.S. Explorer'. 1337 decided to walk up onto the ship to confront with Thoad. Possum ran off the ship yelling. Happily or angrily he did not know. 1337 saw Thoad.
"Hello 1337," said Thoad.

Well... it still fails

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