ForumsArt, Music, and WritingA.G.S. Explore [p.24]

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Thoad the toad, the green-clad zombie slayer, the epidimy (sp?) of stupidity, was sitting in his room one day. His condo was still getting worse and worse by the day. "I wish my rank was better, maybe there wouldn't be a mold problem now... oh well, not as bad as the slums though." Thoad sat on a small wooden stool, and looked at the walls, the wallpaper peeling off.
Suddenly, he had an idea. A marvelous idea. He got up with a wide smile, happy, energetic symphonic music in his mind. He ran to his window and shoved it open. He yelled out at the populace: "ARMORGAMES. I AM GOING TO EXPLORE THE LAND WITH A CREW. JUST YOU SEE, WE'LL HAVE OUTPOSTS EVERYWHERE!," after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at the moon, still in the sky. "MY SHIP WILL BE.... THE A.G.S. EXPLORE!"
He brought up a sheet of parchment and wrote a shotty flier.
<image pending>
(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)
He copied it and pasted it onto several other pieces of paper and threw them out the window, since there was a breeze. On a single piece of parchment there was another footnote. "You have been chosen to be my 2nd in command! Bring this flier to me and you'll be able to do everythign I could do, if I'm not there!"
"FOR ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE" Thoad yelled once more out the window. Someone finally looked up at him, put his hands out, and simply said: "Dude, wtf?"

First off, I'd like to let you all know to e-mail instead of my own e-mail. My co-host (when announced) will be given the password to the e-mail.

The entry organization-things will be similar to the WoM. You'll e-mail the e-mail and upon response, you'll be told if you can post it on the main thread or not.

  • 432 Replies
5,642 posts

6/8 participants.

I think we're missing just cen and Moonfairy. I e-mailed moonfairy and I think cen is away a little, so I'll e-mail him too.

4,196 posts

Wow, most people are actually here...

pHacon and Ulimitedpower get cookies for actually sending in entries for the mini round...

1,903 posts

Assuming you still have the life to do that. xD

Well, that was more aimed at people who would have seen it, not experienced it, but I'm sure you could write a letter while being crushed into little pieces by a crab's.. Mandibles?

Moon's around, but I'm pretty sure that this last Monday was the first day of school for a good part of the country, so I'm not sure how much time she might have here.

That makes me pull my own availability during the school year into question, but at least I have a most of two weeks until the 23rd.
Junior year is supposed to be the most important, though, so I've got my fingers crossed.

I believe the 23rd should be Orion's first day, too...

Hm.. Well, I should have lunch to write entries, unless I have to work through most of the time they give me for it. A good possibility, but not a certain one.

I'm sure I should have enough time anyways.
pHacon and Ulimitedpower get cookies for actually sending in entries for the mini round...

*om nom nom*
Only two people? ._.
1,766 posts

6/8? That's surprising. Well school starts for me on the 23rd also so... I'll be waiting Thoad.

3,386 posts

Sorry! I have been on.... Leave? for a while. But I'm here! Yeah

1,739 posts

pHacon and Ulimitedpower get cookies for actually sending in entries for the mini round...


Only two people? ._.

I actually hate the way I concluded my story, I basically dropped from climax to resolution in one sentence. So one and a half...

Ryan, when are you posting the mini-round entries? We want to reeeead.
13,657 posts

I think we're missing just cen and Moonfairy. I e-mailed moonfairy and I think cen is away a little, so I'll e-mail him too.

When exactly was that to happen?
Anyway, just in time for your birthday, Thoads.

And no cookie for me, because baw.
5,642 posts

When exactly was that to happen?
Anyway, just in time for your birthday, Thoads.

Couple of days ago.

Sadly I had to do a camping trip and now thar be a FAMILY CIVIL WAR.


since everyone has reported in, I'll get to writing that round. It will be up within 24 hours (at the most).
3,386 posts

SNARZZY. I'm really in the Writing mood now. HURRY!!!!!!!!

5,642 posts

Thoad came running out of the palm-tree jungle that was to the south of the current camp, his pants wet from... something smelly. He had a look of panicked happiness on his face. He had known why he was gone for so long, but he couldn't actually believe it. Ideas for ballads, plays, and other things he wasn't experienced at raced through his mind as the young boy fell flat on his face in the sand.
He picked his head up and tried to see what had just went on. There was a massive crab, one that the L.O.C.H. (Leage Of Crocodile Hunters (being dundee, the hunter, and all of their kind)) couldn't even imagine existed. It was an amazing corpse, and an even more amazing potential dinner. Directly above him was the only peach among this vast group of sausages, Moonfairy.
"Moonfairy! Nice to see you!" Thoad said with a smile.
Moonfairy quickly jumped back, noticing that Thoad was instinctively staring at her crotch. "Pervert!" She squealed before giving him a swift kick to the face. Somewhere inside him, thoad knew he truly deserved it. He lied (sp?) down in the sand and got his bearings once more. He focused and asked about the crab. KR quickly told them the situation.
"You see thoad? This place isn't safe! We need to get out NOW!" Kingryan yelled directly at thoad's face, not caring where the hell he was before. Thoad immediatley scowled at kingryan, a little upset that he was questioning his authority twice in a day, and also the fact that KR didn't care about thoad's absence.
"I'll have you know that I was about to save christmas!" Thoad yelled back.
Cen, hogtied in the sand, muttered something about that always being the story. Thoad quickly stood up, tipped his helmet at moonfairy apologetically, and stuck his finger at KingRyan's nose. "I wasn't planning on staying on this island, KR, you go find your own way of getting off, I'm not going with you!" thoad spat.
KingRyan stood there in the sand, the other 3 or so survivors behind him. Ulimited, Moonfairy, and EnterOrion. They were looking at Thoad, 1337, Cen, and buenothebear walking towards the south side of the island. The sun was starting to set as Kingryan turned around and walked in the exact opposite direction.

Thoad had bueno on his head and cen on his left shoulder. His other two compadres were by his sides, walking through the palm-tree jungle on the south side of the island. He picked this spot because of what he saw earlier. The thing that haunted him for the past day, yet still kept him happy and optimistic.
Cen decided to ask exactly what happened. "Where were you, thoad?" he said, serious as can be. Thoad smiled and decided to set down cen, noticing the smell of seasalt once again. They were close.
When Thoad sat down, and motioned for everyone else to sit down, bueno tried to jump off of his head. Thoad quickly grabbed him and put him back on his head. "Sit," Thoad commanded. Thoad stared at them all, about 20 seconds apiece before he started.
"Guys, and cen," Thoad, for whatever reason, thought it would be fun to start off his story with some character assasination towards cen. "I noticed a silohuette before I dissapeared. I went to go check it out, and I managed to find myself to a cliff area not too far from here. I found out a perfect spot to make the AG outpost!" Everyone thought what might come up next. Cen was thinking of how thoad would save christmas.
Thoad looked downwards and continued, "I saw the silohuette again, and ran after it. It suddenly stopped. It was clear that it was staring right at me, with eyes that were beautiful. I had no clue what I was looking at was what it was."
Cen looked up at Thoad, "Terrible grammar, thoad."
Thoad huffed and then continued with his story, "A bit of sun managed to pierce the palm trees and...." thoad hesitated, and smiled, "I saw a beautiful, beautiful woman." Immediatley, the team didn't take a good reaction. A mix of dissapointment, releif, and frusteration surged through the four people. Thoad was happy. He was more lovestruck than the time he thought he saw Rose in AG.
"This is actually the spot where I saw her. She dissapeared soon after, and I started running back to where I was so I could tell you guys," thoad continued. He seemed a little depressed though. No one could quite figure out why. "Just beyond those trees lies an open, flat, easy to defend spot right next to the coast. We can figure out how to get the hell out from there..."
Cen hesitated before adding in the comment: (WARNING: May or not be OOC, not sure) "You need to control your libido, thoad."

TASK FOR THOAD: you must now set up the armorcamp. We have everything readily available to us and some wreckage we sneakily grabbed from the ship. We are so awesome, we got sails... but not any wood or anything else that we might have needed (like food).

BONUS FOR KR: You managed to get a bunch of food and wood before turning and going north.

Kr, I'll give you my briefing, as well as the password to

1,903 posts

TASK FOR THOAD: you must now set up the armorcamp. We have everything readily available to us and some wreckage we sneakily grabbed from the ship. We are so awesome, we got sails... but not any wood or anything else that we might have needed (like food).

Hm.. I recall in the last e-mail you said I could skip part two of the round (I'm assuming this is it). In light of the new information, I'd like to know if I need to edit it, though.

I'm not going to be here for the next four days, and need to get off now, so any reply within that time period would be appreciated.

hm.. This should be my 1,234th post. Have a good couple of days while I'm gone, everyone. I know it should be easier here without my presence to disturb you.
5,642 posts

I forgot to mention that there will not be a 2nd part to the round, since I have a generally more-or-less set up path for both leaders.

4,196 posts
Farmer only sent me a brief message via fb...Maybe I was meant to reply....

Cen did you enter the crab round too? Your hair isnt shaven so you mustn't have properly defeated it...

13,657 posts

Cen did you enter the crab round too? Your hair isnt shaven so you mustn't have properly defeated it...

I weren't.
Which leads me to:
I thought you were doing so well, Thoad, and then you give me this?
Inconsistencies, OoC... Why asking for a reaction if you don't want to follow it?
So much for progress.

Oh well, back to that crab-thing: I would have been, but there was a general lack of time from my side, so I kinda forgot. It was probably of epic proportions, tho.
3,035 posts

So, I'm assuming I'm kicked from this, as there was no mention of me anywhere...

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