ForumsArt, Music, and WritingA.G.S. Explore [p.24]

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5,642 posts

Thoad the toad, the green-clad zombie slayer, the epidimy (sp?) of stupidity, was sitting in his room one day. His condo was still getting worse and worse by the day. "I wish my rank was better, maybe there wouldn't be a mold problem now... oh well, not as bad as the slums though." Thoad sat on a small wooden stool, and looked at the walls, the wallpaper peeling off.
Suddenly, he had an idea. A marvelous idea. He got up with a wide smile, happy, energetic symphonic music in his mind. He ran to his window and shoved it open. He yelled out at the populace: "ARMORGAMES. I AM GOING TO EXPLORE THE LAND WITH A CREW. JUST YOU SEE, WE'LL HAVE OUTPOSTS EVERYWHERE!," after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at the moon, still in the sky. "MY SHIP WILL BE.... THE A.G.S. EXPLORE!"
He brought up a sheet of parchment and wrote a shotty flier.
<image pending>
(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)
He copied it and pasted it onto several other pieces of paper and threw them out the window, since there was a breeze. On a single piece of parchment there was another footnote. "You have been chosen to be my 2nd in command! Bring this flier to me and you'll be able to do everythign I could do, if I'm not there!"
"FOR ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE" Thoad yelled once more out the window. Someone finally looked up at him, put his hands out, and simply said: "Dude, wtf?"

First off, I'd like to let you all know to e-mail instead of my own e-mail. My co-host (when announced) will be given the password to the e-mail.

The entry organization-things will be similar to the WoM. You'll e-mail the e-mail and upon response, you'll be told if you can post it on the main thread or not.

  • 432 Replies
5,642 posts

Seriously. Saying you'll do it next Tuesday means it'll never come. Ever heard of the weekend. T.T

Ever heard of teachers that give too much homework?

If you want me to quit my b*tching than you should start to eat your own words while you're at it.

Besides, 101 degree weather isn't much worse and I'm sure that it was actually 110 out here.
3,035 posts

110? HAH! I laugh in the face of your cold weather! 112 here in Bakersfield!

1,903 posts

To reply in kind to your list, I'll come across as more than a little whiny as well.

The things that are currently taking up my time are:

-Calculus (Thankfully we're only in review, but she's a formatting nightmare, regardless.)
-Physics (Easy, but incredibly time-consuming. Especially so when we haven't been taught all we need to know for the homework.)
-Economics (The main problem here is the people in my class, not the class itself. They hold us back, and we have to complete what should have been done in class for homework.)
-Writing essays for homework almost every day in English (Really? This is what I was trying to avoid by NOT taking AP.)
-WALKING home from approx. 4:10-4:50 in 100 degree, or at least high 90 degree weather, not including the heat index.
-"Other crap" (Mainly being at school one and a half to two hours early for practice and tutoring kids/helping them with their homework.)

But remember, my group can still get their entries in!

With my current outrageous bedtime, I have had recently from about forty minutes to negative one hour and thirty minutes of free time a day.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.. My point is that most everyone is probably in the same boat here, and has little free time to spend on this.

Meh, I guess that's what the weekends are for..
If KR doesn't post within 2 weeks, I'll just automate him and if I make him out of character than he can go stick it.
Yay, a period of time for which the end of the round will be based on in some fashion.

Given the ten minutes a day I can devote to actual writing, and the weekends.. Yeah, I'm sure I can get one in by two weeks, although the task set before me is rather daunting when one has little to no time for collaboration.

There are going to be distinctly different versions of the outpost, I have no idea how you might choose or combine them, let alone include what the characters' actions are in building it. I'm sure several things will be overlooked, and a few will find different people solely responsible in multiple entries.
4,196 posts

If KR doesn't post within 2 weeks, I'll just automate him and if I make him out of character than he can go stick it.


Well, I'll probably post it tomorrow...but just because people are sharing...I am busy with:

- English essay, was originally due tomorrow, started tonight. Have to hand up a draft tomorrow.
- Specialist Maths Directed Investigation - Yea, this was due a while ago. My teacher will be annoyed at me for not handing it in tomorrow, but he won't give me a detention or take marks off, he'll get it Monday anyway...
- Maths Studies work...
- Chem - I have a heap of notes to copy...
- Phsyics -
- Research Project - Needa investigate graphic tablets...
- Life in general - Yea, lets not go there.
- Music exam in 2 weeks - ARGH!

1,739 posts


You have two minutes to run from my panda foot.

I do... I have like forever these days...

Math homework is fun for me, it's just the classes that tire me...

And getting sick...

If Ryan is back, that should mean we can get back moving a bit...
4,196 posts

I never left! I was just busy...

I will be posting my bit sometime in the next three days!

5,642 posts

I will be posting my bit sometime in the next three days!

Okay. Again, you got 2 weeks.
4,196 posts

Woo I'm actually working on my thingo!

Sorry about the delays everyone...sometimes life gets decides to fall on top of me and then I am squished and feel flat and stuff...

5,642 posts

Don't worry. Everyone's been really swamped. I'm glad we got the introductions and things out of the way, though. They're probably the most vague and least-straightforward challenges.

Keep in mind that later things will get MUCH more specific, so I don't expect quite as many questions this time.

4,196 posts

Kingryan and his team wandered off in the opposite direction of Thoadsy...the path which he took only lead to death and despair in the old man's mind and a silent tear fell down his cheek as he though of the others being killed. Soon a smile spread across his face as he imagined Thoad being torn limb from limb and then boiled alive, his screams melding into the chants of the natives.

After covering much ground, the sun now high in the sky, the small group came to an odd cliff. Well, it was more a large wedge shaped rock which strectched as far as they could see. Having arrived at the tip, they saw a natural phenomenon similar to a rainshadow.

On the left of the cliff they saw a plentiful forest, filled with birdsong and the movement of cute and fluffy animals...and on the right a rather uninviting wasteland.

The wasteland itself seemed to be made up of information on everything from atomic theory to the weight of fish eyes. Yes, they had stumbled upon the countless pages of Web 1.0 walls of text, which all seemed to lay together prostrate, emenating knowledge as waves of heat.

The forest seemed quite the opposite. Teeming with life, it had to be some collection of childrens websites, with bright leaves and flowers screaming out for attention.

The team talked briefly before deciding to take the forest route. They began to head towards the lush forest when there was a large BEEP and a blue wall appeared infront of them.

'Please insert disc into Drive D:'

was clearly written in the middle of the blue in chunky white letters. Of course, there was no drive D and no disc around anywhere.

One of the team (KR had forgotten their names) walked forward towards to the wall, reaching out a hand.

A harsh cry was heard before a green blur pushed the curious teammate out of the way.

'DON'T TOUCH  IT,' cried the green clad figure, before pulling out a shiny metal rod from it's belt. The rod was moderately long and the width of a kiwi fruit.

Pointing it at the wall, the stranger calmly said 'No disk in drive D? Let's just remove drive D then...'

There was a great flash of light and the blue wall faded. The stranger turned around towards the team and they saw what she was.

To put it simply, she looked like Lara Croft...except...well...she pretty much was Lara Croft...

All of the jaws of the males in the group hit the floor quicker than the pin which was dropping in the silence.

Moonfairy (who KR seriously hoped was in the team) looked at them and sighed.

'Escape from the fan pages did you?' she asked Lara in an antagonising fashion.

'Well, yes and no,' was her sweet reply, 'I was up in the caves up there when I heard the beep, so I thought I'd check it out...'

'What caves?'

'The 'teenage' haunts...see how that is the kid's forest, well up in the cliffs is the teenage caves. Some of the horrors up there are rather fascinating-'

'Okay then, have a nice day,' said Moonfairy abruptly before walking towards the forest.

The others still stood gawping. As Lara bent forward to fix her shoe, he knew how much Thoadsy would have enjoyed this moment.

Eventually coming to his senses, Kingryan spoke:

'Well, I guess we better keep moving before Moonfairy gets herself killed...'

The rest of the group surfaced and walked after Moonfairy. Lara Croft decided she would join them, and walked next to Kingryan.

'So where are you headed?' she asked.

'Off this island...somehow or another. But right now, into the forest,' was his slightly stuttered reply.

'Oh the forest? It is good you're going that way, probably the safest route. I'll guide you through! Would you like that? We'll probably have to spend the night in there though, and it can get pretty cold...but I guess we can all get close to keep warm...' babbled Lara, much to the excitement of the males. A little ahead of them, Moonfairy snorted derisively.

At the cool recesses of the forest, the group paused and sat down. A small stream ran nearby, gurgling happily about it's business.

' you mind if I wash my top out? It is getting rather dusty and I dont know when I'll be able to get it done next' asked Lara. The males just looked at her with dopey smiles on their faces, Moonfairy just sighed and placed her head in her hands.

Lara proceeded to remove her top and go wash it in the stream.


(with pictures :P )

4,220 posts

So uh . . . what do we do?

4,196 posts

So uh . . . what do we do?

Nothing just yet, once I finish my bit Thoad will post more information...
5,642 posts

Nothing just yet, once I finish my bit Thoad will post more information...

In other words, KR still has to finish his bit. I assume what you posted is just the first part?
4,196 posts

In other words, KR still has to finish his bit. I assume what you posted is just the first part?

Well yea, it says 'To Be Continued' at the end...

Shall add more when I finish's going weeell!
3,386 posts

WHAT THE FACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and btw, its Laura Croft I do believe.
Yes, I am on your team KR. Dur.
I can't believe that you went and added a GARDEN UNTENSIL in this story. Geez.


Adv. Chemistry- This lady speed teaches, and I've pretty much used an entire notebook worth of paper taking notes. She gives homework every night including weekends, and they all have at least 20 problems or more where you have to work them out on the paper.
Adv. World History- easy as hell, but I have used TWO notebooks taking notes in this lady's class. No homeowrk, but constant essays and vocabulary.
Marching Band- I BEAT YOU ALL ON THIS ONE. I have afterschool practice on Monday and Tuesday till 5. It is always 100+ and we march outside, redoing practically every page and we have to play everything and we have 3 water breaks. One every hour. I also have to do one lesson every week for THREE different intruments. This isn't even all of my schedule.
Online class- It is called Art Survey where I have to figure every stupid little thing that has to do with the broad subject of Art. I hate it because there is ALWAYS work to do and I have to rush alot of it.
RELATED SCHOOL STUFF- Fridays I have Football games to go to, so I'm at school for almost the entire day. I stay after school and walk to go get food then come back to get ready for band cause I can't go home, I live too far away from school. I don't get BACK home till 1 A.M because its tradition to go to Waffle House after the games. I also have to tutor people so I can get an extra credit for school, I tutor in Chemistry right now, but next semster I get to tutor in World History and Algebra II/Trig! What fun!
Free Time- Every saturday I am either at a friends birthday party, or I am cleaning the house. The nest free saturday I have isn't until NOVEMBER. I have 2 band contests I have to go to in October, and I have to go my sisters College football games which land on saturdays as well. Sundays, I thankfully get to sleep in, but this is mostly the day I do outside work, like mowing the lawn or cleaning the pool. I also do a few projects and finish up whatever homework I need done by the next day. Whatever time I have to breathe at home, is gone because I ALWAYS have to clean SOMETHING for my OCD mother.

My week is ALWAYS Packed with stuff to do. I barely have time to get on the computer unless it is for my Online Class, and then my class takes up the whole time. The only reason I am on now is because my parents are asleep, and the movie that my and my friends were going to see was canceled. SO THERE YOU PEOPLE. Geez.

Showing 376-390 of 432