ForumsArt, Music, and WritingA.G.S. Explore [p.24]

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Thoad the toad, the green-clad zombie slayer, the epidimy (sp?) of stupidity, was sitting in his room one day. His condo was still getting worse and worse by the day. "I wish my rank was better, maybe there wouldn't be a mold problem now... oh well, not as bad as the slums though." Thoad sat on a small wooden stool, and looked at the walls, the wallpaper peeling off.
Suddenly, he had an idea. A marvelous idea. He got up with a wide smile, happy, energetic symphonic music in his mind. He ran to his window and shoved it open. He yelled out at the populace: "ARMORGAMES. I AM GOING TO EXPLORE THE LAND WITH A CREW. JUST YOU SEE, WE'LL HAVE OUTPOSTS EVERYWHERE!," after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at the moon, still in the sky. "MY SHIP WILL BE.... THE A.G.S. EXPLORE!"
He brought up a sheet of parchment and wrote a shotty flier.
<image pending>
(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)
He copied it and pasted it onto several other pieces of paper and threw them out the window, since there was a breeze. On a single piece of parchment there was another footnote. "You have been chosen to be my 2nd in command! Bring this flier to me and you'll be able to do everythign I could do, if I'm not there!"
"FOR ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE" Thoad yelled once more out the window. Someone finally looked up at him, put his hands out, and simply said: "Dude, wtf?"

First off, I'd like to let you all know to e-mail instead of my own e-mail. My co-host (when announced) will be given the password to the e-mail.

The entry organization-things will be similar to the WoM. You'll e-mail the e-mail and upon response, you'll be told if you can post it on the main thread or not.

  • 432 Replies
3,550 posts

Thoad gave me the heads up so here is mine.


So I was sitting on my new leather couch sipping on some freezing cold lemonade watching that new show on T.V. Perma-Banned! "Ga-dangit it is hot this summer," I thought to my self. So I got up to open the window and let a breeze rush in. As I got up my legs peeled of the couch. "Hmm, maybe I shouldn't've bought the leather couch," I said aloud to myself while opening the window in my apartment.
I sat down and started watching T.V. "Now today we have mister blahblah127 here with us today. Sir, can you tell us what got you banned from this lovely sity of Armor...." My attention drifted away when a lonely paper airplane floated in the window. "What the?" I mumbled, picking it up. As I unfolded its very intricate creases, I noticed that there was something written on the inside. I started reading its very bold print....

"Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See 1337 Regular Ln. on Wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity."

As seeing I had nothing else to do with my summer, I became very interested. "Thoad, I believe I have heard of him before," I thought. This could be my chance to do something with, or at least in, my life. I pulled out a notepad and a pen and began thinking, then writing.

"I have thought about your offer for exploration. As seeing I have done completely nothing with my life, I accept your offer. I will accompany you on your quest for adventure. I usually am the person that watches everybody else do everything else, now I want to change that. I will meet with you soon." - Samdawg, 514 Homie St.

I went outside to mail it right as the mail-noob was passing by. I waved him down and asked him to deliver the note. I walked inside, blasted by the air conditioner with cold heaven like air. Turning the television back on I resumed watching Perma-Banned. "So, you swore out a AG Mod right in the courtyard, in front of everyone? Interesting, nothing very new though." I laughed, "Retard," then picked up an old leftover slice of pizza and began to have lunch.
I went outside to check messenger the next morning to see if anyone has posted anything, nothing. Hmm, I guess I'll just ride down to Thoad's and talk to him. I got on my bike and started to ride to Thoad's house when a bunch a ghosts came up and surrounded me. Nice, I was completely en-circled by AG ghosts. "I could just ride through them, duh," I said and sped up. One of the mods poped up out of nowhere, and the ghosts dissapeared. "Thanks," I said.
"No prob, those annoying pests, can't get rid of them all. There at least over 100,000 residing here."
"You got that right," I said.
As I was riding on to Thoad's I spotted and boat, no a ship. A magnificent ship colored dark blue and white with the Swords and Cross emblem on both sides that are very recognized here in Armor Games, and Thoad standing beside it waving me over. I hopped of the bike and ran up to it in awe with my mouth gaping wide. "So this is the AGS Explore?! Amazing!" I whispered in shock.

922 posts

Snazzy lulz.

Hey, I'm serious! Why else would my first ever website (and only) be entirely sky blue!
4,196 posts

5,642 posts

I laughed the entire entry.

If you can promise me you can get the busyness down by about 2 weeks, I'll appoint you as my co-host.

4,196 posts

If you can promise me you can get the busyness down by about 2 weeks, I'll appoint you as my co-host.

Well exams are finished on Thursday, and then I'll be fairly unbusy for the next at least 5 weeks...and then I'll just be back at normal school and be able to help out whenever...
1,903 posts

Well, I still say it needs a bit of work, but I got the go-ahead to post it... Bet most of you are surprised to see me here.
Oh, and I apologise ahead of time for the spacing, wordpad isn't a fan of me...
"Oh, my head... What happened last night?" I thought to myself.

"Well, first off you went-"

"Lt. pHacon nopHacn, AGN Expeditionary Sapper, serial number 1631181047, IF YOU LAY SO MUCH AS A FINGER ON HER, SO HELP ME, THERE WILL BE NO HOLE IN THE INTERNET THA-"

WHOA! Calm down there, buddy", the voice said "I was just going to say that you went into the WERP drunk and people didn't shine much to your opinions... That, and you got mugged. Bad memories? With scars like that, I wouldn't be surprised."

The figure now stretched out a hand and helped me stand up. Standing on my own now, I brushed off the back of my uniform bridgecoat with my left hand, keeping my other on the pommel of the sword that I hang on my right side (yes I am predominantly left handed).

"Yeah." I answered after my coat was properly clean.
"They only took your AP." As he said that, my hand reached for the compass that I keep around my neck, hoping to feel it's reassurance, but it wasn't there.

"Oh, that... You dropped it." he said fishing it out of his pocket "She really is quite beautiful."

"Who?" I ask, still dazed, taking back my compass and putting it in it's proper place over my heart.

"The woman, you keep her picture in the compass" He explained "Who is she?"

"That-I-It... It doesn't matter anymore" I say, quite defensively.
"Oh... I'm sorry" he says, seeing the pain in my eyes.

"Here, I was going to answer this flier, but I think you might need it more than I do." he says, handing me the flier.

(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See 3133 Toad Blvd. on Wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)

"It looked interesting, and I really want to just get out of here, but I really think you need it more than I ever did." he explained to me.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I answered him, feeling my spirits for a moment rekindle the fire that brought me to AG. "This might be exactly what I need to get back on my feet."

"Come on, the ship leaves soon, I'll walk with you there." said the helpful man, as he started walking towards the Thoad's Condo.

I followed him, and many an hour (and some emotional patchwork) later, we arrived at the condo. "You go on ahead, we're probably too late anyways". he told me.

"I dont even know your na-" I attempted to say to him, but noticed he was gone.

I walked up, beheld Thoad, and greeted him with the sharpest salute I was able: "Sir, you have a beautiful ship, and I would be honored to serve on it."

Decided to give him more of an emotional back story than anything else.

Are you going to need character sketches?

1,766 posts

"Lt. pHacon nopHacn, AGN Expeditionary Sapper, serial number 1631181047, IF YOU LAY SO MUCH AS A FINGER ON HER, SO HELP ME, THERE WILL BE NO HOLE IN THE INTERNET THA-"

Uh... I didn't quite get that part. I think I do, but explain anyway.
1,903 posts

He just has bad memories from his time in the Navy that regularly recur, I don't really want to go too far into it, but someone he loved was taken from him by the same people who held him hostage at some point.

1,766 posts

He just has bad memories from his time in the Navy that regularly recur, I don't really want to go too far into it, but someone he loved was taken from him by the same people who held him hostage at some point.

That's what I thought. Just wanted to make sure. The Lt. (lieutenant) part kind of confused me.
1,416 posts

I just sent mine in... hope it isn't too late seeing as this is the last day an all.

5,642 posts

It is a little too late, I have a straight 10 amount of entries and I don't want to have to control a different character besides thoad.
Sorry, aknerd.


3,035 posts

I guess that means I lose then...Oh well. I'll go cry now...

922 posts

I guess that means I lose then...Oh well. I'll go cry now...


The End!
3,035 posts

If you can promise me you can get the busyness down by about 2 weeks, I'll appoint you as my co-host.

Well exams are finished on Thursday, and then I'll be fairly unbusy for the next at least 5 weeks...and then I'll just be back at normal school and be able to help out whenever...

That's why.
5,642 posts

Thoad looked out the window, a group of 10 or so people waiting for their turn to speak with him. He looked downward toward a small bear with a flier in his hand, raised in the air. Thoad took the flier, looked at it, and put it in a pocket. He then picked up the tiny bear with two hands and looked at him blankly. "You..." he said, before the bear made a sadface, fearing a scolding from Thoad, "ARE FRIKKIN' ADORABLE" Thoad then set the bear on his head. "Now sit there. It'll be cute." Thoad almost completely ignored MoonFairy except for saying "Go down into the crowd" and shooing her away.
Thoad went out into the public, with a wide smile on his face. Some people stared at the bear, others didn't. "Hello and welcome to all who came here today! First thing is first, did anyone get a flier with a special message at the bottom?" There was a large amount of mumbling in the crowd as people pulled out their fliers and checked them, until someone came up.
"Oh hi KingRyan! Did you get that thing I sent ya?" Thoad said, KR didn't know what he was talking about and assumed it was the flier. He handed it over and thoad looked at KR. "You sure you're okay for the job buddy...? I mean, yer a little old y'know," Thoad said. This obviously angered KingRyan, and he began yelling about how was perfect for the job, he was wise and strict, since he was "there before the beta you know!"
"Well, here's our next thing!" Thoad said, setting bueno down, as his head was getting sweaty. He replaced bueno with an even more sweat-inducing thing, his helmet. "See, many of you may not know that AG is parked near a cliff, likely for security reasons. The forest around us has a nice clearing I made with some help. Point being, I blew up part of the cliff and there's now a steep, sandy shore. We have a goal and I need your pure commitment. This will let me know if you're serious." Thoad stepped to the side and pointed northward, toward the gate.
He then looked up at the huge wooden ship, with a mast and white sails. A flag with the armorgames symbol was on the top, and he looked back at his public. "WE'S GUNNA PUSH DIS THANG OFF DAT SHORE." He yelled, ordering everyone to push. So most of them did, except for bueno and cen. Cen just said "no" every time Thoad mentioned it and Thoad felt bad making a tiny guy like Bueno push such a big ship, so he made him sit on his head again.

So the ship set sail! Everyone was on board, and were starting to get comfy. Though there wasn't a lot of talking, for some reason. Thoad sensed this, this startling lack of unity in the community.
Thoad held a meeting within the next hour, on the deck. The deck had a podium-like place where someone would call out orders. Thoad used this to his advantage. On the podium, he called out to the crowd below the white sails, "People of the Armor Games Ship Explore, I have called you here, mere hours after takeoff, to tell me about yourself, your travels and what you hope to gain from this trip! I have noticed that we are not unified as a community, and this should never happen on a ship.
"So get up over here! I'm ordering you all to do an introduction, however famous you may be."

So then, if you didn't get what this round was about, you are to do an introduction to the other players on the ship. You can mention or add in other players, but you absolutely HAVE to get both consent and words from them. Since I don't want any offense to be taken.

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