ForumsGame WalkthroughsSonny Glitches and cheats

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Glitch - Nan money
This glitch will give you infinite money save your game then enter a battle win it while the screen is fading away click quit[the x above the ring]then open the caranter and you have gone up one level and now have infinite money

Secret - Special armor trick
Ok, first go to "map" and select the third zone(area). Then, go to the shop and see what they have.Now, scince they don't have high-leveled armor,do the practice arena a few times and collect the stuff u find on the guys. Keep doing that over and over and over until u fill 2-3 rows. After that ,keep doing it and you will get high-leveled armor for your kind.Then, after you get at least three rows sell all the stuff u don't want.So, really you get alot of money and armor at the same time.

Secret - Raise lvl and stats extra extra extra fast
For the lvl when you die or kill somebody when the screen turns black click the red x and you will be 1 lvl up for stats what ever the item says for example +9str drag the item to options menu then at the options screen drag it back where you got it from in any little square you cant see them but then click wile your holding it. it will disapper but your str stats woul d be raised by 9 or what ever it says.

Glitch - Item Eating
Get any item, then click on it in your inventory and click on options, then click anywhere on the options screen. The item will disappear, but you character will have kept its stats.

Secret - How to easily get of the boat for gaurdians
First, after u lvl up(this should be after about the second fight on the boat) get magic bolt, then once u lvl again, clik re-spec and the first get iron skin and regenaration, then buy the axe, u will hit like only 18, but u will have like 400 health, and use all ur points on vitatality....THIS WORKS!!!

Secret - How to easily get off the boat
First, after u lvl up(this should be after about the second fight on the boat) get magic bolt, then once u lvl again, clik re-spec and the first get iron skin and regenaration, then buy the axe, u will hit like only 18, but u will have like 400 health, and use all ur points on vitatality.

Glitch - Unlimited special fight
When you're at world 4,change the date and refresh the page(MAKE YOU SURE YOU SAVE THE GAME).Then you can use special fight again!

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