I made this thread since I need a place to upload pokemon on. And here we go!I call this, The Assassin.I don`t know what I was thinking...The western Cowboy.See the golden knight.
didn't you just use a generator or some minor editing in order to make these?
Isn't there a thread about something like this?
This is the appropriate thread. A bit old, but seeing as this is a repeat...Nice sprites though. How'd you make them?
Nah, just have to use Windows 7 paint(which is horrible since is doesn't have a undo button.)
This is the appropriate thread. A bit old, but seeing as this is a repeat...
Oh well I see. Great job on those sprites. Nothing else to say.
Whoa those are some of the best i have seen especially the Assassin have you entered it in a contest?
Windows 7 paint(which is horrible since is doesn't have a undo button.)
Guess what Pokemon I used to make this. There are a total 5 different Pokemon used.
I guess, spoink, hootohoot, hitmonchan, vigoroth, and something. I don`t know what.
Oh, and I will be taking requests now.
Okay, guess what 3 Pokemon I used for this (2 for body + 1 for coloring)!
Charmander Squirtle and... Bulbasaur?
That's correct! You're FOOLproof! I mean Soundproof.
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