ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMy Username is X

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Writing is visceral and deliberate. This thread is a deliberate retread of a deliberate thread made a year and almost two weeks past. Yet this new thread seeks a more visceral approach to the same subject though in a broader cloth. But this is neither this nor that but whatever it is interpreted to be. Although, should anyone ever utter the word context in this thread, they shall be held in contempt and have their complimentary brushes snapped. You are the context. It is your opinion. I seek not to wave nor the wave of hands in the air, rather to distill the abstract, visceral not deliberate.

It isn't impossible not to write. (It's far harder to draw.) It isn't harder not to write than it is to write. It's harder not to think. It's harder not to think in a way that wants to be expressed (but if voice is an art, then not all of us have it). This is not entirely a matter of ego. Writing is an acquired inherent need. It is acquired, not innate. The need to express is innate. The need to write is acquired. How it came to be, I don't know, but...

I love the sight and sound of words, the nuances of rhythm, tone, and flow. I enjoy how they fit together synergetically (or is that synergistically? The difference between obstinacy, obstinance, obstinancy, obstinateness, and obstination?). I enjoy the way words interplay; the way they constrict and liberate the unvoiced mind; the way they transcend dots and dashes, curves and slashes; the way they are the port and home, a house of thoughts; and the way they come to be.

How else to play the ear and mind in ways the same? and exactly the same? No two persons are so alike that they cannot be distinguished.

My username is Gantic. What is your excuse?

  • 37 Replies
3,386 posts


I will answer this to the best of my abilty, but considering the fact that I do not comprehend the question, the answer to the question is likely to be completely wrong, even though any answer cannot be wrong because it is a personal interpretation, but I cannot interpret that of which is to be interpreted due to the fair lack of comprehension.
My excuse for writing? Why do I need one? I like to express emotion in different forms, not just writing. It is my outlet. How I can get things off of my shoulders, let go of what is wrong. Or to let me continuously brood on a certain fact that the emotion pertained to the fact is stupid but I refuse to let go? Why should I call it my writing? It is nothing but the rhytmic flow of art, which can be expressed in sound as well as sight. I catch on to that flow, that flows through everyone. It is the same flow, but we interpret it differently, thus making each individuals flow unique.
Me for example, I constantly prove myself wrong. I change, yet stay the same. I am, yet I am not. I think, but do I truly think for myself? Can I make an independent desicion? While I am a child? The answer that I lean to is no. But I am saddened by such a pessimistic outlook coming from myself, so I change my flow into an optimistic outlook, thus changing my leaning to yes.
What is the Flow? I truthfully don't know. Nor do I care. I just know that it is there. It can help, but it burden too.
It is in me and it is in you

1,813 posts

Yeah, I remember noticing Gantic very fastly when I joined Ag. His skills have always terrified me, he's intimidating don't you think.
I feel bad that I can't express myself better since I'm french, but I'm doing all I can to keep up with these gantitudinal platitudes.

3,386 posts

my first story idea, gantic posted on it, and it scared me. he is very intimidating. that little passage above, I have no clue what it is about. I just ranted and raved. XD

3,426 posts

My username is Bluydee!

5,642 posts

I guess my excuse is entertainment for both myself and others. If that's what you're asking.

Making people confused: When you do it right you sound smart

11,891 posts

This would all work perfectly if everyone pretended to know what was going on and just went along with it because the emperor did get new clothes. I don't know what question you guys are answering until you guys actually answer it, because I asked four questions, three of which are rhetorical and one so broad it's almost meaningless, and answered a different one. The thing is, I've probably said it before and I'll say it again: I don't like explaining myself; it demystifies my uncontested guruship. (My influence is so far-reaching it has effected every single post in this thread.)

And platitudes are the worst any writer could do. (Ever wonder why some people hate Nickelback so much? Don't answer that.) So, please don't be trite in this thread without good reason, because every time you do, a kitten dies.

I understand that the first paragraph is somewhat incomprehensible, but the others aren't (to a certain degree). It's like my posts sometimes begin mid-thought because that's totally how I am. Cold open! It's awesome, so in the way of the self-knowledged bodhisattva I will give you this:

Why the * are you in AMW?

Yes, that is the alimentary question. (Food for thought, mind you.) Broader cloth? Thread? Yeah, I mean more than just writing, but I am reaching more for passion than anything else. You and the form of expression you feel most passionate about.

10,816 posts

As far as the internet goes, you get what you ask for. If you don't think you got what you asked for, obviously you didn't quite ask for what you thought you asked for!

11,891 posts

Didn't think it was difficult to understand what I said originally, but I did get what I asked for the second time. I deliberately didn't explicitly state what I wanted answered in the first post, since it is more interesting what question is answered how and frankly, I don't know what to make of FallenSky's post.

And for some reason kingryan sounds like Zophia.

3,660 posts

Gantic.. what did you just do to my brain o.0?

1,813 posts

Wow, I mesmerized Gantic but frankly, given his mastery, is it a good or a bad thing?
Well, anyhow, I answered what I though was the question, in what I though was the way to answer it.

10,816 posts

Didn't think it was difficult to understand what I said originally

Cruelly, the lowest common denominator is the internet's natural law. Then you have those pesky buggers who are more interested in making commentary than actually doing what you asked (i.e. me :P)
2,301 posts

Why the * are you in AMW?
That is a question that has three meaningful responses, all of which encompass the answer. I could articulate them all, thus killing three kittens, or I could evade the question, killing only two. I would like to tell you, right now, that I have no idea what draws me to this place -- why, out of all the forums on the Internet, this one has enthralled me -- but I don't like to lie.

There's your passion, at least. I might talk about my form of expression later.

On a far more light-hearted note, it's somewhat strange to see people (hint: rhymes with bop) not capitalizing the word Internet. This transcends the need for grammar; it's about the implications of the grammar, as are, I hope, most of my ridged grammatical tendencies. In not capitalizing Internet, someone shows, to me, that he does not think of the Internet as a proper name at all: Not as a single system, a conduit of information, an enabler of new technologies, but as a type of system, webs of information, a group new technologies, a reality: Not an entity, but a force of nature.

...what? This is one of the few threads where I get to try my hand at being, what's the word? Gantesque.
9,821 posts

Yes, that is the alimentary question. (Food for thought, mind you.)

You've gone and made me pensive AND hungry . . . .
10,816 posts

On a far more light-hearted note, it's somewhat strange to see people (hint: rhymes with bop) not capitalizing the word Internet.

This occurred to me as I typed it, truth be told. Specifically I briefly reflected upon the fact that "Internet" is decreasingly thought of as a proper noun that requires capitalisation, but you've done well to articulate the thought process behind it. (That is to say that there was a thought process behind it and that it wasn't me failing to capitalise something, as often happens to a certain first-person singular subject when I talk in IM!)
11,891 posts

Cruelly, the lowest common denominator is the internet's natural law.

The Jedi mind trick would come in so handy, but apparently, I don't need it. Let's see you mold these minds now, you know, seeing as I "deconstructed" them, with an incendiary fudge bomb.

This may otherwise prove to be a problem in the future of this thread as it enters into more complex ideas than "So, tell me about yourself."

...what? This is one of the few threads where I get to try my hand at being, what's the word? Gantesque.

I prefer Gantilliant.
Showing 16-30 of 37