I wrote this for two reasons. One, I wanted to test how long of a story I can write. Two, My Pokemon team was such inspiring, it looked easy to write about.
"Hey Dratini, are you to scared to fight me?" Lairon`s mocking voice echoed inside Dratini`s mind. "Or are you to weak to attack us?" Pupitar and Shelgon was laughing at him. It sounded like 2 Hyenas. "Hey, don`t pick on him!" Prinplup scolded the three. "Why not? He`s to weak to even defeat Magikarp!" Pupitar and Shelgon laughed even more hysterically. "Just leave him alone. He never did anything to you!" Prinplup said, standing up to them. "WHO`S NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HIM!" Ho-Oh`s booming voice erupted over the cave. "Nothing!" Lairon yelled. "I HEARD FIGHTING! YOU KNOW I DON`T LIKE THAT!" Lairon tried to reason with him. "It was nothing Dad, really nothing!" Dratini knew these were just lies.
Oh yeah...I was waiting for a pokemon writter^^. So, if I'm following, your pokemon team is Dratini, Shelgon, Pupitar, Prinplup, Ho-oh and Lairon...Well, even though I've got serious issues with in-game teams like these, if it proves to be a good writting subject, I'd be glad to hear about it. That's a short text for a thread start though, hope you update soon. Seems like your team's pokemon are not liking each others very much unh?...
Anyways, I'll leave you one that Karen quote : Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorite pokemons^^. Hail Victreebel