Well. This is my online dream journal. I decided to make this... because I was bored. Anyway I'll be posting the dreams I have in a story format in this thread. Here is a dream I had recently. Based on Alice in Wonderland. The Red Queen was in my dream sitting on her throne. Me, Alice, and the White Queen entered her castle. She saw us and yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CASTLE!?" We were all then transported to a grocery store. I grabbed a nearby mustard bottle and squirted mustard all over her. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" For some reason in this dream I thought the Red Queen could kill you if she touched you so Alice yelled, "Run!" So we ran. We went around the corner and the Red Queen was there looking at me evilly. I shouted, "WHAT THE ****" And ran back the way we came. Then her servant frog appeared. All three of us shook soda bottles and opened the caps. We dosed the frog in soda, the soda was so sticky it stuck the frog to the ground.
That's when my dream changed. But I'll tell you that dream another time.
God, dreams are so strange, if I were to tell you some dreams I made as a child, you'd truly believe I was a crack addict. It's been a good while since I made any though... Anyhow, funny, I liked the sticky soda part lol...
I actually thought about doing the same thing, and started building a small PHP site for this purpose... never got around to finishing it though. I do have most of my 'memorable' dreams written down though, somehow using a pencil on paper more suits my needs when it comes down to writing My dreams used to be quite lengthy and descriptive, before I stopped sleeping well. Short nights are killer for cool dreams XD
Weird dream though! Had you by any chance seen Alice in Wonderland not too long before?
Had you by any chance seen Alice in Wonderland not too long before?
lol. No I haven't even seen it. I just see many commercials about the BluRay/DVD version.
Here is a dream that's really interesting. Based on Harry Potter.
"Where could he be?" Snape asked Dumbledore. I was with my 2 friends (they should be unnamed) and we stole some valuable items from the wizard bank. We were hiding in the bushes. I was holding my wand in my hand. Dumbledore and Snape were getting close. I could only do one thing. I jumped, pointed my wand at them, and yelled, "SNOTTIUS DROOPESS!" Soon Dumbledore and Snape were drooping snot out of their noses until they were covered in it and stuck to the ground (that happens alot). Then suddenly they were set aflame and burned to a crisp.
Hahahahahahaha...well, you often make media-oriented dream lol, alice in wonderland, harry potter... The last time I made a dream like this was a couple of years ago, I was Dick in the show ''Funky cops''...hmm wait did that air in the US?...Anyhow, I also dreamt I was Cloud Striffe ^^.
Okay it's been a week since I've posted my latest dream. Here goes nothing. Based on... nothing.
Me and my friends (they also should be unnamed) were walking around the lake (there was a path around the lake). Suddenly a bridge appeared in the middle of the lake. We decided to go on it. Then I was knocked to the floor and this hot lady jumped on me. Then I felt like I had no pants on. She said, "I lost my ring, and it's somewhere around here. If you find it I will kiss you for 30 minutes (I know weird right?)." My friends dashed off without me searching for the ring. I got up and went to the tiny lake (there was another lake by the lake) and found the ring. I gave it to her and then we made out. I will not tell you the details.