It was the time I had found AG it was so great filled me with glee all the games and the action
then I though I need an account one with great fame I needed a name the whole day thinking too much blinking time ran faster than me
I watched a movie Than I thought LEGEND wow it was groovy! Wait, is that it? my name?! doesn't sound fit. hhhhhmmmmmm
As I went on the day my friends and I were playing soccer, I was always scored It always got boring till I came I was called beast, as I whipped through players kicked on the knee oh dear agony
How sad I was then I though LEGEND beast then dinner for a good feast Good day to all may you fall and get an idea like how legend beast got his
Coolio. I didn't have any adventures while thinking of a username, so this is awesome. A bit rough on the poetry side, but all around good for a firstie
Wow. I know I didn't think about my user name that much. The poem is... well, I've heard better, but I've also heard a lot worse. I don't really understand some of it, but it is still good for a first try. =)