I'm sure there's a whole bunch of guitarists out there who have lots of videos of themselves playing, so I figure'd I'd kick things off with a video of mine. Post yours too! But let's not make it like Youtube where everyone gets into an argument about which bands are good and which are bad. ONLY GOOD COMMENTS AND CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!
My favorite solo ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRQ0QDHoiv4
That metronome about made my head explode. It was louder than the playing itself.
I would either turn your amp up or get a new one. That was very very quiet.
As for the playing, nice job. I can't really say if that took any great amount of skill or not not being a guitar player, but it looked like it took enough skill.
Wow clean you're room dude. Do you enjoy sleeping with insects?
Lol that was so uncalled for, It doesn't seems messy at all... As for me, I play some accoustic guitar but I'm more of a Clarinetist/saxophonist...I just don't have the money to buy one -__- My stupid stepfather broke a string of my guitar while TUNING IT *claps his hands loudly* and didn't even tell me, that jackass, so when I wanted to play guitar I took it out and *surprise*: broken string. I don't have the time or money to fix it up right now so I'm pretty down on the musical side these days.
snazzy. I wish I could play lol. I got an acoustic for christmas last year, picked it up a few times and messed around. Wrote a song or two. I know a few scales but other than that I'm lost. I just pluck a few strings and make it sound decent XD Buuuuuut your metronome is too loud and drowns out your playing. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiix it.