So I was just starting this book i've wanted to write for a couple of month's now. I have a wild immagination so sometimes it's hard but I was typing this one so I'm hoping it will turn out getter than just plain writing on. Now I won't say what it's about but if/when I do finish it because of my age could I have it published? If I could that would be great and I know it would cost a certain amout of money but that wouldn't be to hard to get.
So any tips on this kinda stuff would be great. So thanks you AG users.
Well I don't know you, but I guess your age is 13-16 as most users on here are. I have the same issue as you, I can start a book, but never finish it. But if it is good enough, you can have it published. Even at your assumed age. There have been a few teen writers. I know one who had 4 books out by the time she was 14. So if you finish it, and reallllly want it published, go for it.
* Who's gonna read this book? * What's it about? * What do you want to say in it? * What happens in the book? * Who, if anybody, are the characters in the book? * What roles to they play? * How do the characters change, if at all, throughout the story?
Once you've got a handle on that, maybe you can think about writing the book, keeping in mind the answers to the above may change wildly and without notice (at least half the fun!) Once that's well underway, then you can think getting it published, and therefore who to approach. Most likely a professional editor will ask you for a) a synopsis b) the three starting chapters to determine whether a) you have a story b) you can write.
I can't comment about the younger literature, but in general book writing is a crafting process (any and every professional in the field will tell you this). The reason is that the industry is extremely competitive, so certain standards have to be adhered to (Twilight being an unfortunate exception, somehow that escaped any form of quality-control whatsoever). The only difference age makes here is maturity and practice. If you do send to publishers, they will most likely get you to rewrite what you wrote (everybody has to), and then it becomes a matter of not getting discouraged.
You have to have patience, if it's good it will be probably published regardless of your age, but don't take for granted that your book will be published right away. Editors reject books with ease.
Twilight being an unfortunate exception, somehow that escaped any form of quality-control whatsoever
I see someone doesn't like twilight... I don't like the whole... sparkly vampire thing, but I thought it was a pretty good book overall. "> >
Another question for you: How long are you willing to wait? And Another: Think you can handle a contract asking for more books to make a series? I don't care if any of my un-finished books ever become finished just to become published. I think it would be quite a feat for me to actually finish one. If you wanted something to be published, re wrtie a story of Goldilocks. More and more of those seem to be getting published allllll the time. "> >