Hyea guys, I've been playing guitar for about two years or so, and I wanna try recording a song or two with a friend of mine. Can anyone give me some tips on that, and maybe some good recording and mixing software?
PS Please don't spare me the details if you have the patience...
Well you should have a microphone that can connect to you computer, as for software there are alot out there but a freeone is Audacity. Some Advice is make sure theres not alot of background noise when you are recording...
I think that if you get a special cord, you can go from the Electric guitar into the computer like you would into an amp. This would then also work for an electric keyboard.
If not a cord, then just an adapter from the long guitar lead jack to a headphone jack...
If you have a PC get Audacity. If you have a Mac you already have Garageband. Also you would need a interface (I use a Presonus interface) its easy to use and it has good quality. It may be a lot but its worth it.
You should record your guitar with a really good mic. I think i have read that it is possible to connect the guitar to the pc, but there's some sort of cable needed, i dno how it works. And for mixing or whatsoever, use FL Studio 9. There are some good mixing thing inside.