Background: I drew this in 45minutes during math class which is why it is on graph paper. I'm not in any classes for drawing, or even an art class. Sure I doodle every so often but nothing seriously like this. I did not trace it, I DID draw it. It is a copy from the album Plastic Beach by the Gorillaz. It seems i'm only able to draw well, if i see it. I'm not able to draw off the top of my head, any tips on doing that?
Interesting, but I'd like too see some realistic work from you. Try to picture the hand you're not drawing with, in whatever pose you wish. As an amateur artist, I kow exactly what you mean when you say it's hard to draw without any model; I used to be like that myself until recently. Drawing's only dawdling for me, but I've started to be more serious about it and found out that with proper concentration/ application, it's actually quite benefic to your technique to draw ''Off of your head''. As for the drawing, I couldn't say since I haven't seen the cover, but the pupils positions look awkward to me. The rest, including the shading, is pretty well done. If you feel like it, I have my own pencil art thread. I'm more of a sketchy artist, but it may prove benefic to your technique to come take a look ^^.
i can draw women posing and stuff ill post one when i draw it because i dont keep my drawings lol and i have to scan it i like the murdoc its really good!
I'm not able to draw off the top of my head, any tips on doing that?
Practice. Keep on drawing until it feels like second nature to your hand. And don't hesitate to branch out, either, even if it looks crap. When you first start you can expect to make 100 mistakes before you get one thing right!
Strop's right yet again, and you better listen to him; he's a pretty good artist. Basically, you always have to remember that about 90% of what you'll do will be crappy, or simply not to your liking so you just have to practice, and practice, and practice...
Thanks all for the feedback! Esp. Fallen and Strop on the tips. I will be sure to check out that thread.
Your should work on those colored pencils though
I did not use any colored pencils or even like any artist pencils...i just drew this from a #2 Pencil
ORIGINAL PICTURE HERE(for comparison, of course i have the album and drew it from there but this is same) Yes there was more to the drawing, i didn't have any room for it so i took it out.
I did try doing some anime, but shading has been an issue getting correct, grant it i'm trying to just do this without any proper training, but what ever haha i feel like if i copy enough time's ill begin to understand how it works.
do your best to visualize the picture in your head, then draw it.
That's the thing, i can see it in my head, perfectly, how it will look. But then it fails to turn out the way it was suppose to because i begin to forget what i saw, i have a bad memory you see, which is why i need to see something to draw it. Also because of this, i tend to steer away from drawing seriously and draw just random doodles like a cartoon penguin or a cat or something easy like that, nothing detailed.