Well Since the Art Skills Contest is dead and I have been lacking focus on drawing lately I think I would like to try another contest, even though several of them have failed due to lack of participation. I have always tried to think of how can I replace the need for a judge in a contest and this will be another attempt at it. I hope artists will participate here even though many don't take on request as I have seen but maybe if there was some sort of challenge or competition, I lack any true form of prize anyway enough of my ranting on to the Rules of this thread...
Rules ====================
For Artists -------------------- 1. Artists claim a request by stating the users name and quoting the request. 2. Artists will have 1 day (24 hours after the claim time) to complete and post a request or it can be taken by another artist. 3. Artists may have their time extended by a "Double Jeapordy".
For Requesters -------------------- 1. Requests must be clearly stated and cannot be more then a paragraph in length ( 4-6 sentences long in English) 2. Requests must abided by normal Forum rules. 3. Requests can only be made one at a time. 4. Requesters judge their artists work on a scale from 1-5, 1 being the worst 5 being the best in their opinion.
For Double Jeapordy -------------------------- Note: A Double Jeapordy can only occur before the first 24 hours have passed 1. The Artist will repost their claimed request in a quote under the bolded "Double Jeapordy" text. 2. The first artist will have to post their current progress on the request. 3. The second artist must claim the Double Jeapordy before the first one is allowed to begin again 4. The Second artist will be allowed to use the first artist Work in Progress that is posted if they want to. 5. Both artists will post their finished works at the end of the the Double Jeapordy claim 6. If the Second artist is judged higher then the first then the seocond artists wins twice as many points given by the requester and the first artist will recieve none.
There is not prize except being the top scorer in the challenge.