Wow, thanks for the feedback.
Anyways, I don't know If you remember this but:
Oh, my characters haven't got any name yet, can you give one male japanese name, and another female japanese name?
Without knowing where you are
Without knowing who you are
Without knowing why your there
You can only think of one thing
and that is to surviveCHAPTER III: The violent terrainThe teenager opens his eyes, and realizes that the spell of the king was teleportation magic. He still holds the princess in his hands.
"Help, help!" The boy shouts to the silent night in which he is in.
Seeing that nobody is there that can lend their hand to him, he decides to carry the princess, and he walked to forward to the desert. Looking at the presently unconscious princess, the teenager says "Don't worry princess, I will find some shelter for us."
Unfortunately, fate was harsh to them, and they were held back by the strong sandstorm.
Looking at the midst of the desert, he saw a dark shadow from afar, going bigger and bigger.
"Is anybody there? Please help us." the boy pleads again.
The figure speaks with a large voice, as he looks around him. "Huh? Where are you?"
"Try to follow my voice!" The teenager shouts. Eventually the dark figure came to them, and appears to be a man with a robe, just like the country of cloth's priest. "What are you doing at this harsh desert?" asks the man, followed by the response of the boy "We have been teleported by a king of the country of cloth, I don't know why, but he seemed in a hurry while doing it.
"Let us go, by the beating of this storm, we could not last." the man said, as he walks forward.
After some time of walking in the sandy desert, the teenager breaks silence and said "What is your name? How come you happened to pass here?". The man looked at the teenager, and said "Oh! I am a hermit. I have long since left my country. My name is Cenere A. Utteridge."
(does not mean the mod Cenere, but just a random name I thought of.)They continued to walk, until they saw some light. "Look, it must be a town." Cenere said. After walking for a few meters more, they finally reached the town.
The place was lovely, there were candles by the pathways, decorations all over the place, cheers, and drum rolls.
"Wow, They must have a celebration here." Cenere said to his utmost delight. "Anyways, what is your purpose here?" Cenere asks. "I don't know. I woke up on a bed this morning, with the princess nursing me. After that, she went to the palace, and after some minutes, I followed her. After that, I saw her floating in mid-air. I grabbed her, and the priest speaked the words:
You must retrieve it, the part of the crystal is no longer in the country, if it falls to Reed's hands, He will have the source of ultimate power. I will give you all my power. It would definitely come use full, but you still have to know how to use them by your self. Go on.
next thing I know, I was teleported by the king."the teenager explained...
The hermit was shocked as the teenager committed this words. "Crystals? Then that must mean the prophecy of eternal life."
The teenager had become curious of his words, and asked him what the prophecy was.
"Since I have started traveling, I have learned many things. That prophecy is one of them. You see, only the eight great men of the country of cloth knows about the prophecy. It has been dreamed about by the great king, as he is a dream-seer. One day, he said, that his daughter would have her incredible magical power taken away from her. A boy will come in the country, and will aid the princess in need. He also said that the princess' power will be transformed into a form of a crystal, so that it will be protected. Apparently, that is the only things I have managed to learn." Explained the hermit.
"We must find shelter, the more I examine the girl(princess), the more I can learn."
The hermit finds a rent-able place to stay. He grabbed the princess' hands and said "Her body is cold. A power of a person is also an important life source to them. If we cannot find a crystal soon enough, she might die."
"NO! I will not allow that to happen." The teenager said.
....We should move.
-----CHAPTER III end-------
Although You might not know of my past
And I do not know yours
One thing is for certain
I will know your future
And you will know mineCHAPTER IV: The journey up-ahead