Ive been gaming for a long time and i have always wondered what the majority of people think...what do you think is better world of warcraft or runescape?
Personally i would pick runescape only because i dont play consistantly and from time to time it is nice to log on and to play on a rainy day or something just to relax...
And i feel if i played WoW i would need to log on everyday and spend mssive amounts of time because ive seen so many addicts just waste thier lives away but i guess that is my own opinion...so let me know Runescape or WoW?
runescape because it has a very nice community, costs less, has a free version, quests with ACTUAL difficulty and you dont pick 2 skills out of all for runescsape, you get access to all skills. anyone can teleport, not just mages. there are extremely fun holiday quests which give rewards you can always use and you dont pay $45 to see if you like it, than pay $15 a month. no, $5 a month and all these good bonuses.
why do people insist on comparing the two jagex is a much smaller company compared to blizzard so obviously blizzard would pay for the best game because they can afford the best developers