For those who don't know, the Vanguard is my concept army. Powerful anti-demon, undead and criminal. Semi-ancient society. Has a habit of staying underground and unknown, gathering forces and then cropping up to do a planet-wide cleanup.
Thing is, they're violent. They'll destroy entire cities in pursuit of their goals. They're amoral though, and won't kill innocents and generally evacuate cities first. But they will shoot the possessed.
The background just doesn't have a lot going for it, it doesn't catch my eye what so ever. The text can be fixed, A. place a piece of lined paper under the sheet you're drawing on next time, or take a pencil and very lightly trace lines on the paper itself.
I think Nurvana meant that you should write it on AG. Also if you do write it on AG; make sure you copy and paste from Notepad because AG doesn't register MS Word punctuation and throws all kinds of holes into the story.