Over a year ago i wrote a story about cows and their journeys. I have gone back now and edited it, added small details not there before. Names have been changed. Now i present to you....
Jim had met with two other independent cud dealers in the next few days. Both backed up the firstâs claims. As each day passed, more cows noticed increasing number of mysterious cows following them. Ryan got a glimpse of oneâs face. The face had a few strange tattoos on it. The cows split up into two groups to try and find a safe hideout until there were ready to leave for Nepal and the mountains. Jim took his group consisting of himself, Tom, Bessy, Stew and Mike into the newest parts of town while Sarah her group of herself, Ryan, Chad, Adam, and Jenny to the older part of town. After searching for an hour or so Jim took his group back to that dayâs rallying point. He met Sarahâs group there. They hadnât found anything either. The next day they split into groups of three. Nothing was found again. The next they did groups of two. Jim and Bessy went north, Sarah, Ryan went south, Adam and Jenny went east, Stew and Chad went south, Mike and Tom stayed around that dayâs rally point. Mike and Tom had explored every inch of the rally point and started to get bored. "Why canât we just go to Nepal? What is the point of staying here and prepare? Weâve never done this before." complained Mike around noon. "I feel the same way. It seems a little pointless, but Iâm sure Jim has his reasons. Heâs led us this far and most of us are alive. Iâd pick Jim over Ross any day." replied Tom. "Yeah⦠Hey, do you want to explore a little farther out? I know that Jim told us to stay near but, I donât see why not, I mean itâll only take like thirty minutes." "Are you sure? This doesnât sound like a good idea." "Iâm sure. Anything is better than sitting here and doing nothing."
Adam and Jenny were the first to arrive back. They were engaged in a conversation about hay and the best types and the regulations that the government had on it. Stew and Chad came next. Chad joined the conversation which had progressed far away from hay. Stew had to lie down and rest his recovered gash, it wasnât fully healed, but he wasnât sure itâd ever completely heal perfectly. Jim and Bessy arrived back to three cows loudly debating and one napping. Bessy went over to check on Stew while Jim got in the middle of the debate. Sarah and Ryan came back late. They thought they had found a good shelter that they could stay in for awhile. The debate slowed down and sides found common ground and it was over. Ryan became disappointed because he knew he missed a good debate. A stillness fell over the cows. They had been ignoring something and come to realize what it was. Where were Mike and Tom? "Has anyone seen Mike or Tom?" Jim asked worriedly. "I was just thinking that." Adam replied. "Do you suppose the mafia got them?" asked Chad. "DONâT SAY THAT!" screamed Jenny started breaking down crying. The cruel reality hit. They probably had been taken by the mafia, if not already killed. It would be highly unlikely for people to take them. They had no reason. People in this town respected cows, except for when they were in intersections. It was too late at night to go and look for them. The cows went into a near alley and slept with nightshifts that switched ever hour. Jenny took the first two shifts. She had been crying uncontrollably. Adam continually tried to comfort her. He stayed up with her for the first shift and talked with her. Bessy took the next shift and Jim stayed with her. They talked about their memories of Mike and Tom and made plans to find them the next day. Bessy occasionally broke out in tears but Jim had a way with words that kept cows calm. He was a natural leader and the cows would follow him to the ends of the earth if asked of them. The next morning came. The cows spilt up into two groups. Group one: Jim, Bessy, Chad, and Stew. Group two: Adam, Jenny, Sarah, and Ryan. The cows had agreed on meeting back in two days. Ryan had noticed that they hadnât seen any of mysterious cows following them since Mike and Tom went missing. He was a very observant cow and never forgot a face. Meanwhile Jim had asked around and found the cow mafiaâs India headquarters. It had been a day since they left. It was a warehouse, just like the last one. "I have a feeling that theyâre in there." said Jim, "Iâm going in..." "Donât do it!" yelled Bessy. "We have to find them! Now you donât have to come with me." "Chad and I are with you, weâre not going to let you go in there alone." Stew boldly stated. Jim looked at Chad and Chad nodded him head. "I guess Iâm coming along." Bessy said. "You donât have to follow me. This is your last chance to stay behind." said Jim. The four walked into the dimly lighted warehouse door. A light shone through a window onto a wooden chair on the other side of the warehouse. A cow large bull sat on it. "I suppose you are looking for Mike and Tom." "How did you know? Who are you?" Jim said with an overwhelming confidence in his voice. "I am Rob, the head of the mafia here in India. You wonât find them here. They were taken to our masterâs lair. Iâm sure you know where that is. Thatâs too bad. I would love to let you leave and go get rid of the master, but Iâm afraid you know too much." Rob slowly said without pause. "You must! We can help you!" Chad yelled at Rob. He notice silhouettes of cows in the shadows creeping closer. "Shut the doors." Rob calmly said. The doors and windows slide shut and the warehouse became black. The cows huddled together. Jim silently directed the cows toward a little patch of light he noticed, on the far side on the warehouse. They stopped by it and heard hoof steps coming closer to them. Whispers of a foreign language were heard. They were closing in. Bessy started into a cold sweat. Jim knew they had less than a minute till they were found. "We need to break down this wall, it feels weak. It might be the only way out. I know weâve done it before." Jim whispered to the other three. "On three we ram it. Three, two, oneâ¦.." The cows smashed into the wooden wall and broke through into an alley way. They started a mad sprint to the street. Two cows came from the street and blocked the way. "Donât stop! Run them over!" commanded Jim. The force of the four cows knocked the two mafia members off balance. Jim and the group took advantage of it and broke away into the street. They ran for a few minutes until Jim felt they had got far enough away. "That was to close. Why do we always have to do that?" panted Bessy. "Iâm sorry; I didnât mean that to happen." Jim replied. They made their way back to the rally point. To share the news with the other group and then get as far away for Mumbai as possible.
Jim and his group made it back to the rally point. Adamâs group was waiting there idly. "Whatâs the hurry? What happened?" asked Adam. "No time to talk. We got to get out of this city NOW." Jim said desperately. The cows left the city as fast as they could without causing a uproar. On the outskirts of town they started to slow down walked calmly. They headed northeast toward Nepal. Jim explained the whole ordeal with Rob. "Are you sure we can trust this Rob character. Why would he tell you where Tom and Mike are?" asked Ryan. "What else do we have to go off of?" "I know. It doesnât seem right though." Jim nodded his head. Ryan could tell that Jim was becoming disturbed. He was on the edge of a breakdown. Thoughts bounced around in his head. There was so much going on and in such little time. Ryan understood this; it was all in Jimâs eyes, so Ryan left Jim alone. The cows traveled till night a slept in on little cave less than a mile away from the road. Shifts were the same. The cows traveled for five days without little problem. Occasionally they came across an elephant. They ate the native grass and drank from a steam whenever one crossed their path. Jim was normal again. The night shifts gave him time to think about things and he sorted out all his problems in his head. Stewâs side started to recover correctly; he started to walk normal for long periods of time. Jenny stopped waking up at night with nightmares, though she still worried for Tom and Mike constantly. Jim secretly appointed Chad second in command in case anything were to happen to him. Chad looked shocked at Jim and told Jim that nothing would happen to him as long as Adam and Chad were around. Jim smiled for once in what seemed weeks. He then made Chad promise that if he were gone, to take care of Bessy. An even greater friendship grew between Chad and Jim. Ryan seemed to be always pondering things; the only cow to get him to talk was Sarah. She seemed to understand Ryan. Adam asked Jenny on a date. The cows took a break and set up a little makeshift Italian restaurant for the two. Jim knew that they needed this. The next week or two would be absolutely hell for them so they needed a little fun. The night was full of merriment. Jim stood off to the side with Chad and talked. They watched the young couple laugh and eat the biggest fail of grass spaghetti the world had ever seen. It ended with singing and dancing. Most of the cows were too excited to sleep and ended up stargazing. The cows woke up the next morning, still jolly, but life started to return and seriousness returned. They reached the border of India and Nepal in a week. The snuck over the border and found a comfortable abandoned cabin on the edge of valley. The cabin had windows everywhere and was well lit. There were five bedrooms. The cows all shared a room with another and saved one of Tom and Mike. The valley had plentiful of grass year-round and had a stream running through it. The cows made it their home. Bags were found in a closet. The cows put their valuables in their bags. The next morning they set off for town. "Why are we going to town? Whatâs there that we want?" asked Bessy. "We'll need climbing gear. That lair is up in the mountains. I talked to some of the locals while you all were setting up the cabin." Jim said. "Would you look at that," Sarah said in awe while they walked to town, "All those mountains look so pretty" The sun had just started to rise and the rays of light shone around the mountains. The snow on the peaks glittered. It was a majestic sight to behold. The cows had to travel up nearly a thousand feet to get to the town. "Now thatâs something you donât see everyday," said Tom. "You'll be sick of mountains by the time weâre done here," said Jim. "Why?" âBecause, we'll have to climb them." "Oh." "Look, itâs snowing!" said Jenny. Large clumps of snow began to lightly float down to earth. Jim directed them to a nearby cavern. The snow made the rocks slick and icy so the cows, because of their hooves, had no grip. Soon the winds started picking up and the cows would have got stuck inside the blizzard. The snow started to blow into the cave. Jim had the cows huddle together for warmth. Jim knew that the snow would end soon. It was the wrong time of year for blizzards. Still there was a chance. An hour passed and snow finally stopped. The cows continued on through the snow. The snow made travel slow but did not stop it. The cows reached the town two hours later than it should have taken, exhausted. Jim got all the climbing gear with an hour to spare before having to leave. The cows went around to different shops and just hung out. They left an hour later and made less trouble getting down to their new cabin because a lot of the snow had melted. The cows slept long into the morning getting all the rest they could get. Climbing started tomorrow.