I came across this after having a dream during my vacation to the Green Mountains in Vermont. I had a wonderful dream about a girl, and I can remember it pretty well, which is rare because most people forget their dreams after an hour or two. The point is, I looked up this page in desperation to find new dreams. I think it's a wonderful idea, and for those of you interested I'd love to read your stories.
There really aren't any rules, just try and write down the dream as soon as you get the chance. If you want to talk about what the dream means to you or even elaborate more in a longer story, then that'd be awesome.
I'll get to work on mine ASAP. I should have a version up in a little while. I think I might write a short book about it.
I find myself in a new room. There's a party going on, and everyone has a drink in their hands and a smile on their faces. I look around me, first myself. As usual, I'm wearing dark blue carpenter jeans and red Chuck Taylor's with blue laces. I have my green Aquabats t-shirt on as well. Anyway, I'm just sitting on the couch, listening to the music, talking to people walking by. Then I see some more people open the door. I couldn't remember any of them except for her. She was short, like me. Probably an inch shorter than me, let's call it 5'4. She had gorgeous wavy black hair, with a reddish tint in the dimmed lights of the old house in Cabot, VT. She had a wonderful smile on her face, and it lit me up right away. She had these light, mellow, hazel eyes that went around the room and stopped on me. Her smile died down and we locked eyes for several seconds, and then she developed a grin of satisfaction, highlighting her cheeks and flat little nose. She started to walk towards me, and vision started to go fuzzy.
All I can remember after that is we talked and talked, then we went outside and just sat together, then she just said my name and as I turned towards her she kissed me. The dream made it seem like we kissed for a while, then she had to go. She got into a car and drove off over a hill into the sunset. That's when the dream ended, right as the car disappeared just as the sun was.
I think I'm going to write a book about this. Maybe a sci-fi/romance combo.
As a kid, I used to dream about this repeatedly and it freaked me out. I was myself, walking in my city's street. Then I would open the backdoor of a store and it would lead me in a carpet storehouse where was a 3 meters tall blue alien chicken..with white spots. It layed eggs by a hole in its head so yes, it was freaky. Et Voila! Fin!
That's strange. I had a recurring dream from the extent of my memory till about 7. I would jump out of bed and run directly through my door, then jog down the hallway. I would then throw myself down the stairs, and time would slow down. I'd be falling for about 5 minutes, then right before I'd hit the pottery cat at the bottom, I'd wake up in my bed bouncing up and down on my back. It was freaky.
I've been trying to start a dream journal for awhile. I think this is an excellent thread, and sincerely hope it isn't moved to the tavern, as I think the fiction of the unconscious is just as original and personal as other fiction. Not to mention the necessary personal sentiments that go into interpreting dreams into words.
I have two recent dreams committed to memory, but one is partially forgotten, thus broken and incoherent.
The other, I'd rather not mention for the time being. I'm not one for trying to find the meanings of dreams (okay, yes I am, but it rarely works), but in this instance, the metaphor is so apparent that I fear I'd be saying too much.
If I have any cool dreams that I remember/write down, I'll try to post them!
I have always have a romance dream within a week or two after a break-up, and I had a really bad one last week. So I guess it's just my unconscious way of keeping my mind on other things.
Here's a new dream. Very, very strange. I'll just go over the characters first (not using real names to protect identities. There are lots of creepers out there)
Me- me Alvin - my uncle Joey - his friend Dave - my sister's friend Dan and Peter - my sister's other friends
I can't remember how the dream started out, it just did. There was a big party up at a new house across the street from my aunt's house, and Alvin, Joey and I were just shooting some hoops. One time Joey airballed really bad, and Alvin said, "5 bucks for who gets that ball". We both took off. It bounced across the street, then rolled down the hill. Dave had already started chasing after, and he got a head start. Eventually, the ball turned into a giant cap gun somehow, and he picks it up. Then we emerge out of the trees into a large lot, with a giant stage off to our right and a field to our front and left. Dave runs into the field, and we find all of my sister's friends (including Dan and Peter) just sitting in a circle. Dave fires off a round above his head, and Dan and Peter go tackle him and throw him down another hill, and I'm keeling over laughing. It ends like that.
It's very strange. I started laughing hysterically when I got up. It seems like if you wake up and remember your dream, its best to at the least write down the characters and key points in the plot, so you can just lounge or sleep more and then remember what you dreamed later on.