To listen to my music, please visit this link. [url=] My music is the first section. If you'd like you can listen to my partner's music as well. We both are aspiring composer's and wish to get working on some flash projects. If you are working on a project currently, please email me at Thank you.
Jisun Hughes Baek Ji Sound Corps. Senior Audio Composer
I really would like to work on a project with a very talented flash artist. If you are interested, please message me and I will work with you on your new project. You can go to to view my music. Thank you
Jisun Hughes Baek Ji Sound Corps. Senior Audio Composer
hey chuold you right some for my game the wil be about abad science exsperiment that can kill ever thing in its path and is going to kill the peopl who made him plz post the like here wenh done thxs