People assume I got it all. That I have a Great family and a Great life. I'm confident, maybe over-confident. Still, that is what they think.
My surname is "Li". That is what makes the world press down on my shoulder. My clan, magic runs throught their veins. Everyone of them, except me.
What makes it harder is that I'm the only boy in our family, and I'm considered to be a DIRECT descendant from the inventor and teacher of magic. That means I have to keep the family's name in glory, and that is the only reason they have not yet completely banished me.
.........But how could I do that If I don't have magic?
Everytime, I felt like I was nobody. Like I'm the odd one out. "Kun" means universe. Perhaps I'm alone in my own universe.
I don't have any magical powers. I'm not like them...I'm...different. It never seemed quite fair. The only time I would feel close to my family was with pretending magic. Shooting a rock at a bale of hay and it catches fire. Of course I knew it was my father.
My family would always not let me go to social gatherings. They say "I'm too special". But deep inside I do know that they are only ashamed of me. They are too ashamed of their own son.
I covered up how I felt. I acted arrogant because I was afraid the others would sense my feelings and look at them as weaknesses. I wasn't like that all the time; sometimes I really did feel confident. Sometimes I just overlooked it and tried not to think about it...sometimes I was jealous, but after seeing how my family just rolled their eyes, I tried not to. I didn't want them to look down on me.
Now that I'm 10, My family is sending me to Japan, so that I can spend my "enlightment" there. It is our family tradition for a ten year old boy to finally receive all of the magic that he meant to have. They said that I should spend it in Japan just to "see something new". But I know they just want that to happen so that our relatives don't see how weak I am.
"Naomi is a fire elemental user too?" I thought to myself.
"Thank you for your hospitality Tamika, but I need to go home." I said to her.
"I don't think that is such a good Idea Li, you just woke up and you might get attacked again. Can't you call somebody to pick you up?" she said worriedly.
"Its okay Takumi." I said to her, hoping not too disappoint her."And besides, it is already dark. Chang might be worried sick about me."
"Okay then. Just call me when you need anything." she said as she gave me a piece of paper containing numbers."
"Don't worry. I will call you if I have a question." I said, standing up, and walked straight to the door.
"Thank you Takumi." I said with me looking and touching the door knob.
As I went outside her house, I discovered that it really was dark now. I looked at my wristwatch, and saw the little hand of it pointing at ten.
So I ventured home. Even though I'm new to the place, I am a good geographical observer. House was near. Through the dark streets and pavements, I walked. Every step I felt the cold breeze of the air. It was chilling.
I grabbed my red handkerchief which was on my left pocket and tied it around my neck, constraining the collar, so that it can prevent the cold wind from entering my body. It solved my problem for a moment, but the wind was just too strong. All I felt was a little comfort, which has soon gone away.
After walking for about a mile, I reached the mansion. As I stood and looked at the gigantic house, I shook off the little dirt and pebbles that accidentally got on my pants. Then I pushed the little button at the side of the gate, and the bell rang. A few moments later, I saw a dash of light and then a shadow, and then a figure appeared. As he got close to me, I realized that it was Chang, and he opened the gate for me.
"Master! What happened to you?" asked Chang curiously. I stepped inside the house. "Chang it's a long story. Is supper ready?" "Yes Master." He replied. "Have you eaten already?"
"No Master, I couldn't eat without you." He answered. "Chang How many times do I have to tell you to eat without me? Its bad for your health."
Chang looked at me with a sad face...
I stepped up to the third floor to my room, and changed clothes. My body was a mess. Bruises were brutal. Good thing it was slightly covered up by my clothes. If Chang saw it, he would become worried.
Chang came with a small table in his hands. "Master Please eat."
And so I ate, and retired for bed.
Chapter VI: The second day
Huh? Oh my alarm, I realized as I pressed the small button at the top of it. I got up bed, and wore my uniform. I went down, ate breakfast with Chang (oooh! Japanese foods great *sarcasm*)
I took my bike. Limo would get me much attention.
So I pressed my feet to pedal, and went to school. It was still early, 5:00. I arrived at our classroom and saw my classmates chit chatting.