Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
I think I'm the only one that actually listened to you. I haven't talked at all since you said that and my eyes haven't left the chicken! Dragon do good?
Wow. If we keep this up, this will get locked. But now we can't really go back to a topic. Anyways, I would kill that chicken, stuff it, and put it on display in my house.
Nice thread name change. Speaking of spam, what has also made me sad is all this uncontributory talking. I know that this is the lounge thread, but please stop mentioning something that doesn't do anything to help the conversation or entertain other users. Good example: "I know something amazing to talk about : CHUCK NORRIS!" This was contributed by an anonymous user that decided to show you how not to things properly. His or Her example shows you that mentioning something talked about by hundreds of WOSP's (Waste Of Space People) does nothing to prove that they have no question to spur that chosen subject, and most likely no knowlege at all of the unneeded subject conveyed by the comment. However, you can also find help on how to not wreck a thread here: http:/community/thread/6768665/psssttthey-you-read-this-or-asherlees-guide-to-not-getting-your-thread-locked